Elanclose by Krystyna Faroe - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


Oak had two visits to make before he left the camp to find the Citans.   He strode past the clan members’ homes mulling over his concerns.   As he approached the home he sought he stopped.   Would she be there?   Would she have done as he asked?   If she wasn't there what could he do about it anyway?   He had too many other arrangements to make, she was insignificant in comparison.   He thought this but he knew she wasn't, not to him.

He gave a soft sigh as he saw her inside the building stride past her open door.   She was deep in thought, her hair cascading over her shoulders like lava flowing over rocks, the magma within presently contained.   She was walking back and forth obviously going over everything that had happened and probably making her own plans.   He was still observing her when he heard someone come up behind him and turned to see the smirking face of Elm.

“So, you’ve come to say your farewells to Fern?” Elm's eyes glittered in amusement.   He knew what difficulties Fern posed for Oak how often she crossed him and how he still always sought to protect and care for her.

“No,” Oak replied, rising a little taller in his defence.   “I’m on my way to converse with Willow about our leaving.   The camp members will need her support and guidance whilst we’re gone.”

Elm's eyes shone back at him, knowing that had not been his original intention and an eyebrow rose slightly in further amusement.   “You certainly keep busy with the affections of the loveliest members of our clan.   Perhaps you should make a choice so that another may have an opportunity with your cast off?”   He raised both eyebrows this time at the end of the question and his sarcastic smile broadened.

Oak repressed the rise within him.   “I assure you Elm you are quite mistaken, both are available.   I have no claim to either of them, my concerns are for the clan only but as single girls I am bound to protect them.”   His face was sterner than he meant it to be as he dug into Elm's eyes, trying to banish the dislike and ire that was raising itself within his own.

“How noble of you Oak, only, if I’m not mistaken there are many more single girls in the clan that would be happy of your protection, or would that be taking on too many pretty females?   What was the term for that in the Middle East, a harem?   Is that what want Oak?”   Elm's eyes were laughing now, he was getting the re-action from Oak that he sought and he was enjoying having the upper hand.

“How observant of you Elm, you are correct there are many single girls but there are only two who live alone; the other girls live with family members and friends.   Therefore, I do believe that Fern and Willow are in need of protection more than the others.”   He stopped for a moment for effect and then went on, “to answer your last question Elm.   No, I don’t seek a harem for myself.   If I did it would be filled with many girls by now.”

He saw Elm's smile drop and felt a moment of triumph.   Oak was not stupid, he knew how many girls were attracted to him including Fern, and he knew that was one of the many things that bothered Elm.   Oak's hold over Fern irked Elm to the point of anger.   Oak's triumph was short lived as he realized he was stooping to Elms level and almost regretted the outburst, but not quite.

He turned away to look at Fern still striding back and forth past her open doorway and had to stop himself from becoming rigid at Elm's retort.

“Whom do you need to protect Fern and Willow from Oak?   Are there dangerous members within the clan?”   The sarcasm in Elm's voice came through clearly and Oak was starting to tire of the goading.

“No Elm, no one within the camp but the stray beasts that pass through.”   He gave Elm a look that said he included him with the beasts.   Elm scowled in return.   “However, today they’ll be worried about the presence of the Citans in the forest.”

“I can see wild animals perhaps being a problem for Willow and the Citans too...but for Fern?”

Elm's eyebrows popped up again and he continued.   “She has her own wild animal within her home and has no fear of anyone as far as I can tell.   So, I certainly wouldn’t have too many concerns there!”

Elm was watching Fern too now as he spoke and Oak could see the interest flickering in his eyes.   He saw one side of his mouth curl up more than the other causing the eye above to wrinkle in a carnal hunger, it made him want to tear them out.

How dare he look at Fern in such a way, how could he even think that he was at her level?   Keeping cool and calm Oak looked away from Elm and from Fern's home.

“You’re quite right!   Fern is very capable of taking care of herself.   She’s a valuable member of this clan and I have no doubt she can not only take care of herself but others in the clan too, including you!”

He slapped Elm on the back watching a scowl replace the sickening smile and immediately felt rewarded.

“Get yourself ready Elm, we leave soon.”   With that Oak strode away in the direction of Willow’s dwelling.   He didn’t look back to see the darkened face of Elm watching him retreat, nor did he see Elm stride toward Fern's abode.

When Oak arrived at Willow's home, he noticed the door was closed.   He paused since that meant Willow was meeting with a clan member.   She often advised them when they had concerns or disputes.   He was about to turn away when the door opened and a girl stepped out, her head was turned as she said thank you to Willow and she almost walked into Oak as he stood waiting.   She flushed bright pink and mumbled a quick sorry as she hastily moved away.   Willow was standing in the doorway, the sun shining upon her hair making it glisten, her pale face becoming reflective of the sun's rays.   The day was warm and she’d pulled her dress down off her shoulders showing the white skin of her throat and clavicle.

