Dead to the World - Sacrifice by A. K. Denic - HTML preview

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Chapter 20 - Sacrifice

‘’Hello, my children’’ Nemesis said, looking at Kane and then staring up the

hill, over towards Rasiela, a wicked smile painted all over his face. ‘’O, and fiend. It

would not do to forget you, would it? Egeryon’’ he said again, but this time almost as

if in delight.

‘’What… did… you do… to me… Nemesis’’ Egeryon muttered, barely audible.

He was blocked in every possible way, movement, speech, breathing. Nemesis

allowed him barely enough for sustained survival. More than enough, he thought to

himself. Nemesis’s smile faded as he looked at Egeryon, seriously this time.

‘’You didn’t think i would just put you into a human body without a way to

control you, now did you?’’ he said as a smile appeared on his face again. ‘’I put a

spell on you, and if chanted by anyone who knew it, you would obey and go still the

moment it was spoken. Now, what i am interested in is the following. My son, would

you join your father in world conquest?’’ he said as he sat down on the ground beside

him. A long moment later, he slapped himself on the forehead, sarcastically. ‘’I forgot

you are not in control anymore, my son. How foolish of me. Let me help you out’’ he

said as he said a few words under his breath and Kane regained vocal control for the

time being.

‘’If you get this monster out of me, i will.’’ Kane said without even realizing

what he was saying. Nemesis was taken aback by the blunt response and was at a

loss for words for a few long moments, slowly regaining his composure before


‘’You would, my son? You really would?’’ he asked, wanting to believe it,


‘’Yes, if you undo what you did to me all those years ago. I would even help

you get rid of it, dad’’ Kane said. Nemesis heart pounded in his ears, as loud as the

beat of drums. He had called him dad, or did he just imagine it?

‘’What… did you call me?’’ he asked in disbelief.

‘’I called you dad, father’’ Kane replied calmly. The joy was obvious on

Nemesis’s face. His voice was even warmer, a gentleness about it that wasn’t there

before a moment ago. Kane smiled inside, noting how easy it was to manipulate his

father. Egeryon felt it and tried to do something about it, but Kane was still in control

of his own body, at least, the talking that is.

‘’If i separate you from Egeryon, do you promise to stay by your parents side

from then on? I will make you regret it if you go back on your word, my son’’ Nemesis

said again, a serious tone to his statement.

‘’Yes, father, i will, if my friends can be with me and my wife. Is that alright with

you?’’ Kane replied.

‘’I guess so. As long as they can stand their ground. We do not have any use

for weaklings. Enough of them out there.’’

‘’Thank you, father. Please do so.’’ Kane replied. Nemesis walked over to him

and took a black stone out of his backpack. The stone was swirling in the air, black

as the night, floating just above his hand.

‘’Fiend, by your name, the name you respond to. The name you were created

by, Aeonirad. I release you from the vessel and bind you to this prison. This prison i

bind you to is eternal and we will be bound by it. You are mine now, for all eternity’’

nemesis chanted, almost singing the words. Kane’s stiff body crashed to the ground

and went limp. He felt the control coming back to him, slowly, drop by drop. First the

fingers, the hands and then the rest. Half a minute later Kane was back on his feet

and was walking backwards slowly while Nemesis was busy with sealing Aeonirad,

as he called him. Kane was hopeful that he could escape to his group and then run,

but he had his doubts. Removing souls and sealing them, releasing control over

someones body. It smelled like ancient magic and very dirty. As Aeonirad was finally

sealed within the stone and the whirlwind of blackness faded from around Nemesis

and the stone he was holding, Kane turned around and sprinted back towards his

group. Nemesis noticed it too late to stop him instantly, but he didn't seem to care

very much about the fact. He turned around, nonchalantly and strode towards the

back, whistling, holding the big black stone in his hand. The soldiers all around him

were stunned, not knowing what happened just now. One moment the enemy soldier

was thinning out their lines and the other he was running, their own ace retreating

towards the back of the formations.

