Elanclose by Krystyna Faroe - HTML preview

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Chapter 22


When Fern walked through the door of the Captain's Mess she was met with silence as the group of people that had been stood talking all turned to look at her.   She was surprised to find that there were other girls on board, all in beautiful dresses too.   No wonder the Captain insisted she wear a dress.   The Captain approached her with shining eyes of admiration and she was glad that she’d made the effort to abide by his wishes; she hoped it would make things go better for her.

Taking hold of her arm he whispered into her ear.   “Fern you look lovely.”

Guiding her toward the table he pulled out a chair and motioned for her to sit down.   It was a long rectangular table beautifully set, upon which sat a white table cloth and porcelain plates with gold edges.   From her seat at the end of the table with the Captain, who was sat at the head of the table, she was able to take in the rest of the decor.   In the centre was a decorative display of huge bright flowers (the nastramus poppies were ugly in comparison) she gawked at them in disbelief at the vibrant colours.

People were taking their seats at the table and she looked back at the Captain who was watching her with an amused expression.   She was coming to the conclusion that she was something of humour to all boys, since Oak often looked at her the same way and Elm spent most of his time smirking at her.   She watched everyone who came to the table; there were five officers plus the Captain and all the officers had a female companion with them.

She found herself sat next to a tanned bulky boy who smiled at her with a gleam that made her uncomfortable.   Across from her sat a girl, she looked older but couldn't have been more than a year older than herself.   Her hair was dark blond with streaks of lighter blond at the sides where her hair was finer and had bleached in the sun.   She wore these lighter curling blond tresses down beside her face whilst the rest of her hair was piled up onto the top of her head.

Fern's attention was caught by her ear rings and she couldn't help but be stunned by them.   They shone brilliantly, tiny stones reflecting the colours around the room.   Every time the girl moved her head they sparkled more, a smattering of stars clumped together to adorn a naked ear.   She hadn't realized how much she was staring until she noticed the girl looking back at her with a self-satisfied smile upon her face.

Fern gave a quick smile back and turned her attention to the Captain.   However, when she saw his face she wished she hadn't.   It was brief in its duration but it was a look of disdain.   He quickly replaced it with a tolerant smile and looked down to the other end of the table as he addressed the boy sitting there.

“Why, Lieutenant Sherbrook you look as though you were in the sun too much today.”

“Captain Laroche, I agree with you.   I did get too much sun.   I was on deck all day trying to organize some renovations.   I am hoping to have an area for the girls to sunbathe and relax when the weather is obliging.”

The red faced Lieutenant Sherbrook gave a polite nod to the girls sat at the table and they warmly smiled back at him.   “I see Captain Laroche that we have a new guest at our dinner table.   Perhaps you will favour us all with an introduction?”

“Indeed I will.”

Taking Fern's hand he drew himself up to stand, Fern doing likewise.

“This gentlemen is Fern, a Woodlander from the forest.”

The girl across from her quickly arose in disbelief, as she stared angrily at the Captain and interjected.   “You brought a savage onto our ship?”

Then resting her hard stare on Fern that held abhorrence and repulsion she continued.   “Captain Laroche it is one thing to bring a Citan girl on board but to subject us to dining with this heathen creature is too much.”   She shook her shoulders as if primping her feathers.   “She gawks around the room as if she's just been released from a cage and is expected to perform.”

The Captain's voice roared immediately in retaliation.   “Keep quiet Simone!   How dare you insult my companion!   Sit down this instant or I will ask you to retire from the table.”

His face was turning red, flushing deeply with anger but the hazel eyes calmed as he bid Fern to sit down and he did the same.   Simone had already quickly descended to her seat upon the last of his words.

“My guest will be treated with every respect I expect to receive from you all.   If anyone upsets her in any way they will suffer consequences and believe me they will not be lenient.”

He was looking at Simone now as she sat upright in her chair with an air of defiance but her lips gave away her true feelings as they quivered and her eyes became quicksilver, the grey transforming itself at the increase of fluids.

