Dominion by Barbara Bretana - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


“Hey, Danny,” Parker, called from a corner booth surrounded by heavily muscled men drinking beers from long necked bottles.

Daniel was flirting with a pretty brunette and if his parents had seen him working the girl, would have been amazed. She was practically melting in his arms and had already invited him to her rooms where he was perfectly willing to go.

“He isn’t wasting any time,” the NSA operative grinned. “She’s practically screwing him on the dance floor.”

“Yeah, well, the Doc said he’d be easier to direct after he gets it out of the system, his testosterone levels are extremely high after being held back all these years,” Parker said. “He’s got to be carrying a load my balls would explode from.”

The man laughed crudely. “She hired a hooker for him last month to teach him the ropes. I heard he passed with flying colors.”

“So, why are we here?” The lead agent demanded.

“The Colonel wants to test him. When we leave here you’re to follow and…” He described the Colonel’s plan and the man agreed, leaving Daniel with Parker.


I don’t know what triggered my awakening in the vault, one Moment I was deep in lost memories, the next I was vaguely aware that years had passed without my knowledge, yet my body had aged and carried on as if someone else had cared for it. I could see the part of me that was real and moving yet I couldn’t influence it. I was in prison inside my vault and no longer knew how to escape, wasn’t even sure why I needed to hide, nor what I was hiding from.

My body was laughing, dancing, running those hands all over a pretty girl, and from the little moans she was making, she clearly enjoyed what I was doing to her. I stuck my tongue in her ear and rubbed lazy circles on her wet panties under her short skirt. I could feel the deep trembling as her belly muscles clenched. My own prick throbbed and swelled until I couldn’t stand it anymore. Pushed her into a dark corner just outside the back door and pulled her panties down, opened my jeans and impaled her. She came instantly, her walls sucking greedily on my prick and I lunged twice shoving her up the wall as I followed. She screamed into my mouth and I swallowed her breath as I gasped for my own. Heard my voice asked her name, as I tucked myself back into my pants. My balls throbbed and her pulse raced under my hand.

“Sit me down,” she breathed hard, her eyes dazed. I brought her back to her table where she joined her friends. Tucked her underwear into my pocket. She gave me her phone number, dorm room and hall, begged me to call her.

I smiled, promised I would, and promptly forgot her as I returned to the corner booth with Parker. His three companions had left and we were alone.

“You work fast,” he commented. “Feel better?”

“My balls ache.” I shifted, my jockeys were uncomfortably tight still.

“You still got a boner? That chick was hot.”

“Lots of hot chicks here,” I returned. Spoke French.

“You ready to go? Orientation starts at 6 AM tomorrow.”

I shrugged. Plenty of pussy in the dorms, too. Wondered where that thought came from as Parker led me out into the dark alley between the bar and the parking lot. Stopped near the big pickup on the corner near the burnt out light pole. Heard his voice coming from far away as my senses dwindled in the outer persona and sharpened to the inner one, the one I knew was the real ‘I’. Saw an image of the surrounding area through a strange lens, a strange greenish glow like night vision. Yet when I turned my/our head, it was to a 260° angle. I heard unnaturally clearly, looked down from the roof tops of the bar where I perched on an overhang. Screech owl. I was in a screech owl, and could see everything, down to the glint of a gold ring on the dark-haired man’s pinky, the black high tops on my feet, the three men waiting in the darkness. Mice skittering and squealing under the dumpster as their hearts raced sensing the presence of danger.

I swooped down on my wings making no noise, no subtle movement of the air, yet I/me heard me/bird.

My head swiveled and I/owl flew into the waiting group of men; hitting them with my/our outstretched talons.  Slashed, saw bright greenish black blood spurt in the darkness. Heard their cries of pain and terror. One of them tried to snag me, but I opened my wings wide to stop, twisted and slipped to the left on two strong wing beats. Saw the glint of a gun and dodged as a soft pfft! broke the air near my tail feathers.

“Don’t shoot!” Parker yelled and shoved my body down to the disgusting pavement covering me. Above, I banked keeping to the darkness where they could not see me. The men ran off. Parker waited. Asked breathlessly, “you okay, Daniel?”

The body that was me pushed him off, jumped up and tried to go after them sputtering in rage. “Those were the dudes that were sitting with you, Parker! They shot at me! ”

“No, Daniel. At some kind of bird.”

“Screech owl,” I corrected. “It was a screech owl. They don’t attack humans.”

I stared into darkness straight at me. It felt weird, looking at my own eyes and knowing I wasn’t in there. “Who?” I asked and the bird’s voice echoed, ‘Hoo. Hoo.’

Parker did something, he slipped a loaded syringe into my neck and I collapsed onto the pavement at his feet. Parker pulled out an expensive phone and dialed. As soon as my awareness shut off, I was drawn out of the owl before I could blink. Found myself back in my vault with my own consciousness bleeding away.