Dead to the World - Sacrifice by A. K. Denic - HTML preview

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Chapter 18 - First Blood

‘’When will they be here already?! Nemesis!’’ Dalterion said menacingly, not

intimidated by the older man, hooded from head to toe in darkness. Not even his face

was visible, even though it wasn’t covered.

‘’Soon, Dalterion. Have patience. Your father promised me your obedience

and cooperation, so please, do not anger me nor waste my time with trivial matters’’

Dalterion stood up from the chair and glared at the man, his eyes never


‘’Yes he did, you do not have to rub it into my face, old man. My own men are

losing respect for me, their commander, because of you! Yet you haven’t done

anything to prove your value, except leading the monsters which are already tied up

in collars!’’ Dalterion shot at him again.

‘’Boy!’’ the man yelled angrily. ‘’Do not test my patience!’’ Dalterion cringed

slightly, almost unnoticeable. ‘’I myself have the power to wipe out your whole army,

so you better think about how you act towards me. Is that clear?’’ he said, but was

greeted by an eerie silence. ‘’Is that clear?!’’ he yelled again, Dalterion flinching at the

power of his voice. Lucky for him, there was no one there to see his torture. He

wasn’t used to be treated like that, no matter whom. He would make sure to let the

old man suffer before he died, longing for the moment more than life. Dalterion

stormed out of the tent, crossing a hundred meters in mere seconds what it seemed

to his own, surrounded by a host of guards, loyal to him directly. Upon entering, he

noticed his general was already there, drinking wine by the bottles, a few scattered

on the table already empty. Dalterion stomped towards his seat and sat down,

heavily, wearily, angrily.

‘’I can not stand the sight of that man!’’ he snapped in a hushed voice. ‘’I want

him dead before all of this is over, but make sure of it, first we will torture the life out

of him, and then kill him’’.

‘’What did you have in mind?’’ general Brice asked, a sly smile painted on his

dark face. He was already drunk, but it didn’t seem he intended to stop drinking any

time soon. ‘’Anything specific?’’

‘’Nothing yet, but i will think of something already, be sure of that Brice.

Speaking of which, why do you torture yourself with that cheap horse piss. It tastes

Godawful’’ Dalterion exclaimed with obvious disgust written all over his face.

‘’Because it beats water. No other reason, my lord’’ Brice answered. Dalterion

waved off his comment as he hadn’t even spoken.

‘’Whatever. What do you propose for our course of action against Nemesis?’’

Dalterion asked. Brice seemed to ponder over the question for a long time, and some

twenty seconds later he replied.

‘’How about we get the enemy to do our work for us? If they are as strong as

our briefing suggested, which i heavily doubt, but still, if they are, and somehow

manage to wound him badly, but he still survives, we then take advantage over the

wounding and abduct him somewhere private. Sounds good?’’ Brice said hopefully.

‘’Hmm. It does, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I’m not used to other

people doing my work. I do what i need to do myself, or, well, i pay people to do it for

me. Not have the enemy do it. You know, general?’’ Dalterion asked confusedly.

‘’No matter, my lord. The main thing is that he will die. How, is rather not so

important. You want him dead, so, he will die.’’ Brice said, slamming the cup of wine

on the table, breaking it into many shards. The two chuckled and spoke on for a while

longer, not aware they were being listened to.

The little spider crawled down the tent and through the sand, turning into a

sand scorpion, scurrying away towards his master. A few minutes later he arrived at

the Nemesis’s feet, running up his leg and onto the table. After a few moments and

nods from Nemesis, it turned to sand and then disappeared wholly.

‘’So you will try something, after all. Foolish boy’’ Nemesis said as he smirked

at his own deviousness. Nothing happened if he didn’t will it. He was a God among

men, after all. He controlled monsters, magic, wielded a great amount of power. Even

better, he had developed his own personal favourite skill, absolute zero. A barrier

that held everything it touched back. Any force something exerted upon it reflected

backwards at the wielder many times over. The greater the power exerted upon the

barrier, the bigger the recoil. Satisfied everything was in place for tomorrow, he went

to sleep. A little army of tiny beings were scattered all around him, keeping watch

over him, making sure no one or nothing would harm him whilst asleep. Tomorrow,

tomorrow would be a good day. He would finally see what had become of his son, his

own half God in the making.

The allied army was taking up position the day after Kane’s group arrived. The

soldiers went in formation and the ranks were swelled to the fullest in anticipation of

the upcoming battle. The day would prove to be very fit for battle, as the weather was

perfect. Clouds every now and then painting the sky grey, a soft wind cooling down

anyone caught in its breeze, the sun shone its rays gently down to the earth. Kane

and his group were sitting around a makeshift campfire, discussing the upcoming

battle once more, whilst observing the enemy formations getting ready for battle.