The door opened and in walked a number of boys dressed in white, each with a covered platter in their hands.

The commotion was forgotten as the Captain rubbed his hands together and exclaimed.   “What has our wonderful cook made for us today?   Perhaps it is something new to delight our senses.”

The rest of the table gave a nod and chorus of hopeful agreement except Simone who remained quiet.

Fern couldn’t help but stare at the girl who had viscously, virulently, and verbally attacked her.   Her eyes held Fern's with a hatred that Fern didn't understand.   Everything about her was beautiful, yet her eyes were cold, cruel and callous, there was not one pleasant emotion in the girl's body.   Fern was surprised, she'd done nothing to this girl, and she wanted to know why she disliked her so much?   There was a lot more to it than the fact that she was a Woodlander and she meant to find out.

Her locked stare upon Simone was broken by a slight cough from the side of her and she turned her attention to the boy on her left.   “May I introduce myself Fern?   I am First Mate, Lieutenant Christian.”   She smiled back at him politely as he continued.   “How long have you lived in the forest Fern?”

“Since I was eleven,” she replied taking in the snub nose which was blotchy red to match the ruddy cheeks, an overfull mouth and eyes almost hidden beneath hooded eyebrows.   They were a dark blue with hints of grey but they were warm compared to Simone, definitely friendlier.

“Was that immediately after the Devastation?” he exclaimed searching her face for some hidden answer for her returning to the Garden of Eden.   “Did you continue to read and write?”

“I most certainly did!”   Fern retorted annoyed at the assumption that living in a forest meant she must have swung from the trees for the rest of her life.   “I read many books and I have written in journals for many years, recording our progress and events.”

He smiled at her in interest, “I would very much like to read your journals.”

“As would I.”   Came the Captain's voice and they both turned their attention to his demanding presence.   “Lieutenant Christian I would appreciate a little tete a tete with Fern if you don't mind.”

“Not at all Captain Laroche.”   Bowing his head Lieutenant Christian turned and immediately started to converse with the girl next to him.

“My sweet Fern.”   The Captain took hold of her hand and squeezed it as he gazed into her eyes.   His own eyes the soft syrup she had looked into in his quarters.   “Thank you for trying so hard for me.   There are many of our ways that you don't know but you'll learn and you'll be the loveliest of all the girls here.”

His smile was gentle and wistful, Fern warmed at his words, squeezing his hand back in consent that she would learn their ways.

One of the boys in white who had been serving food now approached Fern.   The young boy smiled, he couldn't have been much more than thirteen.   With a bow he presented his dish to her.

“Envillion in herbs and white wine sauce ma'am.”

Fern couldn’t stop herself from just staring at the platter of sliced fish covered in a rich white sauce.   She'd heard that the envillions were giant fish with sharp teeth and an appetite to shred the flesh from anything that should be within their level of gnashing.   To eat something that fed on the flesh of others made her want to shudder.

The young boy waited for her patiently until she heard the Captain say.   “Perhaps, Ensign Rogers, Miss Fern would prefer something else.   The Woodlanders are after all vegetarians.”

“My apologies ma'am.”   The young boy pulled back nervously, nodding his head at the Captain, his shoulders drooped in apology.   He quickly moved away and took the platter to the Captain who heaped huge portions of the fish onto his plate.

“A shame you do not eat meat Fern, envillion is quite delicious the way cook makes it.   He's quite a genius when it comes to food.”

“I'm sorry Captain.”   Fern looked down at her plate for a moment and then back at the Captain.   “Perhaps next time I will not be as taken aback and will try it.”

“Very good Fern.   Very good.”

The Captain gave her a pleased smile and looked toward another platter that was approaching her.

“Ah!   You will enjoy these vegetables Fern, we are very lucky to still have some left.   Our travels do not often take us to where they are grown.”

She was presented a platter of vegetables by another young boy who smiled graciously at her.   They were also covered in a glorious white sauce that sent saliva sprouting in Fern's ravenous mouth.   Helping herself to large spoonfuls she heaped her plate as high as she could until she heard a “tut” across from her and saw an abrupt turn of Simone's head.   Fern smiled realizing Simone was afraid of placing herself at risk from the Captain's wrath and had quickly caught and amended her actions.

