Dragons Hill: Book III by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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“Thunder Mountain!” boomed a deep voice, “We know sergeant, and we have been expecting

you.” The barricade opened and a large man stepped out smiling, “Come in gentlemen, lady,”

he bowed with a flourish, “come in please, don’t be shy, we don’t bite.”

The three soldiers looked at each other and then the sergeant shrugged his shoulders and said,

“why not, the dreams said we should come here and rest.”

Bill noted that they all looked tired, soul-weary tired. Their clothes were dirty and torn, their boots old and no doubt threadbare. Their faces had that hollow look; he had seen that look on

many who came to town. They had seen too much death; too much inhumanity.

Most likely they had run into the marauders once or twice while on the road. That in itself was

enough to give a man that look. The dreams said they were ready, and led them here.

Jake himself had instructed Bill to bring them to Dragons Hill after a days rest.


Kurt sat in his hut built high on the south rim. A balding man in his forties, quiet and shy, he was the type that blended into the woodwork when in a group. He had one passion in his life;

he had been an avid short-wave ham operator before the Great Burning. He managed to get

his equipment to safety before the monsters hit his city. Since joining Dragons Hill, he had set up a listening post on the South Rim to see if there were any more survivors out there. Over

the years he had managed to pick up a few of his old radio friends; three in Canada, two in

Japan, and a lonely Boris, in Siberia. Now he was picking up short messages from somewhere

nearby. They were very garbled and he reasoned that whoever was sending the message was

low on power. The bursts were very short, but they were definitely asking for help.

Daniel came into the hut, “Hey Kurt, Jerry said you’re getting something; asking for me by


“Hello Daniel,” Kurt looked up at him and smiled, “yes I am, but I think they’re low on power.

Every hour or so they send out a burst, but it’s too short to get a good track on it. It’s coming from somewhere within a 600 mile radius; I thought maybe it’s from Thunder Mountain.”

Both men heard the urgent call of a hawk high above. Daniel stepped out of the hut and looked

above. “It’s one of the hawks Adam set up for communication between the outlying towns and

Dragons Hill.”

Daniel stepped into the open and waved his arms wide and then stood still, arms outstretched.

The hawk circled for moment and then the large bird began to descend. It landed on Daniel’s

arm and keened once; bending its head it released the message holder and took off again.

Daniel took the small leather holder and opened it and read.

“It’s from Wallace; says they have three visitors from Thunder Mountain. Says they are

looking for the “dragon riders” they have heard about.”

Jake… did you get all this? Daniel called immediately.

I am aware Daniel; Jake answered and added, just as I told you, they will be brought to Dragons

Hill for questioning.

Daniel had Kurt write a short message indicating they were to be brought to Dragon’s Hill and

then called to the hawk circling above. He placed the message in the small leather tube and tied it back in the holder on the bird’s chest.

“Home you go my brave friend,” he said as he lifted his arm and propelled the bird into the air.

He turned around and said to no one in particular; “It should take them about two days to get

here by foot; time enough for this present situation to be over and done with.” Jerry agreed

nodding his head. Daniel turned to Kurt, “Keep an ear up for any other messages from our

mysterious friends, Kurt.”

“Sure thing Daniel,” Kurt waved as Daniel went back down the path.


In Wallace, the three soldiers were led to a small lean-to shelter that rested against a mountain.

They could see further down the poorly lit path that there was a dirt road up ahead and there

were many houses and a large building resembling a barn. Thomas realized that this was a

farm that had been turned into a community. The ‘house’ they were led to appeared to be

nothing but an old shed, just shelter from the elements. Once inside they saw that the shed was

for show only as a passage led beyond to a cave at the rear. In it were three cots, with pillows and blankets on them, and a nice cozy fire going to warm the interior; they had been expected.

“You can bunk here for the night.” The large man stood and waited while they stowed their

gear in the cave. “My name is Bill, I sort of run things around here.” He extended his hand to

the sergeant, “and you are?”

“Wilson,” the young man said taking Bill’s hand and shaking, “Sgt Thomas Wilson, sir.”

Bill had an iron grip to his hand and Thomas was sure it was for effect; just to let him know

they were not a bunch of country bumpkins.

