Earth Reconquered by Kevin Berger - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


“Wait here,” the soldier said.

The two of them left the office leaving me alone. I looked around. This office was huge. I couldn’t believe we would have offices that big on the space station, with space at such a premium. The gym was huge, but I reasoned it was a training ground for many recruits. This office though--for paper shuffling for one person? It was elegant, yet sparse, unfeeling; lots of expense with little warmth or emotional investment. It was centered with one gigantic glass-topped desk, teetering on some extremely modern styled tubing for support. At the back of the desk, the wall was a vast expanse of darkness.

Quietly, with confidence and determination that marked much of his personality, in walked Brad Jonz. He looked grave; didn’t look me in the eye. That couldn’t be a good sign. It was his office. I had never realized until that moment that I'd never been in my dad's office before.

“I’m disappointed son,” he said. I took a breath to respond but he put his hand up quickly to stifle me. “Don’t worry; I know what it’s like to be young. It wasn’t that long ago for me either, but it’s trivial really. I have much more important things to discuss with you.” He looked me right in the eye and pointed to me. “Just promise me you’re not going back there, tell me that.”

“I promise.”

He looked away for a second and then turned back with a steely stare for a few seconds.

"Good, because I've a very special mission planned for you."

I sat up straight before he continued, attentive.

"Our President gives good speeches. He tells the people what they need to know--but--the war isn't over yet."

"The terrorists--you think there are still cells operating?"

"Oh we know Tyler. We know they are still operating."

"But the Exodus--people won't be safe."

"Look, leave decisions like that up to the government. I want you to see something. Transmission On!"

With his vocal command a holographic image appeared before us. In the hologram, Doctor Svoboda, lead scientist at the station, was walking around an impressive craft. He said:

" “Behold, the RMD-driven Covert, the state of the art military operations vehicle. This vehicle holds more firepower than any other vehicle in the world. It is faster and more nimble for ground or air travel than any pint-sized sports personal vehicle. It is virtually impenetrable to enemy attacks due to the strongest force field known to man. How is this possible you may ask? The key is in the name—RMD-driven--Rapid Molecular Displacement.”

“RMD is a revolutionary all-encompassing system for propulsion, weaponry, and rock-solid defence. The entire vehicle is surrounded by a smooth Zerite surface. But it is not the old-fashioned Zerite. It is far more sophisticated than that. The Zerite is filled with an activated molecular stimulant. This molecular stimulant, spread throughout the outer Zerite coating of the vehicle, is completely interconnected through the Covert’s information system. The molecular stimulant can be utilized for several reasons. It is equipped to sense the air molecules around the vehicle and is capable of manipulating them in several diverse and useful ways."

In the video, Dr. Svoboda walked around proudly in his familiar lab coat, constantly adjusting his glasses.

"For propulsion, it is capable of displacing the air particles so rapidly that the vehicle can fly through the air or skim along the ground faster than any vehicle known to man.

For weaponry, the RMD system is capable of concentrating energy on the outdoor air molecules and shooting them so hard and fast that they have more force than the average missile. This concentrated air missile has attached with it electronic messages that make this propelling air mass an extension of the Covert’s information system. In other words, this mass of air is not just brute force. More than that, it is intelligent, containing commands, which will guide it where you want it to go.

For defence, the RMD system can reinforce the Zerite covering with a rigid, impenetrable covering of the air molecules the vehicle is traveling through. That is a simple overview of a brilliant vehicle. But I must warn you, there is one issue which must always be taken into account during battle. The defence shield and the weaponry cannot be used at the same time. Once the RMD system concentrates its efforts on air displacement for weaponry, it  then  no longer can reinforce the Zerite covering which creates the impenetrable defensive shield. Of course, the Zerite surface itself provides more than adequate protection for conventional enemy attacks, but there are limits. You are vulnerable to nuclear, laser, and even the more powerful conventional missiles.”

While the doctor was talking, the virtual image of the outside of the car twirled slowly to show all angles of the sleek-looking machine. I could see the virtual image was changing. The doors were opening up and the doctor got in on the passenger side. He let the camera  get in on the driver’s side. You could see the cockpit controls.

