Earth Seven by Steve M - HTML preview

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Demos stood in front of his commanders. They were split into two groups. He addressed the group on his right first.

“Fast control of the roadways is one of the keys to our success. So when you ride, don’t let your men and women get distracted by the opportunity to plunder. That is not our mission, and they must know there will be punishment for insubordination. Control of the roads is your mission. No one with weapons must be allowed on the roads. Search them all and let them know that they will be safe from bandits. If you encounter bandits, thieves, or highwaymen, hang them from the trees where they can be seen by all.”

Demos turned to his left.

“You men and women will go into the cities and towns of the Ceros. It is your role to remain hidden. If you are close to Pyramos you will see the blast. This will be your cue. If you are too far away to see the blast, look for the Lord Allor traveling the sky. From the ground it will look like a ball of flame high in the sky. Most of you have seen him travel before. Then begin your attack. It is important that your teams target the barracks of the police and the administrative offices first. Some of you also have the local temples to attack as well. Do this right after you destroy the police barracks and the administrative offices.

“After the Lord Allor flies the sky, he will go to the edge of the black zone that was Pyramos. He and Princess Canto will heal the wounded among the survivors.”

“Why?” asked Captain Dewson, a man Demos had flagged for being the smartest of his captains.

“Why what?”

“Why heal the people he just tried to destroy?” asked Dewson.

“We want to destroy the Cult of Ceros,” said Demos. “Our battle is not with their followers. It’s just that our weapon doesn’t know the difference between a priest and a person.” Several of the commanders snickered.

“What about slaves? Ten percent are slaves,” asked Dewson.

“They are to be freed immediately,” replied Demos.

“What do we do if they want to take revenge on their masters?” asked Dewson.

“Then you give these men and women your sword and stand aside. They deserve no less than this.” This caused a few of the men to shout their agreement in the most understood manner they knew. “Death to Ceros,” they yelled.

“And if they don’t want to kill their masters? What then?” asked Dewson.

They weren’t expecting Allor to appear beside Demos, so there was an audible gasp from the assembled commanders when Allor appeared. He answered them in a loud, confident voice.

“All property of the master becomes property of the slave. The master is to be turned out and sent away from what was their home but is now the home of their former slaves.”

“And if they refuse to leave?” asked another commander.

“Then kill them,” replied Allor. “Many of you have had family taken as slaves. We’ve all heard how they are treated. Their limbs hacked off for the tiniest mistake. Their bodies used for pleasure without their consent. Their heads removed when they become too old for their tasks. What they have done is monstrous, and they should consider death to be a bargain payment for the debt they owe.

“Also make sure that everyone knows to come to the center of the town, the city, or the village at noon the next day. Pens and the priesthood will begin the conversion processes. Attendance is mandatory for everyone except the infirm. Those too sick to attend are excused. But any healthy persons found not in attendance or administering to the sick will be given a verbal warning. If they still don’t attend, get their name and give it to Demos. He will get it to Tal. She will convince them that compliance is less painful than resistance.” Several commanders chuckled.

“What about the priests?” asked another commander.

“Kill them, without exception,” replied Allor. “But I believe most of the priests will flee and hide. You will find them in caves and hiding in the forest. Those that think they can hide among the people have made a fatal mistake. As soon as the converts learn that their tithing is reduced by half and their prayer schedule is reduced, I expect the priests to find they are no longer welcome guests.”

“What about heads?” asked Dewson.

“Remove them if you must. But no heads on sticks. Leave that for Tal,” replied Demos.

Demos liked Tal and wished she liked him as much.

“Men and women, we will soon put an end to the religious wars once and for all. No longer will any people live in fear of raids. No longer will we have our loved ones slaughtered for believing differently. You will be the liberators of a long-suffering people. So on the day they may hate you, on the day they may despise you, but not many days from now they will know that what you have done was something for which they can never repay you adequately.”

Allor held his fist above his head. Then Demos held his fist in the air. A moment later the rest of the commanders joined them. They spoke in the language they knew.

“Death to Ceros. Death to Ceros,” they chanted together.