Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Viom managed to hear them faintly, the sound of many laughing in the banking hall. He looked around to see if the rest heard it, but everyone where busy with their own responsibility in the mission. He was confused but knew that it had something to do with Emilia. He was angry and he stubbed towards the entrance to stop this crazy show-off. He was getting close to the beautiful front entrance of the bank but was distracted by the sound of loud blaring sirens. Their siren was so loud that it was not drowned by the whirl-wind. He looked and he saw a convoy of about twenty armored tanks, crisscrossing, cruising with full momentum before finally coming to a sudden halt. A huge man dressed in full body tech amour stepped down, and approached him. He was a massively built man.

“My name is 11291249, I am here to take over from you. I am from Vellomn-Metropolis Secret Service V.M.S.S” the man said with no trace of emotion. His facial expression was blank and no impression could be deduced from it.

Viom was speechless for a while. He had heard of these machines but had never seen one. He was a Mutant Cyborg Ninja M.C.N. These were weaponized experiments. When great mutant soldier dies, their bodies were claimed as the property of the state. They were somehow turned into this beast and weapons of war. This was a project that many protested against but was still pushed forward. They were fitted with fake faces, so that their families could not recognize them. Viom looked at the specific M.N.C in front of him, it had two huge swords stapled to his back. On both sides of His thighs were all manner of guns and small explosives, he recognized a few: M60 Calibre and a Genox-ovion metal vaporizers on the other leg. There synthetic faces looked close to that of a human, but was emotionless. These were the Concealers he heard so much about. He also had a computerized helmet and his body armor were like flexible screens and could be used to camouflage, marching background. These were mindless creature, walking mechanized and imbibed with a software programed after ancient mutant ninjas. So, they were a composition of a mutant body, computerized and mechanized body parts and a ninja software which made them ancient masters of combat. The mare site of this M.N.C inspired Fear.

“May I see a document to validate that?” Viom requested.

The M.N.C nodded affirmatively and immediately a hologram of a life feed from the mayor’s office showed up from his body armor. Viom could see general Defdon Leagan and the mayor of Vellomn metropolis. Viom saluted them, he was shocked to see both together. They seemed to be watching together from the mayor’s office.

“Do obey the instruction of the M.N.C, it’s authorized by the Chancellor herself,”. general Defdon ordered and cut off the feed abruptly.

Viom had no choice but to hand over command to the M.N.C. the Chancellor was the elected leader of one the Galaxy power, planet Zextron, of which Vellomn metropolis is one of its two main metropolitan capitals.

Zextron was one of the Galaxy power planets which made up the (G.U.L.L) Galactically Union of Liberated League, which many referred to as GULL.

Viom watched in horror as dozens of M.N. Cs offloaded the armored tankers and instructed every other security agency to leave to avoid casualties. They couldn’t though themselves, they were products of engineered dead mutants. It still pains the people of Velom-Metropolis that best of the mutant who ever lived were not allowed to stay dead, instead the Leagan Enterprise engineered them into Mutant Ninja Cyborgs. The Leagan family were the biggest Noble family of the Vijion mutant blood line. The family were extremely secretive and in fact they marry only within themselves in order to keep their family secrets safe. It was vast family, which had managed to remain powerful for ages.

Within minutes, the other security operatives were too glad to leave the dangerous environment, no one wanted to die that day. Viom and few courageous press crews chose to stay, he was worried for the hostages and mostly his niece.