“As you can see, the controls are all visually based. The screen in front of you can be used for multiple purposes. While you have the joystick to manually drive--or fly if you will--the vehicle,  you can also select a destination from the screen simply by touching it. If your target destination is not displayed on the screen--the standard view is of the immediate vicinity, there are button adjustments on the side to widen and shrink the view. If these views are not sufficient, you can enter longitudinal and latitudinal co-ordinates manually. This vehicle is designed for Earth travel, so all the data in the information system is based on Earth co-ordinates. This same group of interfaces is also used for weapon target selection. Try not to confuse the two.”

“When the bright red border lights up around the screen, you are in target mode. That should be sufficient warning, I hope. This completes the background history and vehicle overview segments of our seminar."

"Transmission Off!" my father commanded and the hologram disappeared.

He stared at me.

"Impressive machine, isn't it Tyler?"

"Yes sir, it certainly is--but what does it have to do with me?"

He got up and walked around his desk before continuing.

"You will be the captain of this vehicle—the commander of the mission. You already know exactly what our situation, our predicament is. Even though the expansion of the safe zone on Earth is progressing well, we need to stamp out the terrorist threat completely. We know that the terrorists have some sort of network, some safe areas where they live, train, and have been prospering these last hundred years. The problem is that despite years of surveillance and constant aerial scanning of the mountains surrounding the Earth dome base,  we cannot track down these terrorist safe areas. Up until now, we have sent out missions with conventional hovercrafts and all-terrain tanks to stamp out individuals and groups of terrorists. We always immediately deploy troops to where missile or laser attacks have been launched. We keep stamping out the fires, but we can’t find where the matches are stored. It is up to you and your team to find these metaphorical matches. Bombing campaigns can't thwart all the ground and underground activities. We have got to start organizing missions, which go deeper than the surface; missions which enter into the terrorist network and kill it from the core. Your first real military mission will be the beginning of the end for the terrorists. Your mission will make the initial steps towards an in-depth analysis of the terrorist network. You will be supplied with the most advanced surveillance and tracking equipment, including the Covert vehicle and whatever resources are needed. We are depending on you, Tyler Jonz, and your team, the time is right for the end of the terrorist reign on planet Earth. I hope you realize the great responsibility you are undertaking and also the great opportunity that you have to truly make a difference in our society.”

"My team Dad? Who is it?"

"I think your partner and Martina Lever and Doug Lloyd--they suit the purposes for the mission."

"Martina and Doug okay--but Stoneman--I don't know if--"

"Look Tyler, I'm not sending you to a social gathering--this is a mission--with SERIOUS implications."

"Okay Dad."

"We have to repopulate the Earth with the genetically-pure from the station. We know the Caucasian genetics have proved superior--Earth history and ethnic tensions have shown the errors of a diverse and weak gene pool."

"Well, you think it's perfect on the station?"

"I don't appreciate being interrupted soldier!"


"--and besides, that is logistical issues--a growing population in a contained environment. But that isn't your place to question government decisions." He sighed. "I wish you could just do as you’re  told. If not for me, for your mother's memory."

"Of course Dad. I really am sorry."

Thoughts of my youth, my mother before her passing, those memories pained me--but it made me listen more intently.

 “You understand this is a dangerous mission son?”

“Yes I do Dad.”

“You also understand that you must do it.”

“I understand that too.”

We looked at each other.

“I had Dr. Svoboda do the video seminar so he could properly explain the Covert and its operational abilities. He is also a military officer too. I know you are tired Tyler, but this is still an overview. I want you to have a good general overview tonight—something to sleep on. I want you to refocus--not waste time with distractions. The terrorist attacks are still coming towards the Earth dome. At this point it is laughable really, we can intercept just about everything they send towards us, but they keep on trying. What else can they do? The rest of the world is lying in ruins; only the terrorist vermin is left. Our problem is as the Exodus starts; we need to clear the entire globe. If you and your team are going to be successful, you must take a different approach.