He hadn't known he was staring until he noticed the pink flush that was expanding across her cheeks as she said, “Come in Oak.”

Gracefully, she turned leaving the door open wide for him and recovering he strode into her humble, holistic home.

The air always held a scent and he breathed it in as he turned to close the door behind him.   It always calmed him whatever the scent was and he plunged deep breaths into his lungs to award himself the privilege of peace.   Willow always brought peace to him.   She was a river running over him, cooling his skin, slowing down his heart, bringing tranquillity and serenity.

The image of Fern sprang to his mind.   Her lively eyes, taunting lips, her rankle of words and defiant stance.   What was Fern to him?   She was a fire, raising the temperature of his skin, causing him to sweat, his heart to race, his adrenaline to flow, excitement to build, his senses to be swarmed.   He tried to dispel the images of the two.   Damn you Elm for giving me more conflicts and worries!   He softly shook the picture away from his head.

“Please sit down Oak.”   Willow motioned to a piece of furniture that had been built specially for her.   Willow had seen it in an old photograph it was called a “tete a tete” settee, which was originally from the Victorian era.   Willow had thought it perfect for her to communicate with the members of the clan when they came to her for advice or to talk of their concerns.   The settee held only two people in what looked like two separate chairs but the chairs were fixed in such a way that when sat the two people were facing opposite walls.   However, with a simple turn of their heads they were able to look at one another comfortably and converse across the S shaped railing that curved around and separated them.

Oak sat down and stretched out his legs, he laid one arm upon the central arm rest that curved into the middle of the S from one chair to the other and his other arm on the outer.   Willow sat down next to him with her hands in her lap.   She looked a little disconcerted today and Oak after a while concluded that it was probably because of the Citans being in the forest.

“Willow you must keep peace and calm in the camp whilst we’re gone.”   He looked down onto her bowed head as she studied her hands.

“Yes Oak, I will.”

“Don't be afraid Willow; I don't think the Citans are interested in our camp.   You must make the clan believe that.”   Still, she didn’t raise her head but calmly looked upon her folded hands.

“Yes Oak, they will.”   She replied softly.   Slowly raising her head, she looked at him, and her eyes seemed to flicker as if she were struggling with something within herself.   His own thoughts were skidding in so many directions that his intuition couldn’t grasp what she felt.

He became immediately concerned and leaned closer to her grasping a hand that lay in her lap and gently squeezed it to re-assure her.

“Is something wrong Willow?   You look worried and perplexed.   Does the presence of the Citans make you uncomfortable?”   He could feel the coolness of her hand within his and thought how small it was and how good it felt in his own.

“No Oak, they don’t worry me at present.”   Her eyes held his now as if she was searching for an answer within him.   “Oak?” she became intense and then hesitated.

“Yes Willow.”   He squeezed her hand once more and watched her take a breath before she spoke.

“Your aura is strong with red, orange and green.”

“Yes Willow?”

“They are strong emotions that you feel, anger and passion–love.”   She dropped her eyes for a moment and then quickly returned them to his.

“It’s been a difficult day filled with many problems to face,” he replied.

She leaned forward toward him now as she spoke.   “Are you in love?”

She said the words so slowly and softly he had to lean forward in order to hear them and as he did so he also felt her breath waft upon his own lips.   He could smell a sweet aroma upon her and he became almost heady with it.   He was lost for a second in the sensations that were going on within him before he could focus on her words and he faltered before he could reply.

“I...yes, I am in love.”   He searched her eyes wondering why she was asking him at this very moment.

Her eyelids lowered a little and her mouth opened slightly then closed again.   Deliberating she continued, whilst he watched every movement upon her face enraptured by her features.

“You feel strongly today Oak, the wall that you normally have around you has cascaded to the ground and I can see many emotions flowing from you.”

“As I said it has been a day full of events.”   He smiled at her and she gave him a small smile in return.   He found himself staring at her mouth.   She truly was the loveliest of the Woodlanders, so feminine, so gentle and so salubrious.

“And your love, what event caused it to erupt so violently?”   Again her words were spoken quietly as she leaned toward him and him toward her to listen.   Her eyes held his as he replied.

“Perhaps a fear of loss?” he was drowning in her empathetic stare.

“Why would you lose your love?”   She asked her eyelashes fluttered a little and her head tilted slightly to listen.

“Because I’d realize my love too late?”   It came out as a question because he didn’t think he really knew how to answer and he leaned toward her further to see if she knew.

“Is it too late now?” she asked searching his eyes expectantly.

“No, I don’t think so.”   He leaned closer and Willow did too.   It seemed only natural that he should kiss her.   It was what her lips were asking for, it was what her whole body was suggesting should happen and he obediently obliged not just for her but because his own body was making the exact same request.

