Dragons Hill: Book III by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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Almost two months later the valley hillside was awash in color. Flowers of every imaginable

hue were bursting out along the grassy hillside. Even Texas Bluebonnets and Indian

Paintbrushes had managed to make it across the country and bloom amongst the tall green

grass. Butterflies and large Bumble Bees could be seen diving in and out among nature’s

banquet; seemingly not able to get enough of the sweet nectar after so long a drought.

Hundreds of hummingbirds could be seen descending into the valley and their curious

humming sound actually heard up on the plateau by the curious dragons.

In the center of the valley tents were going up in various sizes. Large groups were beginning to arrive and make camp on the outskirts of Dragons Hill. Many came from long distances

having no contact with riders, except for occasional messages brought by them. Many set up

displays to show their wares and skills. There was a pottery tent, and a carpentry tent, and a

metal tent. Each held booths from the various towns with samples of their wares. Many came

and stayed just a day; coming just to see the Dragons up close and perhaps catch a glimpse of

Kate or Daniel.

Both Kate and Daniel made it a point to greet each new group as they came in and have a few

words with them. Also taking note of this, Jake would fly over the area at least once a day and

land in the field. Those who had never seen him were in awe and thrilled to no end. Many

hesitantly approached him and expressed gratitude for all he had done for them.

But it was the children of these people the Dragons loved the most. They were not afraid of the

large beasts in the slightest, and approached those in the valley with innocent childlike

curiosity. Many communicated with them on a telepathic level without realizing it. It was a

great time of wonder for all concerned. The Dragons gave rides to these children and

questioned them on their towns and the adults in them. Much information was gathered and

the Dragons were able to judge the advancement of the people in healing and living conditions.

Many a tale would be told of these encounters between man and dragon, and child and dragon.

They would be embellished and retold and passed down from one generation to the next.

It would become a yearly gathering when Dragon and man joined together for a brief time.

During this period Johnson wrestled with his conscience; one side of him wanted to be with

these people; he felt welcome and wanted and loved. But the other side of him, the dark side,

would rise up unbidden and grab his mind and pull it down. Watching from the hillside, men

and dragon together, his mind went back. Back to his dragon just before they broke in. Try as

he might, when he saw the face of his dragon, madness quickly had its way.


Into this magical gathering Lester and his young son, Jonathan descended. Daniel made

contact with Lester weeks before and plans were made for him to join the Gathering, as it

would soon be known. Steve timed it so they would arrive just past noon. Lester and his son

were still reeling from the excitement of meeting Lady Elsbeth and actually riding her. Her

gentle manner with Jonathan made a strong impression on Lester.

Daniel was waiting on the plateau with Jerry when Steve flew over and circled around taking

advantage of the large group below. He passed over the valley so Lester could see all the people interacting with the large dragons. Then Lady Elsbeth lined up and made a smooth landing

coming to a stop in front of Daniel. Instructed by Steve, both Lester and his son dismounted

and went to Lady Elsbeth and thanked her for the wonderful ride. Then Lester turned around,

stood there, and stared at Daniel and Jerry.

“My God, you’re both so young looking; just like Steve. I never would have believed it if I

wasn’t standing right here.” He came forward and extended his hand to Daniel. Daniel met

him half way and they embraced in a bear hug.

“You look good yourself, Les,” he said noting the lines around his face and the silver in his hair.

“Welcome to Dragons Hill!”

Daniel knew Lester had gone thru hell in bringing order to the Mountain, and the cost had

been a high one; his beloved wife.

“So,” began Jerry, “what do you think of our large companions Les.” Jerry gestured with his

arm in a wide arc, “magnificent, aren’t they?”

“Words just don’t cut it guys; they are astounding! Unbelievable!”

Lester was looking about at all the dragons on the plateau and quickly spotted Jake by the

entrance to the Riders Hall.

“And I’ll bet that that regal character is the one and only Jake,” he smiled as he stared at him.

Just then Jake turned his head in Lester’s direction and opened his wings in full stretch.

“No fooling you Les,” answered Daniel laughing; “Want to meet him?”

“Oh yes,” answered Les excitedly, “After reading those Dragon Chronicles, you better believe


“Me too!” said Jonathan, Lester’s son, “I want to meet Jake too!”

Daniel looked down at the young boy and laughed. Taking his hand they headed over to Jake.

The large dragon spread his wings and stood his full height. Les stopped in his tracks and

stared wide-eyed; but it was Jonathan who ran to the dragon without fear and began talking to

him telepathically. He was so excited that Jake had to calm him down so his thoughts weren’t

so jumbled.