Up until now, we have been reacting to terrorist attacks. We need to be more proactive, to be out in the field and searching continuously. If you look behind me I have an aerial view of the Earth dome and a mapping of the terrorist attacks over the last year. You can see there is a concerted effort to disperse the source of the attacks, to confuse us with the randomness. But if you look to the northeast, there are definitely a larger number of attacks launched from this area. I want you and your team to start searching there. We no longer will wait for the attacks to happen. This northeast area needs to be searched with a fine toothcomb; and it needs to be done quietly. Also, if any attacks happen, you will be in the area and ready to react. Go home and get some sleep son. Tonight will be your last night’s sleep in your old apartment. You, Stoneman, Lever, and Lloyd will be heading for the Earth base tomorrow for continued training.”

With this, he got up and came over to me. He put his hand on my shoulder.

“I know you will make me proud.”

And that was it.

He left.


I felt energized as I sprinted through the narrow, dark City Central streets. My ID card was at home, with its tracking device. If I was stopped it would be bad, but I was careful to stick to checkpoints and streets where I knew the cops—to be sure nobody asked for ID. I couldn’t leave it that way, with the girl, Melissa. I felt guilty about lying to my dad but I felt I had to do it.

It was such a strange ending to the evening. I wondered what she thought after I left. The apartments were jammed so tight together in this area that I wasn’t sure I could find her building. But then I recognized a graffiti-stained wall with ‘Anarchy Now’ scrawled angrily; and I knew her building was next. I ran into the elevator and didn’t hesitate until my hand was out to knock on the door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me Tyler, Tyler Jonz. Don’t worry. I’m alone.”

“Are you sure?”

I laughed. “I suppose I can’t blame you for being nervous, but yes, I’m pretty sure.”

I could only see one anxious eye through the door she only opened a crack. I smiled and she opened the door all the way. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. She was in a bathrobe.

“I was sleeping.”

She let me in and I closed the door.

“I wanted to apologize for the scene earlier. My dad is a General. He’s a little overprotective. It’s not like I’m a serial killer or anything.”

“I didn’t think of that, but thanks for giving me something to worry about.”

We laughed and hugged. I noticed over her shoulder that her mail terminal was blinking.

“You have mail?”

"Yeah, I got it earlier. I haven't deleted it. It's pretty important."

"Important. About what?"

"The Exodus. Do you want to see it?"

"You can just tell me."

 “It’s about the Exodus to Earth. I’m on the list of first settlers. Apparently it’s working by area, and they’re starting with City Central. It says the government needs to relocate the more underprivileged members of our society first—isn’t that great!?”

She turned and hugged me again. She felt warm. I was happy. I felt proud to be serving this government, these people. Any trepidation I had about my mission to Earth was gone.

We were making Earth safe so that people could improve their lives. I was happy to be with her. The squalor of her apartment didn’t matter any more. It was fleeting, temporary; our minds were both filled with the promise of the future. The seeds were planted for our destinies—and it felt good, secure. The rest of the night was exciting but peaceful; it’s always good to be sure of where you’re going, what you’re doing—even though it’s so dangerous.

Man is willing to risk everything if he believes in the cause.


I left her apartment in the early morning. This time it was much more peaceful; the way it should have been the first time. I called Martina on my wristband telecommunications device.

“Do you have any idea what time it is?” she moaned.

“No, that’s why I called. What time is it?”

“Geez, you’re gonna have to do better than that to improve my humour.”

“Ya gotta do me a favour Martina. I’ll pay you back, I swear. Anyway, I have some information that will be very interesting.”

“What favour? What information? Slow down, it’s early.”

“Do you have a meeting this morning?”

“Yeah, how’d you know?”

“I had one in the middle of the night last night, with my father. We’re doing a mission together.”

“What, just like that!? What is it?”

“I’ll tell you soon. Look, I forgot my ID card at home. Can you meet me at the PTP station entrance? We’ll talk.”