Kane was running up the hill as fast as his legs would carry him, eager to bring

Janine the good news. As he ran up, they backed up from him, defensive in stance.

Then he remembered that Egeryon was holding sway over his body just moments

before, and backed off slightly himself.

‘’Its me, Kane’’ he said enthusiastically. ‘’The fiend is gone! My father has

taken him away, finally i am free of his curse!’’ Kane cried out in joy. Janine lowered

her guard and ran over to him, jumping in his arms, crying tears of joy.

‘’Is it really true? And what was that about your father?’’ Janine asked. Rasiela

barged in and talked instead.

‘’Was it really our father? If so, and he has taken Egeryon from you, we are in

bigger trouble than you can imagine, brother. He will probably try to infuse himself

with it! What do you think he will use it for, then?’’ she said accusingly, as if Kane had

a choice in the matter.

‘’Well, in that case, we will stop him. I planned to all along, but this way we

have even more reason to‘’ Kane replied hastily. ‘’Speaking of which, i think we might

have a problem’’ he added.

‘’What problem?!’’ Janine and Rasiela yelled in unison, then looked at each

other and chuckled.

‘’Well, i kind of promised him we will join him if he rid me of that fiend’’ Kane

said slowly.

‘’You did what?!’’ they yelled at him again, Gabriel just staring at him,

confusedly, Alpha doing the same.

‘’What do you mean, join him?’’ Rasiela asked, waving her fist in front of his

face, threateningly.

‘’Hold your horses, woman. He said if i would forgive him and join him, you all

would be free to as well and would be spared. Now that i think of it, when in control i

am the strongest person in the world. Why fear him. Ill just go down myself now and

kill him, be done with it’’ Kane said and started walking down the slope. He tried

summoning up the countless swords, but nothing happened. He stopped walking,

concentrated and tried again. Nothing happened again. Frustrated he drew on the

power that was coursing between him and Janine. A few daggers appeared around

him, spinning wildly in all directions. He drew a bit more of their shared magic and

some more daggers appeared. A few tries later, the daggers were up to a score, but

draining their magic pool as fast as the abyss golems were, roughly about a few

percent per tenth-hour he felt. What the hell is happening? Janine strode up at that

moment and took his hand in hers.

‘’What is happening?’’ she asked questioningly.

‘’I… do not know. I can’t even summon a fraction of the blades i used to this

morning, even with drawing from our combined magical pool. Speaking of which,

hasn’t it become smaller? Or is it just me?’’ Kane replied. She looked up at him,


‘’Now that you say it, it sure seems like it. Does it have anything to do with

Egeryon?’’ she asked.

‘’Yes it has’’ Rasiela said as the rest of them walked up to Kane and Janine.

‘’Egeryon was the sole reason why you could do all of those things. Sure, you have

some stones and a magnificent soul power, but it was actually him who gave you all

the destructive force. At least, that’s what my demon is saying. I doubt she is lying

though’’ Rasiela said.

‘’What?’’ Kane yelled with a high pitched tone, drawing some strange glances

from his group. ‘’Then how the hell can i kill my father? He was already on par with

me with Egeryon around, but now, how the hell am i supposed to fight him?!’’ he

yelled, almost hysterically. No one answered for a moment.

‘’Drain me’’ Alpha said. ‘’I have gathered a lot of power and a lot of sacrifices

today. Just today, my power went up tenfold after devouring all the dead soldiers and

monsters’’ Alpha added.

‘’Huh?’’ Kane said. ‘’Explain what you mean, Alpha’’ Alpha sat down and

stared at him, right into his eyes and spoke again.

‘’You can absorb me any time now, if you wish. I do not mind. My purpose was

gathering power for when this day came. Your father made sure of it’’ Alpha said

calmly. Kane was staring at him, mouth wide open, not believing what he was


‘’So basically you were summoned by Nemesis to be used as a power bank?’’

Kane asked in return.