The mighty dragon chuckled at the enthusiasm of the young boy. Young one, slow down and we

will speak of many things. I am very happy to see you also. Yes there are many dragons here, and

all will talk to you. Yes, Oreo is here and she will make herself known to you. No, Adam the flying

man is in Peru. There is plenty of time for you to meet all; you will be here for several days.

Daniel came up and introduced Lester to Jake. I am honored to meet you sir. Please, excuse my

son; he is very excited to be here.

I am happy to greet you at last Lester. Daniel has told me of your earlier association. Jake lowered his head to Lester, but only the good things; he left out all the juicy tidbits!

Lester broke into a laugh and Daniel joined him. You made a joke! Lester looked at Daniel and asked, “He makes jokes?”

Yes Les, Jake makes jokes; he’s definitely one of us. Just cause he’s a dragon doesn’t mean he

doesn’t have a sense of humor. Daniel informed him.

Wow, this is going to take some getting used to… he smiled at Jake with wide eyes.

Les stood before Jake and they began to exchange information about Thunder Mountain.

Jake wanted to know where all the military were located now, and if they were still warlike. He

impressed on Les the importance of destroying all the mass weapons that were still available.

All the while they were talking Jake was slowly walking towards the Riders Hall.

We must not allow them to be used ever again Les; man must learn a new way. We Dragons abhor

the use of such terrible weapons.

I understand Jake, when we took over from the military the first thing I did was gather up the

entire set of ‘Destruct Keys’. I didn’t want them available to anyone ever again. Les now realized that he was in the center of the Riders Hall, Master Jeffery was present.

Turning to Daniel, eyes aglow, Jake said: Why don’t you take Jonathan down to the valley and

introduce him to the other children. Lester and I have some information to share.

Daniel figured what was about to happen and he quickly left with the boy. He guessed that

Lester was about to get a crash course in Dragon 101, with a major in Jake 102.

The boy was delighted as they made their way down the mountain. He asked all kind of

questions, and as they stepped off the landing, Oreo pranced out of the Great Hall.

“Holy-moly, Uncle Daniel,” he shouted, “Is that Oreo?” Daniel laughed at his outburst.

Jonathan ran to her and went down on one knee and stretched his hand forward towards her.

She studied him for a moment and then licked his face and tried to rub up against him purring

loudly. She knocked him over, and he giggled and reached up for her.


“You’re beautiful girl, yes you are. I have a cat at home, but Patton’s nothing like you!” He

hugged her and continued, “Wow Uncle Daniel, you are so lucky to live here at Dragons Hill.”

Daniel laughed at his innocence and after a bit they continued on down to the valley. He

introduced him to Kate and she fawned over him and then led him to the other children. They

quickly made friends and went scurrying off to the field where the dragons had landed. They

spent the better part of the afternoon playing and talking to the dragons; who seemed

enthralled with the precocious boy.

Jake called Daniel back to the top about two hours later to retrieve Lester. He escorted a

bedazzled and befuddled Lester down the mountain to the valley. Lester’s appearance, his

stance and attitude had changed; Daniel was immediately aware that Lester had gone thru

some sort of enhancement.

“Man Daniel, there is so much at stake, so much to do,” Lester said. He stopped and turned to

Daniel, “how do you keep it all together?” It was obvious that Les was still in awe of all that had just happened to him, “Jake is… oh man! He’s really something else!”

Daniel laughed and slapped Lester on the back.

“Let’s head down to the large tent in the center of the valley Les. You don’t know it yet, but

you are about to have a case of the munchies like nothing you ever experienced.”

They stopped at the top of the path and Lester looked below at all the tens set up.

“What you have just been through is called ‘enhancement’, Les. It gives your mind the

knowledge you need, and as a bonus - tones up your body. But a side effect is you get ravenous

when it is all over; has something to do with the energy you expanded and took in.”

As they walked down the side of the mountain and headed towards the valley, Les took in

everything he saw. Passing by the horse pens he stopped to check out the new ponies.

Daniel relayed a short version of Lady Victoria, her stallion Samson, the hope to build up the

population of horses again. Les was very impressed.

“The Chronicles explained a lot about what happened, Daniel, but I still have to finish the

book. And Jeffery says there’s a second one,” Lester exclaimed, “I’ve got a lot to catch up on.

And Daniel, that Town Crier you sent had the whole mountain in a frenzy. They couldn’t wait

to hear all about the Dragons, and the big battle that took place. They kept that poor young

man talking for nearly eight hours straight.”