The irritable look on the Captain's face vanished quickly as Fern turned to him.

“I knew you would like the vegetables.”   He said as she smiled at him.

Looking down at the mound of vegetables on her plate and the utensils at the side she tried to figure out which piece of cutlery she was to use.   A quick gaze toward the Captain showed her which and imitating him as precisely as she could she ate her food.

Whilst she ate wine was poured into her glass.   Feeling thirsty she drank the whole glass and then gave a small cough.   The Captain's eyebrows rose in amusement and she tried to suppress the croaks in her throat from the acidic wine.   She was used to drinking juices made from berries and vegetables.   The Woodlanders never made anything with alcohol (it was deemed a danger to all for it dulled the senses and played upon emotions).

Fern had to admit she liked how it made her feel.   She felt like the sun, glowing and warm; her whole body was almost vibrating from the pleasure of it.   Even the glares from Simone no longer bothered her.   In fact, she started to play a game where Simone would glare at her and she would give a sickly sweet smile back.   The torture that this caused Simone was greatly rewarding.   Her face went various shades of red the more irked she became as she grew even more frustrated because she could not retaliate.   She gave an acidic smile back which amused Fern immensely, so she craved it more.

A hand slowly rested upon hers and she heard a voice whisper.   “That is enough fun.   Leave Simone alone, her tolerance levels are short and I do not want to have to ask her to leave the room.”

Fern looked at the Captain in surprise; she should have realized he would have been watching what she was doing.   He was aware of everything and was no fool.

“The wine perhaps has made me more mischievous than normal?”

“I doubt that.   I have no doubt that mischief is quite in your makeup Fern.”   He leaned in closer toward her and softly continued.   “It's what thrills me about you.   Formalities aren't in your realm are they Fern?”

Her eyes widened as she stared back into his knowing ones and she realized he probably knew her better than anyone in her camp.   She didn't like formalities and even though she was being obliging here, at the camp she was often anything but.

Once more she stared at the Captain in wonder and she saw his eyes become brighter, his face soften as a happy expression spread across it.

“Thank you for coming into my life Fern.”

She didn't know what to say so she just nodded.   She smiled as warmly as she could and when he released her hand, she went back to the task of eating her dinner.   But she was confused at how she felt and by what had just happened.

The rest of the meal continued pleasantly with jokes, stories and laughter and Fern found she quite happily became involved in it all.   For a person opposed to social interaction at the camp she found herself quite enthralled with the people around her and the conversations that took place.   She seemed to be suddenly transformed into a gregarious, playful nymph.

When dinner was over and they all arose to retire to their rooms or walk upon the deck, Fern was quite sorry.   She hadn't felt so lively with other people in a long time.   Her interaction at the camp had mainly been with Oak and although he’d made her laugh many times in the past, his intentions now seemed to be to laugh at her rather than with her.

She still felt a discomfort at the way some of the boys looked at her but she found the other girls to be pleasant.   Whilst standing and chatting before leaving the Captain's Mess she found she felt quite warmly toward the Lakeller girls.   One in particular, Alicia, she found very kind and gentle.   The girls were not as handsome as Simone and she realized Simone was well aware of the fact and flaunted her beauty around the boys as much as possible.   Their eyes glowed as they followed her form when she walked.   She swayed as if music was playing and laughed like the clink of glasses, high and pealing through the room.

Fern noted that the other girls had little interaction with her and even the boy, who would often go to her side only to be snubbed, gave up in the end.   Lieutenant Rostin was a pleasant and attractive boy and was obviously Simone's unfortunate other half.   He certainly looked unhappy with the role that he had and when Fern very kindly went to him and engaged him in a conversation about the ship, his handsome face took on a new look which both Simone and the Captain saw.

