Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Emilia sat on an executive chair in the banking hall of the bank. Her eye balls were green with lines of red veins. She somehow had matched the soul of everyone in the building and had hypnotized them to follow her every instruction. She was sensing something more powerful than herself stores below her feet. Some things, that was not living but had a spirit and it was calling onto her: not forcefully though, it wanted her volition. It spoke to her in an ancient mutant language that she mysteriously understood. She knew that she had to stay focused, in order to maintain the whirlwinds, she had invoked and impose her will over the hypnotized. If she had answered and submitted to the voice, she would need to forfeit all. She knew what exactly she wanted, and had hypnotized the bank manager to get it. She wanted the sacred ring of invisibility, ring so strong and mystic that it was locked away beyond the reach of any. With this ring she could Rob any bank without causing a scene, plus she needed cash to pay a private mutant investigator that she had hired to track the men who pulled that trigger that evening, on April 9th, the very day her most prized possession was stolen from her. Her father with his last strength muttered the very words that changed her life. How could she forget that day, the sorrow and torture? watching him as he gasped for his last breath and he was finally gone, with the wind.

She twitched her fingers in sudden spasmodic movements and gestures. And the whirlwind outside become even more ferocious and violent. For a moment, she didn’t care if her mom and uncle Viom was out there. They both neglected her when she needed them the most. She twitched even harder and she could hear drones outside crashing against the debris flying at fast velocity. She grinned at the sound of men falling off their drones. it was like an addiction that she couldn’t satisfy. She felt the power of the ring as the hypnotized manager pulled out the box, she hypnotized him to enter the lift and come back to the banking hall. The other man had already packed the stacks of unit currency and gold bars for her into many duffle bags. After some minutes the lift on the banking hall opened and there was the bank manager with a little gold-plated box, he walked up straight to her and knelt before her and gave her the box. She grabbed it and opened it and saw a shabby looking black glass ring. It seemed to have cracks and looked broken. For a moment she was disappointed, this was her escape plan. she refused to be discouraged and she slipped the ugly ring into her finger and it shrunk to her size and transformed into a beautiful transparent glass ring with beautiful patterns fluttering in it. It was like a tiny round screen which blossomed with a beautiful glow. She stood up and checked to see her reflection on the lift door, she saw nothing at all. She laughed hysterically and every living soul in the bank building laughed exactly the same way with her. It was the chorus of laughter, echoing through the whole building.