Destiny Scorns by Beryl Oduor - HTML preview

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Jared got the information after a long time of asking and threatening Martin. The latter had promised himself to tell tell him something about what happened but when he talked Jared had wanted to know more and yet he had given his promise to Sidney. Now it was Jared's turn to question if telling Gorham would be the right course of action. He approached the latter from his post.

`Excuse me, sir, I was wondering if I could talk to you about a personal matter?'

Gorham looked up. `Concerning what?'

`Sidney, sir.'

Jared saw the questioning look on his face before he even asked, `What is it about Sidney?'

`Someone close to her came to me to ask if I could assign a guard to watch over her. I wanted to know why and so I questioned him thoroughly and even threatened him but he did not part with much information.'

`Why would Sidney need protecting? Eric's dead!'

`The person told me that he walked in on Sidney being strangled at her shop a few days ago.'

`She didn't tell me this!'

`She made the person promise not to tell anyone knowing that the news would certainly reach you.'

`And who was the person strangling her?'

`That, I could not get from him. It seemed he would not part with this.'

`Who gave you this information?'

Jared was quiet for a moment. `Martin, sir but he had no reason to lie to me.'

`Then why would she not tell me?'

`Probably she thought that you would overreact like when it was Eric.'

Gorham thought. He knew the latter might have been right. Finishing Eric off like that wasn't a problem. `Tell me exactly what he told you.'

`Well, he walked into the shop and found a man. He recognized him immediately. He was standing over Sidney with his hands about her throat. He also saw something like smoke and then ascertained that the man's hands were burning. He let go of her and she fell to the ground where Martin rushed to her. The man looked back at Sidney and told her it wasn't over. He also mentioned that he called her a strange name.'

`So it was somebody who wasn't a stranger and Sidney didn't want to tell me because, maybe she thought I would overreact but if I were to overreact that would mean that I know this particular person.' Gorham was quiet, `Can you compile a list of everyone who Martin knows and cross reference it to the people I know.'

`That wouldn't work. Martin knows the same people you do. He was raised in the same social circle that you are in.'

`Then put someone I should trust to follow Sidney about. Let her not notice it and let no one she is with notice him. I want to know everything, who she is meeting with, who she is afraid of and finally who is threatening her. She should not find out about this.'

`Yes sir,' he said then bowed and left.

That night Gorham was waiting in his room for Sidney. She used to spend almost every night now in the castle but she kept her house intact. Gorham would always sense that she wanted somewhere she could escape to when there were problems between them, she walked about the room as she got ready for bed. Gorham just watched as she did everything in silence. She was in deep thought.

`Hi,' he said trying to find something to say besides confronting her about hiding the truth from him.

She turned and smiled at him. `Hi to you too.' She then went and slipped into bed next to him. He pulled himself up and supported himself by his elbow.

`Are you feeling okay?' he asked sounding worried.

`Of course I am.' she smiled again and then pulled him to her. They kissed for awhile. Then Gorham moved his lips to kiss her cheeks then her neck. He stopped and stared at it for so long wondering how he could have missed seeing the bruise. He had to be more observant. `What's wrong?' she asked in a whisper.

He came up and kissed her lips again. `Just wondering...'

`About what?' she asked.

`Well, if perhaps you were considering being my wife.'

`Are you asking me?' she sat up.

Where did that come from? He wondered. `I suppose I am.' She didn't say anything. `I would understand if you want to think about it. You are after all an independent woman. I don't want you to think that I want to tie you down or anything like that.'

`Relax Gorham,' she smiled.

`It's just that I've never proposed before.'

`You did it fine,' she paused. `But I'll have to think about it.' She lay back down and was quiet for a long time. Gorham went to sleep holding her. In the morning, he woke up to find that she was already out of bed. He found her taking her breakfast.

He waited until he was served and they were left alone. `I hope I didn't scare you.'

`No,' she left it at that. `I was meaning to talk to you about something yesterday. It slipped my mind.'

`What?' He cut his eggs. He hoped that she was going to talk to her about the matter of being strangled, but he was so wrong.