They were almost upon them at the same time to disrupt the talk from going on any longer.   Fern was quite sad to leave Lieutenant Rostin for she found honesty within him that she felt in no others on board other than the young Ensign Jones who had escorted her to the Captain's Mess.   Lieutenant Rostin escorted Simone out of the room, her hand charmingly placed upon his arm as she wafted away.   She left behind a smell of strong perfume that Fern thought was as suffocating as Simone herself.

The Captain was still talking to Lieutenant Sherbrook and laughing loudly as Fern gazed about the huge room.   It gleamed with wood that was polished brightly, dark wooden surfaced areas lined the walls and unused glasses were being cleared away to cupboards underneath as the doors clicked locked.   The table had already been cleared, the young boys from catering being efficient and performing their tasks quietly and quickly.   By the time the Captain reached her side the room was already bare and she gave a sigh at leaving behind her memories of laughter with more than one person.

The Captain took her arm and led her toward the door.

“Would you like a stroll upon the deck Fern?”

She nodded enthusiastically; the thought of fresh air and being outside at once sending her blood to quicken.

“Yes I would Captain!”

He smiled down at her and squeezed her arm in satisfaction.

The air was cool when they stepped onto the deck; the grey of evening was already cloaking the skies and the lake blending into one.   Guiding her, the Captain led her to a railing and she happily leaned upon it gazing out to what looked to be infinity.   She was not aware of the ship itself but the expanse of water and the breeze that massaged her face, her nose filling with its mossy, musty, almost musky scent.   She was lost to its sensations, a virgin succumbing to her seducer as it swept her back to Elanclose.

“It's a shame that it's not as beautiful a night as you deserve Fern.”   The Captain's voice brought her back to the Lakellers, her wandering spirit returning from its brief interaction with the elements.

“It's lovely, I'm happy to be out here.”

“Do you find inside too confined?”   A quick studying glance shot her way.

“I hadn't thought so but now I'm out here, I admit I do feel more relaxed.”

“I'm glad.”

His arm was encircling her waist and she couldn't help but tighten.   She knew he sensed it because his own hold became taught and then relaxed again.   He hummed softly to himself to help make his mind and body more restful and she thought perhaps the soothing thrum was for her also.   He was so quick to control himself, so quick to cover up his real feelings and mask them.   He was also astute to her responses and how to steer them for his own gain.

Finally relaxing and ignoring his arm around her she closed her eyes and breathed.   She wanted to take in the scents again that hung over the lake, to feel what it was like to live on the lake, feel its sensations, vibrations.   She forgot the Captain beside her as she absorbed the night air and cool breeze.   Feeling the slight movement of the ship and taking in the crisp, cool air that was swirling around her she swayed a little to be one with them.

The movement took her closer to the Captain, who to her surprise became inflamed with a desire, that she didn't know was there.   His arms tightened around her, heat springing from his body to hers.   She realized her mistake too late as his lips crumpled upon her own and the point of his tongue pushed between them.   She couldn't stop herself from recoiling back in shock, she wanted to struggle but dare not.   She had her eyes open staring without sight at the blurred face before her.

Inside her body was screaming, yelling at the intrusion, at the unwelcome emotion that was being thrust onto it.   She knew her body was taught, not pliant as it should be, causing the Captain to let her go, but she still didn’t move.   She was staring at the face before her, a face that she didn’t know, and one she greatly disliked.   As if only just remembering to breathe she gasped for air but found she couldn't catch it as she felt herself choking in fear.

   The soft honeyed eyes that she was looking at were wild, yellow like a leopard; his face was hot, flushed and his lips swollen as he sucked in a huge breath.   She had to reign herself in to be calm, to keep up the facade she'd been playing, get rid of the fear to save herself from making him angry and possibly becoming the next girl to vanish.   Quickly looking down to collect herself and then back at the Captain she gave him an apologetic smile, whilst simultaneously pushing her fears aside.

“I'm sorry Captain.   I'm not used to physical interaction between a boy and a girl.   I'll need time to adjust.”   She paused briefly looking into the hot eyes with as much calm demure as she could muster.   “Can you give me time?”