Walfrid was sitting also with them, even though he wouldn’t be joining into the battle

with them. His hundred soldiers had made camp just about twenty meters to their

side, tents erected, small fires lit up, groups of soldiers roasting meat and drinking.

‘’The number we are facing is quite big. In fact, it is huge. Do you think we can

actually win?’’ Gabriel stressed. Kane, obviously annoyed answered him.

‘’You think anything on this planet can stop me, or even better, the four of us?

No, don’t answer that question. Obviously, there isn’t anything that can’’ Kane

replied. Gabriel frowned as annoyed at Kane’s rebuke, but remained silent.

‘’You are taking this too lightly, my lord. Just look at those numbers. Look at

the monster group. There’s a dozen of fully grown monsters, big ones! And what is

up with that sketchy group at the rear, cloaked in black. Are they sorcerers? Or

forgers as the scout had reported? One lucky hit and the battle is over for us!’’

Gabriel almost yelled back. Kane sighed and put up a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder

and sighed again.

‘’I know. I am not almighty. But if you think i will not risk my life to save the

kingdom and the countless of other possible victims that would be raped, pillaged,

killed or tortured, you are thinking wrong’’

‘’No one said that. I am here with you to stop them, am i not?’’ Gabriel replied

back. The six women that joined them earlier gasped at the way Gabriel was talking

to Kane, a duke and the future king. Herald was taken aback as well, not thinking that

Kane would let it slip.

‘’Anyway, to get back to the topic at hand’’ Kane said taking his hand off

Gabriels shoulder, ‘’The way i thought how to do this, myself and Gabriel will charge

in head on, together with the trio and the soldiers will protect the ladies here,

including Herald’’ Kane chuckled. All he got back from the group was a cold stare.

‘’Oh come on, we aint here to die. We are here to win! Anyway, you will be protecting

the ladies here who will summon a bunch of Abyss golems to battle the monsters’’

Kane said, looking over at Walfrid.

‘’I think that they aren’t as stupid enough to throw away their lives for nothing.

When they see they are outmatched i hope they will retreat’’ Kane said, sighing

again. A lot of burden was falling on his shoulders. They were just about to offer

Egeryon a lot of sacrifices. And a lot of power. What would happen afterwards, they

would have to wait and see. ‘’Can you do that? Janine? Rasiela?’’ Kane asked.

‘’Of course we can’’ they said in unison, chuckling afterwards. Alpha growled

once and stood up, walking to and standing behind Kane in a protective posture. A

lone rider was approaching their camping spot, waving a white flag. They all stood up

and walked over towards the man. He got off of his horse a dozen meters away and

walked towards Kane, holding out a scroll in front of him.

‘’I have a message from his majesty, to whomever it may concern’’ the man

said as he stopped a meter in front of them, speaking with a heavy accent.

‘’Kane, hereby i offer you to start working for me, instead of against me. Your

parents have been very useful already, and i imagine with you and sister dearest at

our side we would be able to rule the whole world. Everything and everyone would

bow to our rule. I would make you the commander of all the armies and no one would

even think of resisting us. More than anything, your parents are ready to welcome

you into their embrace. You have proven to be very worthy of their trust which they

have put in you. Now show them the proper respect and help them with returning to

where you belong. Awaiting you at our camp at your soonest notion’

‘’Is that it?’’ Kane asked after the man finished.

‘’Yes sir, it is. What is your reply?’’ he asked almost sarcastically, obviously

oblivious to Kane and his group. Kane frowned in annoyance and looked over at

Alpha, who sneezed at the moment.

‘’So… awkward, this situation’’ Kane said and put up his arm, palm facing the

man. A number of blades appeared all around them and one of them pierced the

man’s head, flying him almost all the way over down the hill towards the enemy's

front lines. Alpha bowed next to Kane, letting him on, knowing what he was planning.

Kane got on and they rode downhill towards the enemy line. Within seconds of the

man touching the ground, Kane and Alpha were standing a hundred meters in front

of the enemy lines, which were scuddling around, getting into formation, assuming

Kane was attacking head on. Kane then got off and walked a few more steps towards

the enemy front line and stood still, motionless, looking at the sky.

‘’There is no wind, and i count a thousand wide. I will drop ten of their lines.