‘’Yes. Though, i think he was planning to use me for himself, not for you. Now

that Egeryon is gone, there are no barriers preventing me to tell you what i know. Do

you want to absorb me or just listen to what i have to say?’’ Alpha asked.

‘’Listen of course!’’ Kane yelled at him. ‘’Idiot, i couldn’t stand losing you’’

‘’You wouldn’t lose me. I will always be there. I am part of you, you couldn’t get

rid of me even if you would want to. Idiot. You think i'll just go away and that’s it?

Hah! You’re sorely mistaken if you think so!’’ Alpha laughed out as he made fun of

Kane, trying to get his mood up, failing miserably in the process. ‘’Look, Kane. Your

father, our father put me up as a failsafe with a time limiter of a year to gather as

much power and sacrifices as possible and then separate from you, going back to

him, killing you in the process. You and me can not be separated for longer than 24

hours. You didn’t just drag me anywhere you want to because you wanted me

around, instinctively you knew i had to be near you. Not to protect you, well, not only,

but our lifeline is very thin and short. A mere day and night and you would die, me

following you within a moon, maybe faster, depending on how much power i had

stored. The power i have stored today, killing the people i did and the monsters, i

have stored about a year’s worth. That was your father’s intention, bringing this war

here, the soldiers as sacrifices for him, either through me or through that demon that

betrayed us’’ Alpha splayed himself onto the ground and laid on his back, kicking up

air with his paws. The group looked at him, first strangely and then burst out in


‘’What the hell are you doing, idiot?’’ Kane barked at him. ‘’Kicking up the air?’’

‘’No’’ Alpha replied, almost smiling. ‘’I’m scratching my back, idiot.’’ he said in

return to Kane. Kane slapped himself in the face and shook his head in disbelief.

Below was an army, still maybe thirty thousand strong, regrouping and forming lines

again under cracking whips and a caster battle group keeping them in check from the

sides and back line. Beside the massive amount of forces still present, his father,

Nemesis was there, even stronger than before, now in possession of Egeryon. No

one could imagine the power he now wielded.

‘’Look’’ Gabriel said, breaking the moment of silence. Everyone turned towards

where his finger was pointing, holding one of their binocular sets. They all looked and

focused on the lone figure standing there. A black fog was rising up from the ground,

all around him. The air currents crackled with electricity, vibrating. Then everything

disappeared into a blinding light. A lone figure rising into the air. He was demonic by

look, and if they didn’t know better, they wouldn’t have guessed who it was.

Unfortunately, they knew who it was. Nemesis was floating up to the sky, slowly, in

his new form. He looked half demon like, half human. Maybe the word human didn’t

apply anymore, as all that remained was a human shape of the body, nothing else.

His face was misshapen, contorted into a black mess with a big eye above his nose

and long teeth protruding from the small slit that used to be his mouth. Two horns

were facing to the sides of his head, one going slightly up and the other pointing

down. One of his arms was seemingly human, still, yet the other was a monstrosity,

longer than a meter and thick as a tree trunk, sharp talons instead of his fingers. His

legs were unusually thin, tho one of his feet was warped again, as was his arm, thick

and massive. He looked like a being from hell, bred from a demon and a human.

Suddenly he flew straight towards them. They barely had time to get into battle

stances, and for Alpha to get up from his scratching. Kane launched himself at the

monster summoning two blades, swinging them from the sides towards the middle,

going for a decapitation. Instead of landing two hits, Nemesis hit Kane squarely in the

face, sending him flying backwards, landing on top of Alpha, splaying him onto the


‘’U went back… on your… word… son. I… have to punish… you my boy...’’ he

stuttered. His speech was mangled as was his whole body. It sounded like a stone

was trying to talk and failed, miserably. Everyone was stunned into submission by the

sheer power exerting from Nemesis, shaking, teeth chattering. ‘’Who.. do you

choose… to die in… your stead… my boy’’ he said again. The sudden statement

sent Kane’s thoughts racing, thinking of what to do. Nothing came to his mind, as he

wasn’t even able to move, let stand fight back. Suddenly, a calm overflowed Kane

and the strain disappeared from his body. Janine’s thoughts sinking into his. She was

pouring all of her magic reserves into his body, letting him tap into her recently

acquired magic stone. Suddenly, he could stand again and he summoned his dual

sword, but this time they were glowing, a purple flaming colour, as if on fire.