`Well, I'm partially new in town but by now I know a lot of things about how things work.' She put her fork down and looked at him. `I can't help but hear things given that I don't live inside your castle all the time. One story really caught my attention. It regards Mr and Mrs Summer,' Gorham put his own fork down. She continued ignoring that reaction. `I was told they were the  parents of a woman called Wendy who used to work for you.'

`Yes, that's correct.'

`They are being detained in one of the cells and no one knows what they even did wrong. They haven't been brought to court yet and it doesn't seem that anyone is concerned about it.'

`That is Alice's area.'

`She was just sworn in the other day. All the decisions she makes are overseen by you. Do you know how this reflects on your image? Detaining people for reasons unknown!'

`It is by orders of the council that they are being detained!'

`You think that I haven't noticed the animosity between you and the council. What did Wendy do? Steal from you? I don't think the case is as serious as they are making it seem. All you have to do is call the case up next to your public court and listen to it. That way everybody will see that they did no wrong! And if the council continues to detain them then it will be on them and not you.'

`Since when do you speak law?' he asked curiously.

`I'm just repeating what I've heard before.' She picked up her fork. `And I'm just tired of defending you when you can do it yourself!' They finished their breakfast in silence and Gorham didn't know if she just had wanted to pick a fight with him or she was really concerned about them. But he knew she was right in the matter of closing the case before the public to wash his hands over the affair.

Two days later he called up the case to the surprise of the council. He was sitting in his chair in the public hall and the defendants and the prosecutors on either side of the hall then the public was before him. He noticed that Sidney was among the crowd but she wasn't watching him. Her eyes were focused on the accused. The proceedings started.

The prosecutors didn't have a case given that they were not prepared and that the council forbid any mention of Wendy in the proceedings. They were drowning and clasping at the lasts straws they could find.

`The accused stands here in this court because as soldier in the army of the queen, went absent without leave...'

But Mr Summer was prepared. He interrupted, `But your Majesty, I have a letter here signed by the late queen. It was a letter permitting me to be dismissed from my duties.' A guard headed to take the letter from Mr Summer and brought it to Gorham.

`Why would the queen send a letter like that?'

`It is all spelled out in the letter.'

Gorham started reading the letter while the argument was going on. `The letter must be a forgery. In no time has the queen ever written a letter to dismiss someone.'

`This time she did...'

`Falsehood. Everything you say is false.'

Gorham reached the bottom of the letter. It was signed by Diane alright and dated. There was also the royal seal . Gorham noticed that the date coincided with the first few weeks she was back from her captivity. He looked up. `The letter isn't a forgery. Lets move on.' he handed the letter back to the guard who walked and gave it to the prosecutor who read through it. `Mr Summer, please explain to the court why you were given that letter.' He said knowing that the prosecutor was looking for a minute detail to attack in the letter.

`I was assigned to live the life of a farmer in the outskirts of the city.  The reason is that the queen felt that when I were out of the army then I would be able to aid any of the kings or queen if they wanted refuge.'

The prosecutor looked up from the letter. `The queen wrote that letter when she was just out of captivity. She was not in her right mind then!' He handed it to the guard who took it back to Mr Summer.

`Nonetheless she wrote the letter anyway,' Mr Summer shot back. `You are forgetting that after she came back she made some reforms which have improved the security of our people. And all the reforms are being used today.' He looked to the King to confirm it but he didn't do anything and so he continued in his argument. `If she was not in her right mind then should her systems be failing by now?'

`If this were true then why is it that you are the only one who received this letter?'

`There were several others.'

`We want names to confirm this.'

`That would go against the purpose that we were assigned to. If everyone knew where a King or Queen would be heading to then it wouldn't be called a refuge!'

The prosecutor was defeated. Everyone could see it in his face. Gorham looked at him. `Are you done with the questioning?'

`Yes Your Majesty.'

`Then I find no fault in Mr Summer here. My verdict, not guilty.' But he didn't dismiss the case yet. `Mr Summer, now that you have violated the privacy of the matter, do you wish to come back to active service of the queen?' he asked.

