Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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She glanced round her fleet of cars and she spotted her favorite spot car. It was her camouflaging Armadulion Vendeta, named after the greatest mutant car racer of all time, Armar Edulion. She checked for her neck chain which she had used to hang her invincibility ring. She brought out her remote key and the car beeped. She touched the car and the car automatically recognized her finger print and the veins in her in her palm, the car roared to life. The cars door opened and she slid in. She drove towards a huge gate, and it automatically slid open and she drove through revealing a long beautiful underground passage road, she drove for about two minutes before she got to a platform that carried her up to the surface. It was an isolated burial ground, two huge old statues of angels slid open and she drove out. She had many channels for driving out, but this was her favorite. This mansion was a secret property, her father told her about with his last breath. He also confessed something even greater, her dad was not just a decorated police officer, or great poet, he was the Vigilante that won the heart of the of the people of Vellomn metropolis, he was the Sacred Crow. He ridded the streets of Vellomn of crimes, until someone close to him, betrayed him and revealed his true identity and that was why he was murdered in cold blood. Emilia wondered, who? as she sped through the beautiful forest, before finally entering the city itself. Who could it have been? who betrayed her father? Who dared to kill the Sacred Crow? Who was that powerful? These thoughts raced through her mind. Who could have wanted her dad dead? she snapped back to reality, as she zoomed through the beautiful glass road, dotted with metal beads coated with rubber for friction.

She loved the prestige that came with the Armadulion brand and especially this Vendeta model. It was the perfect crime car. It had glass rims, with a flat Kevlar tires reinforced with beads. The car tire was the most secured tire any car could ever wish. The car could be driven and also it could transform into a flight drone. The car was also an armored car and could withstand laser bullets, iron bullets and vaporizers.

Finally, she drove into the City Central under-ground parking lot. She drove down to level 3b, and it was strange. This section of the parking lot seemed staged, but she didn’t mind. She dialed him and he told her to come out of her car, that he was the one standing by the black truck-rover. She cut the call, she unhooked her chain and slid the invincibility ring into her jacket pocket. She knew that she needed to have a back-up plan. She came down from her sport car, she strolled down to the man. He had a countenance that some-worth aroused her suspicion. He was uncomfortable: Emilia had learned how to read people from her stay in prison. She could easily detect when something was not right. John-North Mental Asylum was a unisex mutant prison. There was no difference between male and female, there were no preference, it was purely a matter of the survival of the fittest. Many people died each week in that penitentiary, without the outside world caring. No one cared about their welfare, they were condemned by the state as unworthy to belong a sane society. She saw teenagers like herself, she was fourteen when she was sentenced to be incarcerated in that hell hole. She spent two years of her life in there: within those two years she changed. She became someone else, she learnt how to outsmart every other person. Now, in this car park she could tell that all was not well. She pretended and acted normal; she didn’t want to show any sign of nervousness.

“What do you have for me?” she asked him.

“We have been compromised, but I will be fast. The Avalon gang killed your father. They were the ones used to execute the plan but I believe the order was from someone greater. “

“How do I get them?”

“The Avalon syndicate has a record called the Leftners scroll. “

“How do I get this scroll?”

“It is called a scroll, to throw people off. It’s a record. Each year has a memory stick, and is carried by a handler called a Leftners. These are high ranking Avalon gangsters and they are highly protected. It’s almost impossible to get to them”

“Leave that to me. How do I know the Leftners for 2041? that’s the year my dad died.”

“It’s simple, you must find the record keeper. Find him, grab his memory stick and you will find the record of the all the Leftners spanning the past thirty years. He owns the Clibbers Club. When you find the Leftner’s scroll for 2041 you will see all the details of how and who ordered your father’s death. Remember that the Avalon syndicate like every other, works majorly for the Jixor cult. Avalon syndicate is just a decoy name for a branch of the Jixor Cult operating in Vellomn Metropolis.”

“Thanks, “Emilia nodded.

“Get rid of your phone and be prepared, they already know that you are here.” He warned and disappeared. The investigator was a Mironde, a time travelling and matter- manipulator mutant, so he could walk through anything except Vercilin glass. She knew that she was not alone in the parking lot and would have to fight her way out of this lot. She closed her eyes and tried to match them, at least to know if there was a normal person amongst them, but she couldn’t. then she realized that it was all M.N.C.s.

Amelia knew that there were many M.N. Cs in hiding, waiting to pounce on her. She Walked briskly towards her car when she heard some heavy footsteps. It was just exactly what she expected. She looked back and saw about six M.N. Cs racing after her with their glowing blades on one hand and a vaporizer on the other. She smiled, she loved this kind of confrontations, she feared nothing, after she had nothing to live for. She pulled off her wig and revealed her beautiful long curly hair. She closed her eyes and opened it and this time her pupils were green with strands of red veins. She clapped her hands and it sparked and she clapped again and it started a fire with tiny bolts and she swerved her hands and suddenly she was holding two fiery swords. She charged towards the M.N.C coming from the exit. Their swords clashed, she kicked the mutant Ninja, and it fell backwards, she swiveled round, landing cuts with her fiery swords. The M.N.C jumped back up and charged at her, she flew forward and elbowed him and plunged her fiery sword into its neck, down into the stomach. She pulled it out through the back, pulling out its metallic spine. The M.N.C beeped down and fell down and self-destructed. She knew that this M.N.C was a special one, it was a memory carrier and so was protected to self-destruct in order to ensure that the software is not clone.

