Dieselpunk ePulp Showcase 2 by John Picha, Grant Gardiner, et al - HTML preview

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Jack Philpott is a born writer and artist who somehow ended up as an Electrical Engineer. Whether he's enjoying a chilled Vermouth on the streets of Geneva, being catapault-launched off of a perfectly good aircraft carrier, or painstakingly reconstructing the Pyramid of Giza in the sand box with his son, Jack tries to appreciate the sublime nature of the moment. 


Jack's previous works include several articles for Palladium Books' ® Rifter ™ periodical plus the perpetually-upcoming Rifts ® Delta Blues trilogy (with Josh Sinsapaugh), several fan award winning “timelines” for Alternatehistory.com (as Geekhis Khan), and regular contributions to Dieselpunks.org (as Cap'n Tony). Jack co-created the World of Mañana with Norman James in 2010. 


See the tropical prequel to this tale, “Cocktails on the Street of Bones”, in the Twit Publishing Dieselpunk Anthology (scheduled for release in Feb 2014) with even more stories to come...mañana.


To find out more about Jack visit him on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Jack.Philpott.author.