Mr Summer looked at his wife, `No your Majesty. I'm too old for active service, besides, I have become a very good farmer.'

`Very well,' he said then turned to the prosecutor, `Why was the wife being detained?'

`For being an accomplice to the husband.'

`Now that we have established that the husband did no wrong then they are free to go. Both cases dismissed!' they bowed and left the podiums. Another case was coming up. He looked for Sidney but it seemed she had disappeared before the case had ended.

Later that night the guard assigned to follow Sidney informed him that when Mr and Mrs Summer had left the hearing, they went to see her at her shop. Gorham knew there was something that was going on strange but he just couldn't prove it. He went to bed and found that Sidney was already asleep. She seemed to be smiling in her sleep.

Well, he thought, she deserved it for a wonderful job of manipulating him.


Gorham and Sidney were invited to a party at Alice's castle as usual. This time it was just the royal families getting together which meant that Martin and his brother were there as well as Alice's family. Then there were the very close relations to everyone else. They were separated into three groups but it was Gorham's Table that had the least number of people. It was Gorham himself,  Sidney, Martin and Martin's brother Joel. The two had been put with Gorham because apparently, they would be both be sitting alone.

Sidney as usual was taking close interest in Joel. She had Martin in her fold and now it was time to recruit the other son.

`So, Joel, what do you do these days.'

`I'm still training.' He saw his brother was about to interrupt so he added quickly, `I'm hoping that one of these days I will hit an untapped well.'

`No, he's just hoping that Alice will notice him,' Martin said laughing.

`Alice?' Sidney was confused.

`Yes, Queen Alice, he's infatuated with her!'  Joel tried to keep Martin's mouth shut but he missed him. It was a funny thing to watch and Sidney found herself laughing. Gorham smiled at that. It seemed that in all the tables, theirs was the one with the most fun. Joel had his father's build which meant that he was large compared to Martin who had the small body. Then Joel knowing his brother's weakness he held up a glass of wine. `You wouldn't!'

`Unless you keep quiet.' Martin shut his mouth but couldn't stop giggling.

`Why don't you go ask her for a dance?' Sidney said.

`I couldn't.'

`Oh yes you can.'

`I wouldn't know how to start.'

`Just go there and stand next to her and when she looks up to you hold out your hand. You don't need to say anything.' She saw the unsure face on Joel. `You'd better get up before I decide I won't give you anymore advice.'

He stood quite unsure and headed to Alice's table. Apparently her father was lecturing her on something and she seemed about to cry. She looked up at Joel. In fact everyone was looking at Joel. She saw the hand and took it. They headed to the dance floor. She seemed relieved to be out of the table. They dance without saying anything then she started to laugh. A second later they were talking animatedly.

Gorham and Sidney brought their attention to Martin. `And who are you going to dance with?' Sidney asked.

`You,' he smiled then turned to Gorham, `That if His Majesty doesn't object of course.'  Gorham nodded and Martin was up. He came next to her and gave her his hand. `My lady,' he said. Sidney went with him to the floor. Gorham watched them for awhile then he decided that he wasn't being left out. He got up and headed to Nathan table. He held out his hand to Felicia and she took it. Everyone knew that Nathan never danced with his wife.

Starting to dance with Sidney and Martin made  their way next to them. `Of all the women in the room, you had to pick Felicia,' she said and noted that Felicia cringed. `Are you trying to make me feel jealous?' she asked full of humor.

`Is it working?' he asked as he twirled Felicia. She understood what was going on. Sidney was trying to compliment her and Gorham was agreeing with her. She suddenly smiled as she caught the happiness going round. She was a beautiful woman but her sadness masked every part of her. Surprisingly, Nathan came and took her from him. She was shocked as was Gorham but Martin was the one who reacted first. He excused himself from the dance floor and Sidney went to her man. Gorham noticed the anger in Sidney's eyes as she looked at Nathan but nothing could spoil the mood


It had been a long time since Nathan had gone for his monthly updates. When Diane was alive it used to be a frequent thing because he was always complaining of one thing or the other. Now almost two months passing he was back. Gorham had no clue what he was doing there but he was about to find out.