One of the mutant Ninja threw a punch but had missed Emilia by few inches. She summersaulted slashing one of his knees off: there was no blood but only wires, sparks and a special fluid. The creature hopped back on one knee and charged at her ferociously. Emilia was shocked when all of them that she thought had died, stood back up, except for the one that self-destructed. She withdrew her fiery swords and pulled out her special vaporizing gun which were very illegal and if any civilian was caught with it, it meant serious prison sentence. The vaporizer was a very wicked weapon that could vaporize any one. It once entered the hands of some bandits who used it to wrath evil in the planet of Zextron, after this, the chancellor banned it. It is considered a heinous crime to be caught with a vaporizer.

Emilia jumped forward, vaporizing one of them. She summersaulted and dodged as they shot their vaporizers back at her. She smiled, she loved the thrill of this danger, she was addicted to the vibes of a high adrenaline. She flew in the air and ran up the nearest wall, flipping and sliding in the air slowly, vaporizing about five of them and the gun was empty. She punched one and summersaulted and wore her invincibility ring. With this she rushed into her car and took off towards the entrance. She saw that a big van was used to block the entrance. She reversed and headed for the roof parking lot. She sped off the roof about nine stores’ high. She commanded the car bot and the car transformed into a beautiful drone. She flew off but was pursued by two Vellomn Metropolis Secret Service weaponized drones. They fired laser shots, but she swerved, dodging them. She sporadically turned, facing them and started shooting at them. She shot one down and reversed back and continued racing safely away. The other V.M.S.S drone was still in pursuit of her. Emilia flew in-between two close twins sky scrapers and what she met was a surprise. There was a fleet of drone waiting for her. She switched on the armor shield for her Armadulion Vendeta and also camouflaged it, but one of the V.M.S.S drone fired stain paints bullets to kill her camouflage. She Spiraled upward, as they chased her in pursuit.

She continued to race vertically upwards, against the whims of gravity, the other drones struggled to keep up. She propelled even higher, pushing her risky adventure to an extreme. She deployed magnetic explosives and they stuck to some of the unfortunate drones, exploding them. She halted her drone and allowed it to free fall downwards. One would have thought that the drone had malfunction and was pulled down by gravity. This was a trick that aroused their suspicion… when the other drones attempted to suddenly come to a halt and start flying down, it cost them time, by then Emilia was ready, had raved her drone awoke and took a precise battle position to shoot each of them down. As they propelled downwards towards her, she blasted them out of the sky, until her slot laser bullet was finished. When she saw that her laser cartridges were empty. She rotated in the air, dodging all reappraisal attack. She flew into a maze of air tube: this were a maze of tube built in the sky for transporting people around the sky city. She meandered her way through the complex maze of tampered glass tubes. The smaller jets and drones pursued her ferociously. The people in the air tube were seen panicking. Emilia knew that the tubes were made from tempered and highly engineered glass, which was capable of defending the maze. She made her way to the other side of the maze, only to be welcomed with lasers blasters and bullets shot at her. She swerved and dodged, one laser bullet hit her drone, but that was not enough to create any harm. She spun downward 360 degrees a couple of time, confusing them who were overwhelmed in a hot chase…they couldn’t dodge one another in time, they were colliding with one another, causing huge explosions in the sky. Many of them were eliminated, while the few left continued the hot chase. She flew towards the lake and the remaining opposition pursued her. She meandered through the sky scrapers ahead, she swerved round an air station sending many into frenzy. She finally got close to the lake, she checked her invincibility ring and knew that she had to sacrifice her favorite sport car if she must survive. She had other colors of this model, but this particular one was her favorite car. She activated the auto pilot button and timed the self-destruct sequence… she handed over the control to the bot, which she gave further instructions. She flew close to the lake and safely ejected downwards still wearing invincible ring on, while her drone car flew away. The V.M.S.S drones chased her empty drone on for few minutes, shooting it till itself destructed. Her deception worked, they thought that they shot her down. She had samples of her blood with animal flesh in her trunk to ensure that it threw them off for a while. She knew that it was not enough to deceive the Jixor-Cult, but she knew that they would use it for their own wicked plans. She didn’t mind she had a plan after all.

The next day, newspapers, social media, TV station, bot’s enterprise coding, and other new medias carried the head line.

Emilia Lawkens, Vellomn Metropolis Teen-terror has been killed!