“No need to be formal around here son, Thomas it is.” Bill smiled and indicated the two other

soldiers, “and your friends?” he asked.

“Oh yes,” Thomas motioned the other two soldiers forward, “uh, this is Julie, and Mark.

We’ve been on the road for almost a year now; we’ve seen quite a bit out there. And also heard

stories about these mysterious dragon riders; how they put an end of the monsters that burned

up our world. We’re trying to find them and their camp.”

“Later son, that will come later, right now we’ve been asked to feed you and see that you get a

good nights rest.” Bill beckoned them to follow as he left the shelter.

Bill led the newcomers to the center of the town and bade them enter the barn. When they

opened the doors various aromas assailed their noses immediately. Bill smiled as he saw their

reactions. Before them was a sight they had not seen in a very long time. Rows of tables were

lined up and there were people of all races and sizes sitting and talking among themselves. As

they entered the building there was a sudden hush and the people all turned and looked at

them. Then the silence was broken by calls of welcome from the people to the soldiers.

Bill led them between the long rows to a central area, “grab a tray and join the line.”

“Sir, we don’t want to take your food; we brought our own with us,” Thomas tried to offer.

“Are you daft man? Who would want to eat MRE’s when there is a feast like this before him.”

Bill grabbed a plate and stood with the group as they began to go thru the line. Thomas

seemed to hesitate until he looked at all the people moving along the serving line.

“My God this is like a dream,” he exclaimed as he looked at his friends.

“We have plenty of food Thomas; Jake made a point to send over extra as he knew you would

be arriving soon. Fill your plate and eat as much as you want; and then get a good nights rest.

Tomorrow we will take you to Dragons Hill; they will answer your questions.”


“There’s that mysterious ‘Jake’ again, Sarge;” whispered Julie.

Thomas, Julie and Mark were not slow on the uptake and it took no more coaxing when they

approached the serving line. They piled their plates high with chicken and mashed potatoes

and green beans and biscuits. They followed Bill, carefully balancing their bounty, to a long

table and placed their trays on it and sat down. They grabbed their forks and were about to

dig in when they noticed Bill remained standing. Not wanting to upset protocol they waited.

Bill called the hall to order and the room went silent. Everyone bowed their heads as Bill led

the group in a prayer of thanksgiving.

The three soldiers looked at each other and smiled.

Yes, this is the place all right, Thomas thought to himself, the dreams… they were right!

Then they all dug in and ate till they were stuffed.


Joe and his men woke the next morning and began the long task of methodically hunting down

the remaining marauders and dispatching them quickly. Duke and his wolves were very

helpful ferreting out the hiding men; and between Joe’s men and Amy’s women, they were

dealt with and dispatched quickly. Mile by mile the horde was slowly whittled down to but fifty

or so men. These last holdouts gathered together and tried to make a last stand of it. In a

fierce fight that lasted several hours they were finally taken out; those found alive were given

no quarter. Three of the leaders had slipped away during the fight and made it to the pass, but

Jerry’s booby-trap devices took care of them.

All the bodies were gathered and piled high in the center of an open field and Rhontin flew over

and fired them all to ash.

A recovered Daowyn met up with Joe and his men and offered them a ride back to Evansville,

which was accepted with great gusto by Joe’s tired men.

Andrew and Lady Ariel offered Lady Amy and her women a ride back and they graciously

thanked her for thinking about them.

Joe returned to a hero’s welcome from the townsfolk but he refused their lauds saying that they

all did it together as a family. He checked on Stuart straight away and found him in Miranda’s

capable hands. The smile on Stu’s face told Joe everything and he was glad for his friend. He

told him he would be back after dinner and fill him in on everything that happened.

He saddled up Molly and rode out checking the fences around the town and talked to the men

he had left in charge. They gave him the details of those who had fallen and those who had

been injured. They had done pretty well losing only about twenty-two men.

One of his men named Chuck rode up and called to him, “Joe, we found something up on the

mountain back there.” Turning his horse around and heading up the hill he continued, “I think

you’re gonna want to see this; you won’t believe it.”