‘’I see… you have made… your choice… boy’’ Nemesis said again, looking

over at Janine, a wicked smile appeared on his face, gory teeth showing. Panic

struck Kane again, afraid for her life.

‘’I will not let you bring any harm to her, nor anyone i love, father. You got what

you wanted, that damn demon. Leave us be! You have done nothing for me or my

sister except bringing us pain. Do something for us, at least once in your life. Leave

in peace, father!’’ Kane yelled. A frown appeared on Nemesis face, as if insulted by

Kane’s words.

‘’I let… you decide who… dies. Isn’t that… something?’’ he said and smiled

again. Kane had enough and he rushed his father, lunging straight forward, slashing

wildly, without any plan. A glancing blow to his right horn, left big arm, then a

deflecting blow by his human arm, which was hard as steel. Kane was momentarily

stunned by seeing the arm deflect his blow, imbued by magic power. Nemesis leaned

backward and sent Kane flying with a thrust of his normal leg, the hit breaking Kanes

left arm, as he brought it up in time to protect his chest. A dozen meter away Kane

landed into a slab of marble, an audible crack could be heard, of his spine breaking.

‘’Shit. Is this it? Am i going to die here?’’ he murmured to himself, blood

gushing down his face and from his broken arm. Nemesis appeared right in front of

him instantly, as if teleporting. He brought his left, metal arm down and cut a part off

of Kane’s already broken hand. Kane screamed in agony as blood spewed from his

wound. All he could think of was, if only my spine wasn’t broken. Suddenly, another

crack sounded off and his spine readjusted itself, depleting all of his and Janine’s

magic reserves. The stone started growing threads which were enveloping the end of

his cut off arm, slowly at the start but soon the blood was stemmed. Nemesis looked

down at his son and shook his head, grinning all the while.

‘’What a shame... that you turned out like... you did, my son. Now, i will…

punish you for… your insolence. Good bye… my son’’ Nemesis said as his arm

raised up, turning into a sharp blade. An instant later it struck Kanes raised up arm

and cleaved it off about a dozen centimeters beneath the shoulder. The only reason

Nemesis hadn’t cut Kane in half was Alpha, who used his full body weight to hit

Nemesis, making him miss by centimeters and just wounding Kane grievously. Blood

kept on spewing out of his shoulder, muscles, tendons and skin were hanging loose,

making for a gory spectacle. Everyone present was unable to even draw a single

breath, let stand help Kane. Tears were streaking down Janine’s cheeks, her sobs


‘’Am i going to witness it again? Losing my loved ones? Losing my soul reason

for being? If there is a higher deity, please help me. Help Kane, i beg of you!’’ Janine

said to herself, still no sound coming out of her mouth. Kanes lips twitched a bit and a

small, weak smile set itself upon his face.

‘’Janine, my love. I am sorry that it had to be this way’’ Kane sent her a mental

message. ‘’If you somehow make it through this, don’t try to avenge me, just run and

live your life out as you can. The only regret i have, is that i didn’t leave you with

child, but, maybe it’s better that way. I’d hate to see it grow up without a father’’

Kane paused for a few moments, the pain unbearable. Nemesis looked over

towards Janine in the meanwhile, figuring out they were talking mentally but not

knowing what about, which angered him. He turned his body towards her and started

moving, slowly, wanting the dread to set in. When he saw her face grow in shock,

even more than it already was and her struggle to get free, he shuddered in pleasure.

‘’Do not even think, i will allow you to hurt her’’ Kane said, figuring out what

Nemesis was up to.