It was a soft, gentle kiss, his hand was still holding hers as he leaned over the railing that separated them, it presented an obstacle and some discomfort but they both ignored it.   When Oak pulled away he was looking into a face that was puzzled and a little distressed.   His eyebrows raised in curious concern at what had caused Willow to change.

“I apologize!” he said hastily, “I was rash; I shouldn’t have taken advantage of the situation.”   He watched her as she carefully arose from her seat and walked away from him.

“You didn’t take advantage Oak.   I misunderstood the situation that is all.”   Her voice was sad and sent Oak into even more confusion.

“You misunderstood nothing Willow.   You know I love you, you saw it!”

“I saw passion and love Oak but the passion was not for me.”   She looked at him now her eyes sad, tears starting to form within them.

“I love you Willow!   How can you say I have no passion for you?”

He was standing now, angered by what she was saying, moving purposefully toward her as if she were about to run away.

“Your passion lies with another, another that you love.”   Her chin was a little defiant now, as defiant as Willow could be since it was not in her nature.

“I love another?”   His question was unanswered as he stared at her, it didn’t need to be answered he knew who she meant.

Conceding, he went on, “I agree; I love another, another that I’ve loved for many years, we are bound by our experiences together, but that’s all.”

He pushed back his shoulders as he looked at Willow.   “I love you Willow!” he softly proclaimed with as much sincerity as he could muster.

Leaning toward her in the hope that he had assuaged her fears, he continued, “and upon my return we shall be together forever.”

In a quick movement so she couldn’t get away he took her into his arms and held her to his chest, stroking her hair slowly, gently to alleviate her worries.   His hold was strong as if someone would try to take her away from him at any minute and he wouldn’t allow it.   He knew it was Willow herself pulling away that he feared.

“I can’t let you do that,” she replied as she looked up from his chest.   “You can’t make this decision now.   Many things could happen and since it was obviously she who broke down your defences, she should have a chance to love you.”

“What!”   He said pushing her from him to arms length.   “Are you crazy?   I could no sooner share my love with her than I could have a terakian beast as a pet!”

Willow’s eyes stared at him unblinking and her face was firm as she replied “You and she deserve a chance, don't deny yourself or her!”

He couldn’t believe what she was saying and looked back at her in shock, unable to respond.   Carefully, she prised herself from his hold and walked to the door slowly opening it as she turned back to him.

“You must go.   Be careful, be a defender, forget us for now.   The choice can wait until later.   I love no other but you Oak.   However, I will not take someone who may want another for the rest of his life.”

Turning her head away once more she stared out of the open door.

Oak could almost feel his jaw drop, his sweet, kind, gentle Willow.   Why couldn’t she accept he loved her and be done with all the other nonsense?   There would only be Willow, why would he even think about Fern when he was with her?   How shallow did she think he was to ask her to be with him and still love Fern, it was ridiculous.

He was angry by the time he reached the door and barely noticed Willow had dropped her head where quiet tears were flowing, they fell upon her face in a silent silver stream, her lashes the cliff edge of a waterfall curved and pale.   His anger left as the hurt hit his heart to see her tears.   Knowing he had caused someone so loving and compassionate pain caused him distress at his selfishness.   Now with guilt for carrying his love for Fern, he determined that he would rip Fern out and dispel the chaos that had been caused.   He wanted Willow, he would be with Willow, and he had to believe that, it was what was right.

He stopped at her side and lifted her head, earnestly searching her face as he spoke.   “I don’t lie when I say I love you.”

“I know Oak, but you love two of us, one of us more than the other, you need to realize which love is stronger.”

He bowed his head in thought for a moment.   “You’re wise.   I will try to prove myself worthy of you but if you should deem that I’m not, know that I’ll always love and admire you.”

She lifted her wet cheeks up to him, her pale blue eyes a sea of rolling waves crashing over her lashes.   “Yes Oak, I believe you will.”   He kissed her moist cheek and turned to go.

“Oak!” he heard from Willow as he moved toward the pathway.   He turned to see her stood in the doorway her face luminescent with tears.

“I had a vision of a strange man, I could sense evil in him, and he wanted to bring pain, pain to everyone.   I’m not sure if this has any relevance to you and the defenders but the vision was unsettling, please be careful.”   He saw a slight shiver run over her before he made his reply.

“Thank you Willow, I’ll watch out for him.”   After listening to his answer she turned and walked through the door, gently closing it behind her.   He gave a deep sigh and walked along the path going through the jumble of his thoughts.

His reflections were momentary as he stopped and then quickly after short consideration strode toward the Culineers, to restock his supply of melini tablets.   Going through his planned schedule for the day he hastily walked along.

After Willow’s words he knew he couldn’t think about his feelings, it was time for him to push them away and become the leader that his clan had made him.   He needed to watch carefully and be wary.