Joe followed and as he approached he was stunned at the sight before him. There were seven

dead men in seven foxholes; weapons lying beside each one. Their faces still held the look of

surprise; their throats had been ripped open.

“We figure that they snuck in here two nights ago, and dug in. They were supposed to pick us

off during the battle; but something stopped them.” He walked a few steps and went down on

one knee and indicated a track, “Jack found a few tracks – cats - big ones, Joe.”

Joe whistled and said in a soft tone, “Well, Jake said he had our backs covered.”

“Ya reckon your dragon friend over there,” said Chuck with a nod of his head towards

Daowyn, “would consent to firing this trash, if we pile them up?”

“I see no problem there Chuck, I’ll ask him.” Joe called to Daowyn and asked what Chuck

proposed. He received a hearty ‘yes’ from Daowyn, who rose in the air and made his way to

the men.


Pile them up in the clearing over there, Daowyn indicated, I will be happy to get rid of this filth.

Joe instructed his men, “take their weapons and ammo, but burn everything else of theirs. I

want no reminder of them or their kind.”

The same was done to the many bodies they removed from the mountain; all were piled up with

the men who had fallen on the mile wide plain in front of the barricade. Daowyn fired them all

to ash, and also cleared the entire area around the fence surrounding the town. Once it was

done he took his leave of Joe.

I must return to Dragons Hill Joe, he explained, my mission here has been completed.

I shall miss you my brave friend, Joe told him sadly, you have enriched my life greatly.

We shall always be connected Joe, that was the price of your enhancement. The large dragon lowered his head, my loyalty is to my rider first; but you shall always be in my heart. If you

should ever need me, just call.

Joe threw his arms around the large dragon’s lowered head, I shall always be grateful for your

friendship and the lessons you taught me. You have given me an honor I shall forever treasure.

The large dragon raised his head and roared ‘approval’ loudly and let loose a large flame into

the air. Those around stopped what they were doing and stared at the large dragon, and then

at Joe. Then Daowyn rose up into air, circled once, and flew towards Dragons Hill. Joe stood

there watching till Daowyn was just a small speck in the sky. Joe turned around to the

astonished faces of the men around him.

“Ok gentlemen,” he laughed heartedly, “let’s get our town back to order. Chuck, Jack, round

up the riders; we have a herd of cows to bring home.”

Hours later Joe gave a round of orders and then headed to the ranch house; he was dirty and

stunk of death. He wanted to clean up and change his clothes. As he walked up to the house he

saw Millie on the front porch with the two cougar kittens asleep in her lap. She was snapping

green beans into a large colander.

“Well, looks like they made themselves right at home,” he chuckled as he came up the stairs.

“Oh they’ve been no problem Joe; sweet as can be, they are. Their momma hasn’t showed up

for them.” Millie smiled and put the colander down on the table. She gently stroked both

sleeping kittens, “I hope she’s all right, Joe.”

“Oh don’t worry, she’ll come when she’s ready,” he told her, silently trying to sound optimistic.

He hadn’t seen her throughout the battle, and hoped that a stray bullet hadn’t felled her.

“Will Miss Victoria being coming home,” Millie asked, “I mean, now that the battle is over?”

Joe knew that Millie was worried about Victoria.


“Jake will send her home when her job is done, Millie.” Joe answered wondering silently when

that would be. “He assured me that she was safe,” Joe gently assured Millie patting her

shoulder, “so don’t worry. Changing the subject he added, “I need to clean up,” he opened the

front door, “I’m sure I reek by now.”

“Well… I wasn’t going to say anything,” Millie laughed as Joe went into the house.


Back at Dragons Hill, Daniel was in the Riders Hall conferring with Jake, No news yet on this

Dixon character, Jake?

No Daniel and I get heartburn when I think of it. We have been throughout Dragons Hill looking

for him. Jake shifted his weight, Dee and Lee Chin say he is still here, they can feel that much;

but he has hidden himself well. Our four-legged friend stays close by and on constant alert.

We’re going to have to bring Kate and the women back pretty soon, Daniel reminded Jake, any

delay and Kate will arrange a way to return on her own. You know how she is Jake…

Yes, I am aware of that Daniel. This last demon confounds me.