Look and be amazed, my other half’’ kane said, putting up his hands. The soldiers

looked at eachother, started laughing in amazement. Had the man given up without a

fight? Then, they noticed shadows looming down on them, as more and more blades

appeared, small groups morphing into bigger, sharper blades. The air around them

was vibrating violently and the earth was shaking from the vacuum the blades were

making, tearing out pieces of grass and ground beneath them, drawing them into the

air. A tree close by, a brute a few meters in diameter and about hundred in height got

ripped out of the grounds, roots a few meters deep, hanging beneath it. The blades

shredded the tree into pieces, whirling the sharp splinters and stakes unintentionally

created by the vacuum. Suddenly the wood was getting lined up behind the blades

and Kane looked back, seeing Janine walking down the hill, one hand raised and her

eyes focused on the wood. He smiled proudly, seeing how good she had become in

such a short while. The blades stopped rotating in mid-air, ground and debris falling

all around Kane, the blades lining into a formation about fifty meters above his head.

Kane Raised both of his hands straight up, looking towards the blades and then

towards the lines. The next moment was a blur of motions, the blades flashing in

front of him towards the enemy lines. Not knowing what was happening, a group of

the soldiers front lines were instantly decimated, dropping like flies. The blades

shredding throats, legs, arms, hands, heads. Bodies were littered all over the front

lines, a good five rows deep into the formation. Instant death upon almost five

thousand soldiers. The carnage was spectacular, rows of dead soldiers scattered at

the front lines, missing limbs, gutted, beheaded or if lucky, just stabbed. Unlucky for

the soldiers that were in the next row, the wooden shredders that came next were as

deadly as the blades, pieces of wood embedding themselves into soldiers heads,

eyes, necks, torsos. A horrible show of force, Kane knew, but one necessary. Kane

looked over at Janine and nodded, satisfied. He hoped they would be discouraged by

everything that just happened, but no, they stood still, as if drugged. The ones who

weren’t hit stood straight up, not moving, waiting for orders. Instead of orders, the

figure hoarding the monsters came forward and put up a sort of translucent shield in

front of them.

Kane, interested in what he was doing, summoned a bigger blade and flung it

again at the troops, but the blade fell harmlessly to the ground, a meter in front of the

lone figure who was keeping both of his hands out in front of him.

''Scary'' Alpha mused, getting a nasty look from Kane.

`Òn whose side are you anyway?'' Kane barked angrily. Alpha growled in


''Did your pride get hurt, boy?'' He snarled at Kane who just looked away


''That man might prove to be a problem, one that could put a twist to our easy

plan. Do you think he is the pressure you were feeling?" Kane asked.

‘’Most likely. His power just spiked and dwindled down again after your blade

hit his barrier’’

‘’All right. Let us go back to our camp and see what they will do next. Let them

bury or burn their dead’’ Kane said as he, Alpha and Janine walked up the slope

towards their little camp. Alpha and Janine walked up behind him. They looked at

each other once and shook their heads, reading each others thoughts easily. They all

sat around the makeshift table and chairs, in silence for a long time. There was a

dark mood setting, Kane’s feelings projecting onto the others as well and his hunger

for more, which was emanating from within him, from Egeryon. After what seemed an

eternity, Kane stood up and looked over the battlefield, as the soldiers were carrying

off their dead and hurling onto a big heap. Carts were carrying the limbs and the

other parts that were scattered around the cold ground. It was a sad sight, Kane

thought to himself. It's not like he started this war, the fools did. But no matter who

did, he was the one who would finish it, painting the ground red with their blood.

‘’Trio, are you guys up for some probing?’’ Kane asked suddenly. All three of

them stood up and walked over to Kane. ‘’Good, go wreak some havoc, not too

much, just to keep up the pressure. If something proves to be too much for you,

come back. Also, Gamma, try and get rid of the black hooded squad at the rear, as

you can fly. No matter what they can do, i don’t want any nasty surprises.

‘’All right’’ the three of them said and rushed off. All three of them went into

battle mode, draining massive power reserves from his and Janine’s magic pool.

‘’One run in only’’ Alpha sent telepathically to Beta and Gamma. ‘’Don’t do

anything foolish, or our masters will have their reserves depleted if we die’’ he added.

As they were nearing the enemy line, which had densed up and a wall had been

erected in meanwhile. A row of large towering shields were put up next to each other,

spears out between the little holes that were left in the chaining process, another row

of shields were standing on top of the spears, pressure keeping everything ringed in

together. If that tactic was used against a normal enemy, another regular army,

things might have been different. Alpha and Beta crashed into the wall of shields and

spears, ripping through with relative ease, but being prodded at with, what to them

seemed toothpicks, but still, toothpicks could damage as well. To prevent from

damage piling up, they kept jumping on top of small groups of soldiers, ripping into

their armour with their massive claws. In the meanwhile, Gamma had flown across

the enemy lines, avoiding arrows and other projectiles and spread his wings, as wide

as seven meters in his new form, every feather being a blade. He dipped down and

flew straight into the hooded line of unknown entities and cut right through them,

disemboweling them or ripping straight through them, their bodies falling in parts next

to their feet. As he passed through them, a jolt of pain went through him and he

barely managed to pull up again, feeling pain in every inch of his body. When he

managed to look himself over, he saw that a chunk of his chest was missing and half

of his left wing, which explained the problem that flying proved to be.