She purposefully softened her face to be innocent and sweet (imaging herself after Willow who had perfected the look).

His response was what she hoped for, he pulled back and his expression immediately changed to the soft hazel eyes once more and a smile.

“Of course Fern, it is your innocence that intrigues me.   You are as untouched as an orchid growing in a swamp, your beauty hidden from the predation of others, their eyes and touch.   Yes Fern, I can be patient.”

He took her arm once more leading her back toward his quarters.   His body seemed to have grown taller, she felt smaller, even fragile, she was trembling slightly and she didn’t like the feeling.

“Thank you!” her voice was barely audible but she knew he heard because his body puffed out a little more.   He was enjoying her submission to him, enjoying his role as gentleman and she knew that that was all it was, just a game he was playing with her.   A sigh escaped her and echoed through the corridor they walked through, or at least she thought it did, but there was no response from the Captain.   For the first time since she’d been on board her feet fell heavy upon the footing below.

Once they were back in the Captain's Quarters she was given a nightgown and told she could change in the bathroom.   Quick to be out of the Captain's sight she went into the small room and noticed that it had been cleaned, the mirror shone as it had before and the floor was no longer a puddle, nor the walls wet stains.   Once in her nightgown (which thankfully covered her shoulders and reached the floor) she walked back into the room to the boxes and put the shoes and dress away.   Carefully she placed the hair clips in their own small box and put the bra into a corner, along with the newly washed panties that she spread out, damp and wrinkled to dry.   She turned to see the Captain watching her and was startled to see he was dressed only in loose pants that dropped slightly below his hips, showing the indentations on either side of his hip crevices.

She tried to stop herself from staring at the dark hair that lay upon his chest, running in a thin line down to the top of his pants.   Her naiveté gave her up as she unwillingly stared.   There seemed to be so much of it that she was both shocked and surprised.   How could any boy have so much hair?   Once more she saw the spark within the Captain's eyes forcing her to look down quickly to the floor.   Trying not to be agitated she delicately asked where she was to sleep.   She felt dread at the thought that he might expect her in his bed.

The Captain had regained control by the time she looked at him again and he pointed to the sofa where a pillow and blanket lay.   She smiled pleased with the comfort of it, relieved she would be alone and happy because it was still softer than any of the trees she’d often slept in.   She almost skipped toward it in thankfulness.

The Captain bade her goodnight as she stood beside her makeshift bed and flicking a switch he turned out the lights.   She knew he was still standing watching her, she could see him in the moonlight.   She didn't move until eventually he disappeared behind his door, closing it softly.   She was alone; reassured she was safe she released a long breath of pent up fear.

The moon bathed her soft glow to the objects within the large room easing Fern's discomfort more.   Grabbing the blanket and tossing herself onto the sofa, she snuggled under its warmth, her bare arms sticking to the leather.   She manoeuvred herself to a sleeping position that offered her relaxation and an opportunity to be able to quickly leap to her feet should she need to.   Unsure about the pillow she tossed it onto the floor.




To Elm it seemed an interminably long time before the moon rose.   He was feeling stiff from standing so long.   They'd heard movement in the forest but nothing had approached them.   The search for a meal took the beasts elsewhere.   Perhaps Pine was right and the smell of their numbers was enough to deter the hunting creatures.

Cedar hadn't returned and Elm became happier knowing that the Lakellers would receive no payment and no journey would be made.   Feeling quite chuffed at the unfolding of events he was almost in a mood for singing.   He was quite lyrical and had a good voice for holding a tune, in his mind he had a new song forming.


In the forest black with night,

We awaited our brave defender.

But he was not within our sight,

But perhaps to beast surrendered.


He almost laughed out loud at his inference that Cedar had been eaten, enjoying the way his song was forming.   However, his thoughts quickly halted.

If Cedar died his hold on Hemlock would be tenuous.   Hemlock had similar political views to Elm but it was Elm's knowledge of Hemlock's love for Rose (who was joined to Cedar and no-one could break that bond) that kept Hemlock in Elm's control.   He had come across the two of them in an embrace, a passionate kiss, proving Rose herself was in love with Hemlock.

