Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Emilia could tell something was up when she saw the police patrol vans and other security operatives fleeing the scene. She could also see armored cars with M.N.C.s around them parked around the building. She tried to match their souls but they were dead men, mindless and subject to the volition of its controller. She knew what this meant, it was the ultimate face off. Emilia was not scared; she had seen worse in prison and came out stronger and fearless. She closed her eyes and she sent out subconsciously signals out. Outside, they could see eagles flying towards the bank from all directions. This were not just eagles, they were really huge and they were in multitudes, gliding towards the building. She was ready… she twitched her fingers and the whirlwinds started moving… moving closer to the bank. She didn’t want it too close, least she hurt her uncle and mom. She had a change of mind.

The scene outside was scary: the sky was still darkened with dark clouds veined with lightning and thunder, dotted with flying debris. As though that was not enough, there were hundreds of eagles. The sky was like a reviling portrait, a perfect depiction of anarchy. The scene was scary, some of the media-drones collided with eagles. The eagles came out unharmed. They were beastly eagles.

Viom watched in horror as the sky filled with black eagles. The M.N.C.s at first seemed unperturbed, until the eagles started scratching them. These were very huge eagles, as big as wolfs. Viom took cover in his van, in attempt to escape the attack of a ballistic eagle, that almost injured him.

The M.N.C.s started shooting down the eagles. Emilia knew that she needed to create a distraction, in order to stop them from killing the eagles. So, she mind-controlled everyone to walk out of the door at the same time with them holding her duffle bags filled with money and gold bars. She slid on her ring and walked out in the mist of the crowd which carried her duffle bags. She minds controlled the people to keep the duffle bag neatly and immediately, eagles flew to pick each bag and flew away from the scene. The eagles flew in opposite direction far from the M.N.C.s, they flew in the safe direction. The M.N.C were careful not to shoot at the crowd, in order to avoid any casualties. Viom, could tell that someone had instructed them not to kill civilian’s especially with the media refusing to leave. Whoever was behind this vile-weapons did not care about those innocent civilians, they only did not want the back-lash of the people by killing innocent people on live- television. The eagles attacked all media-drones and all other drones, pulling them down. The police drones had left when instructed by the M.N.C.s to vacate the premises.

With a snap of her finger tips, they all recovered their senses and majority of them ran back into the bank for cover from the M.N.C.S who were shooting at the eagles again. Emilia jumped and was grabbed by a special eagle with iron feathers. She climbed it and rode off without anyone seeing her. She left some other eagles to camouflage her escape. The M.N.C were still busy battling giant eagles which picked them up and tore them apart. One of the news men struggled to capture this on camera, many were terrified. After about half an hour after the departure of Emilia. The whirl-wind had disappeared and the eagles dispersed. The dark clouds had faded away giving way to a clear sky, as noon as day. The street was filled with debris, dead eagles, body-pieces of dismembered M.N.C.s and other wreckages. News stations with their news drones where all over the street, giving life feeds of what was left of the attack of Emilia Lawkens. Once again, the young teenage girl had outsmarted and defeated the best of Vellomn-Metropolis.