Janine, feeling that something was wrong with Gamma, called him back and

he disappeared. Better save half of his life power and lose only a small part of their

reserves than most of it. Alpha and Beta seeing what happened, went into a frenzy

and into spectre mode, which they had learned to control the night before. They

turned into a ghostly mist slash liquid form which kept spreading itself out around

them among the soldiers, ever further as time passed. Some ten seconds later they

had covered an area of about a square mile, together and suddenly, what seemed

like a giant snout came out of the ground. It opened and rows upon rows and fangs

appeared. It looked like an illusion, but when the mouth closed, another thousand

soldiers disappeared into the void, and in their place a giant Alpha and Beta

appeared, fur’s covered in blood, as if someone had poured buckets over them.

‘’That is enough for now, return’’ Kane motioned to Alpha mentally who just

responded affirmatively back and they rushed outside of the carnage they had

created, running back towards their own line. The soldiers that were lined up behind

Walfrid were staring at the battle being fought in awe, praying that the trio wouldn’t be

harmed. When Gamma had been struck by something, they cringed, as if almost

feeling the pain. Kane and Janine looked at each other, smiling in appreciation.

When Alpha and Beta came up towards them, they cheered and yelled all kinds of

encouraging things, appreciating what they had done for their kingdom. One of the

men walked over to Walfrid and whispered into his ear.

‘’Sir, excuse me. We are wondering why we are even here when the duke’s

group is doing just fine by themselves’’ Walfrid turned around and whispered back.

‘’Kane wanted for my most loyal men to see what they could become, at least

partially that is. He said that the hundred of you will be trained specially’’ The soldier

just nodded, his face lit up.

As the duo stopped in front of Kane they turned to their normal sizes and laid

down, exhausted.

‘’Neat little trick you got there you bad, bad couple’’ Kane said and laughed.

‘’Not only that, but you copied my skill partially, but it looked amazing in execution!’’

Kane yelled excitedly, jumping Alpha and Beta, hugging them, then withdrew as he

saw he made a mistake, as he was also now covered in blood, head to toe.

‘’Idiot’’ Alpha sneezed. Beta coughed as if laughing. The two of them were

ever the same.

‘’What the hell is going on there? My soldiers are being slaughtered by the

thousands in mere instants! You said that you had everything under control,

Nemesis!’’ Dalterion asked, fuming. All he got back was a cold stare. ‘’Explain

yourself!’’ Dalterion roared inside of his tent, staring Nemesis down in a fight of wills.

Nemesis sighed and shook his head.

‘’All right, boy. I will tell you what you can know. Your father and me have a

deal, and part of that deal is a big sacrifice. That sacrifice is this army, or, at least

most of it anyway’’ Dalterion’s eyes went wide at the words coming out of Nemesis’s

mouth, as if mishearing.

‘’You are joking, right?’’ Dalterion asked, still trying to grasp the situation.

‘’No i am not. You see, that man who killed five thousand soldiers has

something inside of him, and i want it for myself. To get it, a lot of people have to die.

You shouldn’t think about it any more, as it is too big of a math for you, my boy’’

Nemesis replied mockingly.

‘’I will not let you kill all of my men’’ Dalterion said through clenched teeth. ‘’I

have spent my life training my armies and getting them ready for this moment. You

will not take that away from me’’

‘’Stupid boy. I guess i will have no other way than to keep you here, busy in

the meantime while i do what is necessary. Your father prohibited me from killing

you, and i will keep my word. To a certain extent’’ he said and roared in laughter.

Suddenly, Dalterion wasn’t able to move his hands, feet, tongue, eyes. It was as if he

had become a living statue. He tried to move, nothing happened, over and over

again. Panic came over him and he began sweating, hyperventilating. ‘’Do not worry.

You will be fine. I will hide you here with a spell so no one can help you until

everything is over. I will return you alive to your father’’ Nemesis said and left the tent

to make arrangements for the next battle, which would be the last one.

‘’Generals, it is time. Get your soldiers in gear. We move out in two hours.

Form two flanks with half of the remaining armies on each side, the monster squad at

the front. Be ready’’ The two generals looked at each other, shrugged and nodded,

walking off towards their respective armies. A lustful smile graced his face, longing

for what he would be getting soon. Soon, Egeryon would be his and the whole world

would tremble in fear. Finally, his wish would become reality. Dead to the world.