They headed for the large food tent in the middle of the gathering as Daniel explained the

reasoning behind the get together.

Les looked around whistled; “Damn, I’ve never seen so many beautiful people in one place…

let me guess, dragon-riders right?”

Daniel threw his head back and laughed, “And the most beautiful is my lovely Kate; the

golden-haired beauty over there,” he said pointing.


Daniel introduced Lester to Kate and the other riders. They all joined together at lunch and

there was much conversation about the ‘before’ times. Lester had them all laughing, especially

Kate, at his imitation of the Daniel he knew before the ‘Burning’. There were a multitude of

questions about the people in the Mountain. And all heard the sadness in Lester’s voice as he

explained the final days of the military and the peoples’ rebellion; and the consequences of that.

After a while Lester inquired about his son, Jonathan. Kate told him he and the other children

were playing in the field by the dragons. Curious, Lester and Daniel went to the ridge

overlooking the field.

“Would you look at them, Daniel,” Lester was amazed at his son and the other children playing

right by the large dragons. “He has no fear of the dragons at all,” Lester grinned, “And I’d

bet he’s talking to them, I’m sure.”

“The dragons have a special love for children, Les, and the children seem to pick up on it.”

Daniel put his hand on Lester’s shoulder. “Don’t be worried Les, they would never hurt a

child. They find them delightful and a joy to be with.”

“Yeah, I know,” said Lester softly.

Daniel turned to his friend with questioning eyes.

“Daniel, I haven’t been entirely truthful about something,” Les looked down at his hands for a


“What is it Les,” Daniel asked, intrigued.

Let him tell you in his own way Daniel, came Jake’s strong voice.

“It’s Jonathan; I know I shouldn’t worry, not after talking with Jake. But he’s only a little

boy; and to be honest, I don’t think I’m ready to lose him yet.”

He looked at Daniel and continued, “You see he started drawing pictures of the dragons about

a year ago. Just little kid pictures, you know, stick figures and all. But then I noticed that the drawings started to get better and better each time. They took on form and shape and color.

About a month ago he drew a picture of Jake and informed me we were going to see him soon.”

Les walked a few paces ahead and turned to face Daniel. “Then he drew a picture of several

large dragon eggs. And he pointed to one and said it was his ‘friend’. The next drawing was

one of his ‘friend’ just after hatching. I know now what that means Daniel; he’s going to be

rider isn’t he?” Lester asked.

“Yes Les, it would seem he is; Queenie just laid a small cluster of eggs. Les, it’s okay.”

They made their way down to the children, and when Jonathan saw his father and Daniel

approaching, he ran to him.

“Dad, Uncle Daniel!” His face was aglow with excitement; breathlessly he exclaimed, “Oh

Daddy, aren’t they wonderful?”


Les hugged his son and listened as he continued rambling on and on.

“Oh to see them fly, and talk to them all time, to hear all the little ones calling out. Oh just to be with them! You are so lucky Uncle Daniel!”

“Easy young man, calm down. They are going to be a part of your life too.”

Lester patted his son on the head, “You will be seeing a lot of them in the future.”

Daniel got down on one knee and putting his hand on the boy’s waist he asked, “What do you

mean by hearing the little ones call out?”

Jonathan smiled, “the little dragons, Uncle Daniel! Can’t you hear them? They stir and call

out to their riders. One even called my name!” He looked from his father to Daniel, “When

can I go to him Uncle Daniel, huh?”

Daniel stood and looked at Lester running his hand over his forehead and thru his hair; “Well

now, it appears you’re right Les.”

Jake? Have you been keeping pace with all this?

Yes Daniel, it seems we have a new rider.

A loud roar of ‘Approval’ could be heard echoing down from the mountaintop.

See, said an excited Jonathan with his mind, even Jake approves!

Slow down Jonathan, you are scaring your father, Daniel cautioned gently, he does not have your

gift of telepathy. He cannot hear the dragons as you do.

Oh, I didn’t know Uncle Daniel, replied Jonathan in a sad voice.

“Oh Daddy,” he said turning to Les with tears in his eyes, “I’m so sorry, I thought you could

hear them too!”

“It’s alright son, it’s your gift, never apologize for it,” Les replied hugging his son.



Feeling a bit claustrophobic, Kate left the cafeteria tent and headed up towards the mountain.

There were just too many people crowding about to suit her; she needed to get away for some

fresh air. She was in a light mood, happy to see so many arriving with smiles on their faces

and hope in their hearts. It was a marked improvement to be sure, hardly any dour faces. And

according to Master Jeffery, there was a remarkable amount of new babies. That meant the