`I think, Gorham that you seem to have no control over the women you choose to be with.'

`Why would you say that?'

`Because for one thing, Sidney thinks that she can get away with behaving like she owns the whole place. And Diane, the other woman, seemed to be commanding you.'

`Well, Diane is dead and I'm planning to marry Sidney.'

`What?' Gorham noticed his mood change.

`In fact, I already asked her.' Nathan frowned. `I'm just waiting for an answer.'

`She didn't say yes?' another unexpected question.

`No, but I don't think there is anything that is going to make her say no.'

`Then you have time to retract the proposal...'

`Why would I want to retract it?'

`She's an outsider. How would it seem if you married an outsider. Has she even told you where she is from?'

Gorham was thoughtful. He could see that Nathan didn't want him to marry Sidney. He wondered what the reason might be. Then he looked  at the latter and saw it. `Are you in love with Sidney?' he asked.

`What?' he asked surprised. Gorham could see that if he had been walking,  he would have faltered in his step.

`You are in love with her!' Gorham concluded. `You cover it well with something close to hate so no one knows. That was why you couldn't take your eyes off her when we first came to Alice party.'

`I don't understand where you get that absurd idea...'

`Just admit that you actually feel something for her.' But Nathan did not get to admit it. In fact he even didn't deny it. Which was answer enough for Gorham.


It was a sunny day and Sidney was feeling hot. She was sweating and her clothes were literally soaking in sweat. She took with her a basket of food with a blanket and walked out of the city. She was strolling then she turned to a barely visible path. She followed it for a lengthy bit of time then she got to a part where the trees were suddenly very close together then a small clearing. She put the basket down and spread the blanket on the ground. Then she lifted the dress off her body and then dived into the water.

The guard who had been following her couldn't believe it. It was certainly his lucky day but he thought better than to give the king that one small detail. He watched her swim about and she would go under several times and stay there until the guard would start getting worried then she would emerge from the water taking a deep breathe. After awhile she emerged from the water dripping wet. The guard found that he was swallowing lustfully but kept himself in check.

Sidney lay down on the blanket that had been on the ground. She took some food that had been on the basket. She was surprisingly hungry most of the time these days but she took it as the whether. She was then still. Then surprising the guard, Nathan showed up. He just appeared out of nowhere. He was just suddenly standing there watching Sidney. She seemed to have noticed and then she opened her eyes. She gasped loudly and was reaching for the dress to cover her nudity.

`What are you doing here?' she asked.

`I came to see you.' He saw the puzzled look on Sidney's face. `I was talking to your husband to be and he told me he asked you to marry him!'

`Yes, but that is none of your business,' she retorted.

`But it is. You see, I found myself wondering why you would hesitate to answer the question which you have said yes to so many times before then I realized something.' He paused as he studied her. The cloth wasn't doing a good job covering her. She noticed him stare and adjusted the cloth. `I realized that you are questioning if you truly love him.'


`Yes, you aren't sure if you love him or you love me.'

`Stop being delusional!' she said sarcastically.

 `I'm not. You see, when he confronted me I realized something. I have wanted revenge on you so much that I even lost track of why this all started in the first place. I had forgotten why I forced myself to hate you and I think you have also forgotten how it all began.'

`I haven't forgotten.'

`Are you sure,' he started to walk towards her but she kept moving back. `I think you have forgotten because it took me a bit of time to figure it out.' He signaled something with his hand and the ground started moving upwards as a wall. She was trapped between the wall and Nathan. `I remembered that you were in love with me. I remembered how we used to meet to see each other and I almost remember how your mouth tasted.'

He moved close to her, `I remember how the hair on your skin used to rise when I touched you like this.' she watched as he touched her and indeed the hair stood up. He moved closer to her. She was staring at him. `I remember how my hands used to go to the back of your neck and you would tilt your head up,' He did that and she found that she was tilting her head up.

She whispered, `Cognoscenti, please don't do this.'

