Earth Seven by Steve M - HTML preview

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“I think we should look and see if we can steal Tal’s transport device,” said Koven when they met, shielded at the top of the steps to the temple. Rusa took Koven’s hand and they went inside.

“You want to see her naked again, don’t you?” Rusa replied.

“Yes,” Koven admitted.

“OK. Let’s go look for it,” replied Rusa. “Did you know that there is a new role-playing app I can download? I didn’t because you are a historian. Logically, role-playing is a deceit, so you would be prohibited. Is my understanding correct?”

“Yes,” replied Koven.

They entered Tal’s room while the guards were investigating a noise they made down the hall, then walked past them and opened the doors. Tal was not in the pool, but she was naked. She was sitting on top of a man years younger than her, grinding down on him as she thrusts her hips forward and backwards.

“Not much longer now,” she said with a desperate tone.

“May I suck on your breasts, Mother Tal?” asked the man with the long brown hair and matte complexion.

“Yes. Soft at first then hard when you feel me clenching.”

Koven saw the personal transport device sitting on the table next to the bed. He moved carefully over to it. A tix after he picked it up, it became part of the cloaking field and disappeared. He held Rusa’s hand by his other hand.

“Let’s go,” he whispered to the sound of Tal’s loud moans that were getting louder.

As they turned to leave, Koven bumped into the equally invisible Rusa, despite the fact that the point of holding hands was to prevent things like that. The PTD slipped from his hand and fell to the floor. As soon as he was no longer touching it, it became visible. That unfortunate event was followed by another even more unfortunate in the loud clanging sound when it hit the floor.

“Shit,” he muttered as he reached down to pick it up. When he did, he bumped his head with Rusa’s head as she bent down to pick it up. A particle blaster went high over their heads while they were bent down. Koven quickly increased the setting on his PPS. He was too scared to notice the inaccuracy of the shooting.

He looked at the source of the blast and it was empty. Someone was cloaked and shooting at him. They shot again, this time lower and hitting the top of Koven’s PPS shield. An instant later a second weapon was also shooting at them. Every time their weapon would hit Koven’s PPS shield it would outline the shell he was inside of.

Koven was scared for the first few tix until he was confident that his shield was effective.

“Do you realize what you are doing?” he yelled to his assailants. “You are shooting at an agent of The History Department at the University on Central Kath, on a planet under quarantine, and you don’t have a chance of hurting me. Do you realize this?”

They answered by using his voice to aim their weapons. Five quick blasts hit his shield right in front of his face.

“They are not supposed to know about us. Didn’t you get the comms?” Koven yelled at them.

The couple in the bed were not frozen during this. They saw the white bolts of light when the weapons were fired. Tal dove to the far side of the bed and lay down on the floor. She moved quickly across the floor towards the room with the pool. The man lay beside the bed for a few tix then he made a run for the door.

And since he was unimportant to the people he could not see, no one shot at him, struck at him, or tried to prevent his progress in any way. He ran naked past the tall columns, made it to the door, and left.

Koven stood up and walked forward a few paces.

“Are you regressive? I’ve heard about them but never met one before. If you are a regressive, can you tell me if you still throw your feces, or have you gone back to eating them again?”

This time there were ten short blasts that illuminated his protective shell.

And while this was happening, Tal decided it was her turn to make a run for the door.

“Leave. Stop shooting at me and leave. Right now. And I will be putting this in my report. Don’t think I won’t. This is a class one violation of university policy. And your ass is mine when I find out who you are.”

Tal made it to the second-to-last column. As she ran towards the door, she ran into the long blade of an invisible light sword. Her blood and other fluids showed the shape of the weapon as it exited her back. Then the blade was pulled up hard into her chest. Then it withdrew before thrusting into her again. After that, her lifeless body fell to the floor.

When Koven saw Tal fall to the floor, he rushed over to her. It was too late. He turned on his remedium but it showed only blue, the color of death.

“Look behind you,” said Rusa. Koven turned, and at the balcony past the pool, they saw a PTD bubble leaving. A few tix later, two other bubbles formed and then departed.

Koven looked down at Tal cradled in his lap.

He heard the guards come running into the room.

“Mother Tal, where are you?” they yelled. Since she was in contact with Koven, her body was cloaked.

“It’s time to leave,” Koven heard Rusa say softly into his ear.

When he stepped away from Tal, she suddenly appeared again.

“Oh Allor,” said one of the guards, “get Allor, quick, man. Get Allor now.”

Rusa picked up Tal’s PTD as they left.