Martina showed up at the PTP station, her determined look enhanced her attractiveness. Her long blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail--her usual look. She probably had been fretting over the upcoming meeting with all the anxiety of a child the night before Christmas; so she practically dragged me along to her barracks as soon as she arrived. Her barracks were not too far from mine; the same  utility based, metallic walled space station grunt dwelling. Up in the domed city, you might forget where you were; but down in the main space station, we knew we were in a metallic hunk floating around Earth. She was burning with curiosity, but wanted to talk in private. When we got into her apartment, she slammed the metal door shut too loud for her neighbours I’m sure. She pushed me into a chair.

“What is it, what is this surprise meeting and what’s the mission?”

“Nothing much.”

She grabbed me by the shirt. “Tell me Jonz, now’s not the time.”

“My, my, aren’t we emotional.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you Martina. We’re going on a mission to Earth.”

“What do you mean? Going on a mission to Earth—just like that?”

“Pretty much. I had this long-winded virtual training session from Dr. Svoboda; and we’re getting a state of the art vehicle—you, me, Stoneman, and Lloyd.”

“Not Stoneman—geez, I don’t mind YOU being stuck with that numbskull, but now I have to deal with him?”

“Join the club.”

"So tell me Tyler, what's going on? --and no bull--okay!"

"Okay, okay. It's pretty wild actually. They want us going into the safe zone around the Earth dome--and beyond--searching for terrorist cells."

"I thought they were more or less--"

"Yeah, yeah, I thought so too--apparently they exaggerate the security of Earth society to appease the people--the first settlers."


"Man, you ain't heard the best part--they got a new ship--it looks awesome."

"Fancy ship is great--I guess. Come to think of it--it's quite a mission."

“When’s your meeting?” I asked.

“In an hour.”

“Okay, you’ll get all your answers then.”

“You can be useless sometimes Jonz.”

“We just have to know how to use it, not build one.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

She got up and looked out her little porthole window. It was perfect timing. The Earth was in full view, shining in all its glory. I stood beside her. I remember doing the same thing countless times. Staring at the beautiful blue water, the landmasses, the swirling clouds of the atmosphere; like I’m sure everyone in the space station did.

 “Are you sure there are no officers going?” Martina asked, still staring down at our destination.

“Yeah, I’m sure—just us four.”

“That’s strange.”

“Like I said, they want a fresh approach. Svoboda said he wanted ‘clean slates’.”

“Clean slates eh?” she laughed, “but no officers”.

“Well,” I started.

“Well what?” she looked at me.

“They have to put someone in charge.”


“That’s what they want.”

“Just like I would have figured—general’s son. What a shock.” She paused. “Aw, what the hell. You’re a smart guy and it could be worse. It could've been Stoneman.”

“Why thank you, what a glowing endorsement.”

“It should've been me though.” She looked at me and smiled. “I remember looking out at the Earth when I was a little girl. Right from my first memories you knew it was something special. It drew me in. My parents would take me to the parks in the outskirts so we could all sit and watch it. Sometimes I would forget about playing and just sit there staring. I remember asking my mom why we don’t go back right now. You know children, any waiting at all is an eternity—and this really was a long wait—and my mom—and she used to always say ‘good things come to those who wait’. I always whisper that in my head when I stare at the Earth—good things come to those who wait. We all know it's our destiny to go back, but now that the time is near—it seems surreal—like it can’t be true. When you dream about something so long, when it is part of your fantasies and daydreams since childhood; it’s almost too much for the psyche to try and get it to bridge over to reality. Do you know what I mean?”

“Not a clue.”

She punched my arm. “You’re a truly great comedian Jonz, you missed your calling.”

“I’ll accept that as an honest statement, devoid of sarcasm.”

“Delude yourself if you wish.”

She walked to the other end of the room. She busied herself with preparing her new uniform to go to the meeting.

“Well, pervert, are you going to stand there and watch me get dressed or are you going to get the hell outa here?”

“I guess I’ll get the hell outa here.”

“Good choice.”

I headed for the door. “By the way.”


“Thanks for picking me up at the station. I know how much you hate to get up too early.”

“You hooked me in with your ‘information’; you knew I would come”.

“Hey, a little bait always helps with catching your prey.”

“Too bad you didn’t pay attention enough to have any useful information.”

There came that smile again, transforming her into a beauty.