They pleaded for his silence saying it was a momentary lapse of judgement for both of them, promising it had never happened before and would never happen again.   He wondered if they would hold true to their words but they knew if he told Oak Hemlock would be thrown out of the clan forever.   He'd seen fear in both of their eyes and enjoyed his new power.

He'd watched both of them carefully but they never again broke the clan law.   They looked at one another with mournful eyes that turned Elm's stomach at how pathetic they were, but he was glad of the hold he had over Hemlock.   Hemlock was a good defender and he supplied Elm with all the news and knowledge of Oak and his plans.   Cedar's death would be devastating to Elm's future.

With this new discomfort he started to fidget receiving attention from Hemlock in his curiosity as to what was bothering him.   He gave Hemlock a weak smile noticing how bright the moon had become by its reflection on his face and turned away to escape his questioning gaze.

The rest of the defenders were quiet and other than the symphony of breaths, the night remained silent.   Elm looked around him noting that Pine looked especially worried now that the moon had made her debut for the evening.

Elm’s mind felt befuddled as he tried to process his next course of action.   He realized in his interned state that very little was left available to him, perhaps especially if he could no longer rely on Hemlock as an ally.

He wondered if those very same thoughts were going through Hemlock's own head.   Whether he also waited with mental pictures of his joining Rose and taking what was once Cedar's in the event of his death.   Disgruntled he gazed toward the forest hoping that Cedar would leap out toward them.   His eyes pierced into the thick tree trunks and branches with nothing but black and silence behind them.

He wasn't the first to hear the fall of oars in the water and the dripping as they lifted out.   He knew who it was and didn't turn like the rest; instead he looked straight at Pine (who was already looking toward the lake).   If Pine could have physically aged during that short period of time since the Lakellers had left he would now be ten years older.   Elm had never seen Pine look so taught and haggard, there was turmoil and distress in his eyes.   He'd lost his opportunity to save his best friend and was discouraged by his failure.   If Elm felt pity he would have felt it now but that emotion was not within his realm.   He turned when he heard the boat scraping upon the pebbles and heard the cry of Madden for someone to help him.

Pine signalled for four of the boys to help with the boat and the rest stayed where they were watching the approaching Lakellers.   They could see the stripes of moonlight fall upon two other boats that waited further out on the lake.   With interest Elm watched the ensuing conversation.

“The Captain agreed to the trade.”   Madden looked at Pine and then around from defender to defender.   “Where are the goods you promised?”   His voice now dropped, replaced by scepticism as he noted the lack of change within the group.

“My defender has not returned yet.”

Pine lifted his head in a regal manner that made Elm want to scoff.   It wouldn't work on Madden, he had no respect for dignity and probably not even loyalty.   The answer Madden gave was what Elm expected to hear.

“Yet!”   The silence after the word was as dramatic as the angry word itself.   “Are you playing us for fools Woodlander?   We don't like being made fools of.”   Madden growled out the last words.

He didn't expect the response he received from Pine and so was taken completely unaware.   Without a word Pine's sword was lying across Madden's throat.   The shock of what was happening caused Madden's eyes to bulge and even Elm gave a gasp of surprise.   Madden's partner made a fumble to retrieve a knife from his pocket but was quickly disarmed by one of the defenders and he too was held by a Woodlander sword.

Pine's voice was low and soft; Elm almost had to lean forward to hear what he said.

“No Madden, we are not here to make fools of you.   The goods are not here yet.   My concern is that something has happened to my defender.   However, we need to make this journey and I will not let you return to your ship without us.”   He leaned in more toward Madden's ear.   “We will wait a while longer.   Your other rowers will grow restless; they will come in to shore to see why there is a delay.   You will say nothing or else you will be dead.   Do we agree upon your silence?”

Madden carefully nodded his head, all the time aware of the sharpness of the blade at his throat.   Elm could see the fear and anger in his eyes and wondered which would win.   Would he obey Pine or would he risk death to