Dead to the World - Sacrifice by A. K. Denic - HTML preview

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Chapter 2 - Complications

That evening as Kane and Alpha were indulging themselves in this world's

pleasures inside of the taverns, the door crashed open and a man came crashing in.

The tavern’s mood dropped to zero instantly upon seeing the man. He was cut up

and bleeding everywhere. He managed another few steps and fell over, probably out

of exhaustion. One of the tavern maids came running up to him and another two

customers stood up and helped her put the man on the chair, slapping his face to

wake him up.

‘’What has happened to you?’’ one of the men asked when the torn up fellow

woke a few moments later. The poor soul started to cry and hit himself, tearing at his

hair and the two men had to restrain him in order to protect him from his own actions.

‘’They have them!’’ he yelled out, crying. ‘’They have our women and

daughters! They even killed most of the women and children!’’ the crying and yelling

kept on going.

‘’Who has done what to where?’’ one of the men dared to ask.

‘’Ithice. They burned it down to rubble and killed all the men and older folk

outright, then they raped and pillaged what they could. My dear girl, they have her.

Someone has to go help her! I beg of you!’’ the man pleaded. The two men just

shook their heads and murmured something. In the meanwhile, the tavern owner had

come out of his room and was standing at the counter, looking over the whole crowd,

spotting Kane and walked over to him with heavy footsteps, adding to the effect.

‘’Mister Kane, we all know your courage, strength and fierceness. Is there any

way we could convince you to check out this man’s story and verify it. If it is so, we

need to do something about it! Immediately the whole room was staring at him, hope

in their eyes. Kane just went on eating as well as did Alpha, downing the roast goat

he ate. What seemed an eternity, the food was gone and Kane looked up.

‘’Sure’’ he answered as he stood up, all eyes on him. Kane walked over to the

crying man and kneeled beside him and whispered in his ear. ‘’What do you want me

to do to the bandits?’’ The man looked over at him, incredulously as if he was saying

he was a monster and was going to eat him.

‘’Kill them all?’’ the man whispered back. Kane nodded and said

‘’Consider it done’’ and walked out of the tavern, not even paying his food bill.

He knew it would be awaiting him so no need to walk back in and ashame himself

after the cool exit he just made.

Outside Alpha looked up at him and asked

‘’How do we proceed?’

‘’Ithice is some fifty kilometres to the southwest. It is a small town in between

bigger ones where travelers usually spend the night, rest or just get food and be on

their way. In other words, the perfect target for bandits. We go sleep for a few hours

and then we run. I have decent stamina so i think i could run the stretch within a few

hours’’ Kane replied in strides as they walked towards a small house to the side of

the bigger buildings all around it.

‘’I don’t need any rest’’ Alpha said and Kane snapped back at him

‘’But i do. I’m just a human being, wolf!’’ Immediately he was sorry at the

rebuke but he kept his quiet. He opened the door to his home and strode in, leaving

the door wide open for Alpha to join him inside. Alpha just did so and closed the door

behind him with a flick of his long tail. Kane turned on some candles and sat down on

his bed, staring at the wolf. He was magnificent. He was black as the night, red eyes

gleaming in the dark. Snow white paws which looked somehow strange, more like

hoofs. His whole body was muscled ending with a white tail. What a strange sight to

behold, he was sure. There was something noble about the creature, but Kane

thought better of it than to talk now. ‘’We talk tomorrow during our trip. Get some rest,

even if you don’t need it. In approximately four hours wake me up. Can you do that?’’

he asked Alpha who just snorted and curled up on the floor beside the door.

As Kane and Alpha were walking down the road, Kane was telling Alpha about

his past, well, more like sending thoughts over, but it was easier and better that way

they had figured out. People might think he was crazy, or well, crazier than he

already was. Alpha was listening patiently, only howling softly whenever something

sad or painful was said. It was as if they were two parts of a single whole.

‘’So our lifes goal is to assassinate the king?’’ he asked.

‘’I guess so. He is the biggest fault my parents left me as an orphan. I was

forced to fend for myself my whole life, the past 20 years’’. He drooped his head a bit

and howled again as if in pain as well. Kane’s soul felt burdened as well in a weird

way. It was such a long time ago, but it still hurt whenever he thought about it. All his

life he had been a loner, and now suddenly he had a companion, a friend.

Some running and more time later they arrived at Ithice, or at least where

Kane thought it would be. Instead of a village he heard the sound of a waterfall. ‘’Let

us go take a bath’’ Kane said anxiously, starting to walk faster. Alpha jogged after

him, catching up easily. As they arrived at the riverside they were stunned by its

beauty. A small waterfall was pouring down into the river. Chiseled rock and plants,

trees and flowers and wildlife all living in harmony at the same spot.

A two meter fish jumped out of the water and back in, leaving droplets in the

air, falling down after the fish. It was as a sight out of a fairytale. Both Alpha and

Kane were gazing at the sheer beauty, their jaws dropping almost to the floor. Before

long Kane was naked and rand headfirst into the water, Alpha on his tail, longing for

the big fish he had just seen pop up. The water felt almost divine. Exactly the right

temperature, not too cold nor to warm. Kane swam towards the middle where he saw

some bubbles coming out to the surface and dove down to see what was coming up.

There was hot water coming out of a big gap in a rock and the hot water mixed with

the cold coming down from waterfall to create this heaven on earth, or rather, in


‘’I could make a fortune with this’’ Kane said out loud. Alpha laughed mentally

and Kane laughed with him, liking the sound of Alphas laughter. It sounded so

innocent, but when Kane looked at him, shivers ran down his spine. He was huge,

and he didn’t even want to imagine what Alpha was capable of doing to him if he


‘’No need to worry, Kane. I am your slave, i am part of you. I will never harm

you’’ he said. Shocked, Kane looked up at him. Alphas face was one of bewildered

amusement, to a certain extent.

‘’U can read minds now too?’’ Kane murmured inwardly.

‘’Why yes. Did i not mention this before?’’ he said with a grin.

‘’Somehow it slipped your mind, i guess’’ Kane said . Not that it mattered

much, even easier. Just think about it and he knows. How practical. ‘’How about

catching some fish, Alpha’’ Kane said. Immediately he dove and disappeared under

water. Few moments later he appeared with what looked like the big two meter fish

from earlier, clenched between his teeth. ‘’Now that is what i call a catch!’’ Kane

yelled in joy.

Kane swam towards the shore and walked up towards where he left his clothes,

deciding not to put anything on before he dried as the weather was something you

could only wish for. He walked around, gathering firewood. As he bent over to gather

a few bigger branches, taking them in his arms, there was this gorgeous angel

standing in front of him when he stood up again. She was standing there, innocently,

staring at Kane’s body. He had forgotten he had nothing on, but didn’t seem to mind

much as he regained his posture. She was a gorgeous brunette, with big round eyes,

the colour of a dark abyss. I saw myself drown in her eyes just before she looked

away. She was slim and seemed to have a rather fit physique. Her large breasts

were showing through the white, wet shirt she had on. Beside it, she just had a

ribbon around her neck, the rest of her body in plain view for all to enjoy. At that

instant, Alpha joined me and as she saw him, she gasped at the sight of him and

tried to turn around and run off, but tripped over a large branch, face planting into the

muddy ground, her bare ass mooning at the world.