Earth Seven by Steve M - HTML preview

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Herds of animals migrate in search of food, water, safety. Humans are animals. The capital city of Midar swelled as pilgrims came seeking the healing powers of Lord Allor and the confirmation of a belief that permits them more control of their own lives.

Allor had priests open all of the temple grounds for pilgrims. The elaborate gardens of the former Underones were opened to give the pilgrims a place to sleep. The grounds of the temple at Kiro swelled until there were more than a hundred thousand within the temple walls. Allor had the priests provide food from the royal kitchens to the crowd. Still, there were problems. After a couple of days, the temple grounds of Allor smelled mostly of urine and shit.

Allor went out onto the front balcony from the main temple. It overlooked the steps leading to the temple doors and the large square in front of the temple. The crowd cheered when he appeared at the balcony door with Canto. He held her hand and raised it high over their heads like declaring a victor in a boxing match.

“We bring you good health,” Allor yelled to the crowd. It was met with cheers. He listened as the repeaters in the crowd repeated his words and they rippled through the crowd. The cheer started closest to him and moved away like a wave in water.

“We bring you more control of your own life,” Canto yelled to the crowd. She looked at Allor and smiled. They listened to the cheer progress to the back.

“We bring you more of the rewards of your work,” Allor yelled to the crowd. He waited.

“We bring you a world without false gods,” Canto yelled. She looked at Allor. They had argued about who should say this. Canto won.

As they were speaking to the crowd, a line of The Expected began to surround the perimeter of the square. Each of them carried a long metal rod which they held high above their heads. At the top of each was the head of a Ceros priest. Once the square was surrounded by heads on sticks, the grand doors to the temple opened. Out came two lines of The Expected marching side by side. They held staffs with heads on top of them. The crowd at first was shocked by the sight of the heads. But they began to cheer as they understood that the heads meant the end of the religious police of Ceros.

As the crowd cheered The Expected cleared a path for them to march through, up on the balcony the ambassador from the Disciples of the Earth stepped into view. A moment later the ambassador from the Kingdom of Rom stepped out onto the balcony also. Both men stood beside Allor and Canto. They raised their fists together to the crowd that roared their approval.

It was to be a brutal peace.