`I have to. I have to remind you that you love me,' he said as his fingers trailed her face. She closed her eyes. Her heart was beating fast. He continued, `You would lick your lips when you knew I was about to kiss you.' And he leaned down and kissed her. He pulled back. `And your lips would tremble when you knew I was about to make love to you.' He leaned back down and kissed her. She tilted her head more and actually wanted him. The cloth slipped from her hand and her hands went around him. The kiss deepened and Nathan's body  pressed against hers. His hand caressed her body and lifted her leg about him. She felt the desire rising in her then Nathan said, `Remember Jansenist!' and the spell was broken.

A force pushed him off her and he landed on the ground some distance away. She went down and picked up the cloth and covered herself up again. Nathan got up cursing, `Damn that necklace!' Sidney looked at the necklace and saw that it was glowing. `I'm going to get rid of that necklace once and for all!' his hand transformed to fire and he focused it on her.

She cringed and closed her eyes shut waiting for the pain but there wasn't any. She opened her eyes and saw that it had been stopped mid-way. She looked at the necklace again and saw that it was glowing more. She smiled as she realized what was happening. She looked at the water then to Nathan. A wind suddenly pushed Nathan into the water striping his attention from her. Steam rose from the pond and then Nathan came up. The fire had been put out. He came out drenched.

`Apparently, I'm still stronger than you even with my powers stripped away.'

`I'm going to get him to remove it from your neck.'

`Oh! You can try!'

`Don't mock me Jansenist, I'll destroy you for good.'

`You've been threatening that for centuries.' He frown and then disappeared. Sidney put on her cloths and packed everything in the basket then left. The guard followed her back to the castle and then went to report back to Gorham. He didn't seem to react but Jared could see that he was about to explode just underneath the surface.

He finished what he was supposed to do then went to his room where he was going to confront Sidney. But when the door open and she turned to look at him. He couldn't say anything. She stood up and approached him as he closed the door behind him. `I'm pregnant!' Gorham did not register it so she repeated, `Gorham, I'm pregnant.'

`Are- are you sure?' She nodded. She watched him and saw the smile forming on his face. `It's mine right?'

`Of course, who else do you expect it to belong to?'

`How long?'

`A month or so I think. I can't tell for sure.'

`How did you know?' he asked.

`Missed my cycle this month. I've been eating a lot and other things.' She bit her lip. `Do you want it?'

`Of course. Do you?'

`Yes, but there might be complications.'


`I don't know. I just have a feeling. That's all.'

`I'll help you through it.'

`Of course you will.' she kissed his cheek then headed for the door. `You wanted to talk to me?'

`No, it was nothing.' He watched her go. He was finally going to have a child of his own. He wondered if it might be a boy or girl. He thought about her and decided that if she hadn't made up her mind then she would certainly have to marry him now that she was pregnant


Nathan had started plotting his revenge. The first steps would have been Diane's sons. The happier they were the stronger Jansenist's spirit would be. Then he had to work on crushing Gorham but just enough. He could not afford to have to destroy his brother's spirit. The problem would have been crushing Wendy's own spirit. He didn't know much about her and had no idea where she was. Further more she was going to be around two wizards.

He knew wizards better than he had pretended to know them but he still had to admit that if they knew who he was, then they would certainly try to destroy him. But then wizards were completely unpredictable. They would not do something unless it was going to benefit them but what would destroying Cognoscenti benefit them after all this time? One the other hand, he didn't know their relationship with Wendy and if he were to destroy her then he wouldn't be able to know how they were going to react.

He brought his mind back to Martin and his brother, Joel. Jansenist was doing a good job ensuring that they were happy with Martin having a business that he loved and Joel starting to spend so much time around Alice. But he knew something that maybe even Jansenist didn't. He had watched Martin knowing that there might come a time when he would need something to destroy the latter. He did notice that he didn't see anyone. In fact he wasn't interested in women. Then he saw the way he looked at Jared and realized what was going on. If you didn't suspect then you wouldn't notice a thing.

He got ready and then headed out. He had to talk to Alice's father Samuel. He was the only one who could convince his daughter to forget about Joel. He understood traditions better than anybody and wouldn't want his daughter to be the one historians like Gorham always referred to as have broken tradition. He was welcomed pleasantly by Samuel.