‘’When i clash with him, i will use all of my force to break all of you free. Take

that moment and run. Promise me that you will leave, no matter what and i won’t take

no for an answer. You must live, for my sake, Janine’’ Kane sent her mentally again.

A few tears streaked down his cheek as he tried to stand up. At that moment Alpha

managed to get up and helped Kane stand.

‘’Let us do this, brother’’ Alpha said.

‘’Brother, huh?’’ Kane said. ‘’Sounds better than calling you my second self,

haha’’ Kane stood up slowly with Alpha’s help and leaned on him with his one hand.

The pain could be seen in his eyes as he fought to stand. Nemesis turned back

towards them and gave them a questioning look, as if asking, are you serious? Kane

and Alpha just looked at each other, understanding what they were going to do. A

few long moments nothing happened and then power started flowing from Alpha into

Kane. Another few moments later Kane stood on his own feet and was, to their

amazement feeling better. At least he seemed to as he was hopping around .

‘’Did you tell them?’’ Kane asked Janine. She nodded, still sobbing like mad.

‘’But i don’t want to!’’ she yelled at him. A smile appeared on his face, as

gentle as he could muster it.

‘’I rather have you remember me as i stood my ground one last time, giving my

everything for you, than to see you die here with me. Promise me that you will do

what i asked of you’’ Kane said again. She looked down to the ground and nodded,

not connecting with his eyes.

‘’She will’’ a voice broke in. It was Rasiela who spoke to them, mentally, joining

in on the conversation. ‘’We will make her if she tries to refuse’’ she said again,

sorrow in her tone. Kane lastly looked over to Gabriel and nodded his head. Gabriel

was holding off his tears and pain at his friend’s demise, but he could not hold it any

longer. He burst out in tears and yelled at the top of his lungs, but there was no

sound coming out of his mouth. Just a sadness that could be felt everywhere around


‘’I will protect her with my life, even if i die here beside you, i will give my life

for her, my friend, my mentor, my brother. I am honored to have known you’’ Gabriel

said, moving his lips. Kane understood and nodded at him, in thanks. Nothing left

was there to be said as Kane closed his eyes and a sudden mental surge freed them

from their prison, the air rippling and cracking all around him. Nemesis was stunned

momentarily, not expecting such a strong surge to come out of his son, when

moments ago he was dying. Gabriel ran immediately towards Janine, hit her in her

guts, sending her world spinning, she lost all sense of sight and hearing. The last

thing she saw was Kane’s smile and his gentle expression, looking into her eyes,

saying ‘’I love you’’. Tears kept going down her face as she knew that was the last

time she would see him, her only love, her husband, her lover, her saviour. Why did

that man want to take everything away from her as if it was nothing? Then, she lost


Nemesis turned around a few times, looking at what was happening, though

not moving, awaiting Kane’s next move. In the meantime Gabriel was carrying Janine

over her shoulder and Rasiela was running after him.

‘’Come on people, move it’’ Gabriel yelled, arriving a minute later at the base

camp. The girls were already packed and ready to run, whilst herald was sitting on

the ground, his back leaning on a big tree. ‘’Herald, move it!’’ Gabriel yelled. Herald

just shook his head slightly and replied.

‘’The vision told me to stay behind. You all will make it, but i need to stay here.

There is something i must do after Kane is dead’’ he said, not a shred of emotion in

his voice.

‘’Are we leaving sir Kane behind, Gabriel?’’ Ruby asked, barging in, standing

in front of her little group of women.

‘’Yes, we are. It was his last wish to see us safe. We will honor his last request

and run for it. I do not know how much time he can buy us’’ Gabriel responded.

‘’Whatever’’ Rasiela yelled, pulling Gabriel to start moving again. ‘’Move it,

girls, or you will all die here if you stay any longer’’

‘’God speed, my friends’’ Herald said and stood up, slowly, climbing up on the

tree. The group ran for whatever they were worth, never looking back, the hundred

soldiers and Walfrid running behind them in a column, half organised.

Down the hil

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