After the pleasantries Samuel got to business. `What brings you here?'

`I'm here to talk about your daughter's relationship with Joel, Diane's son.'

`Shouldn't you be talking to her about this?'

`Yes but I can see the outcome of it before it even happens. She will claim to be in love.'

`But then he is Diane's son!'

`No doubt the bond would have been stronger but Joel wasn't gifted with his mother's natural talents. He's pathetic in the field and how would he help her to lead her army should there be war?'

`I don't see how her welfare would be your concern...'

`Gorham is blind when it comes to Diane or her children or even this new woman, Sidney. He doesn't see how he is dooming our kingdom if he allows Alice to continue seeingthe boy Joel.'

Samuel was thoughtful for awhile.`You are after something with this. What is it?'

`I want the council to see that I have the well being of the citizens in mind.'

`I am no longer in the council, I can't help you with that.'

`I will handle the council, just handle your daughter. You are after all the voice behind the crown!'

Samuel saw the determination in his eyes. `You are a smart man, I suppose you came here with a suggestion of the person she should see instead?'

`Yes, Jared Kins. He is Gorham's bodyguard but Diane hid him there. He is apparently a very good fighter. I have done my homework and it turns out that Jared used to train with Victor Raymond, the wizard.' He could see that he was getting through to him. `That was the only person who could beat him. He never fought with the queen but I can imagine why. She was probably afraid he would beat her.'

`I see.' That was the last thing he said. Convincing Alice wasn't a problem at all for Samuel. He knew someone like Jared wouldn't be swayed easily so he commanded her to seduce him into being with her.

A party was held again as usual in Alice's castle. Before the guests arrived Samuel went to check that Alice remembered her instruction. She was to do everything possible to ensure that he fell for the trap. The talk  somewhat embarrassed her. She had never envisioned being convinced by her father to do something like that. In fact she never agreed wholeheartedly. She just wanted to stop her father from giving her the details. She didn't feel that bad about doing it either. She had admitted that Jared wasn't that bad looking and she had been a bit attracted to him.  She couldn't however forget that she really liked Joel and would have been happier getting to know him instead. The guests were informed that Alice was feeling a bit unwell. No one was allowed to see her but they went on with the party anyway.

She sneaked out of the castle and went to the stables where Jared was catering his horse and his master's. She dismissed the rest of the guards  She didn't even remember what she said or did that he was making love to her but she remembered seeing Martin's face as he came and saw them together. He had left without a word and went back to the party. Sidney felt somewhat down and looked at Nathan. He held his glass up and cheered to her as he smiled. Gorham noticed it and turned Sidney to him he tried to make her smile but it seemed she was not in a good mood. For some reason he felt as if her bad mood was sipping into everyone around her.

`What is it?' he asked her.

`Martin's heart just got broken.'

`I wasn't aware that Martin was seeing someone.'

`Of course you weren't,' she said through clenched teeth. Then stood up and left the room. She went out and was walking around then she saw Alice emerging from the stables then a little while Jared emerged. She went back to the party and acted as if nothing was wrong.


Two months later, there was a hearing at the council hall and the matter at hand was the matter of Alice being married and the fact that she was pregnant. Joel was there. Alice was there. Jared was there. Gorham and Nathan were there. So was Samuel, Alice's father. Martin had decided that he wasn't going to attend to wait for the outcome. He had stopped talking to Jared and had moved out of his house to Sidney's unoccupied one.

They were almost giving out the judgment and verdict when the door to the hall opened. `You cannot do this to both of them.'

The head of the council looked down at her and frowned. `Miss Storm, this is a private hearing. Please exit the room.' Gorham was leaning in wondering what she was doing here. He had noticed that Sidney was reserved when it came to the matter and now she was storming into the room as if she were the queen herself.

`Why should I when I already know what is happening? You cannot force them to marry!'

`This is not your concern...'

`It is my concern in every bit.' she said in a cold hard voice. Suddenly the room was chilly. `They do not love each other and I know for a fact that Jared isn't in t