Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

Lesner Crawford



he whole Vellomn metropolis was in the state of shock and confusion: stock between whether to rejoice or mourn. Yes, she was a troubled teenager villain but she was also a product of the failure of the system. She had secret admirers, those who knew more than the false ideas shoved up the throat of the masses: they knew that despite that she portrayed as a villain she was trying to bring down their secret oppressor. Who have oppressed them all from the shadows, and have created a murky circumstance and a miasma of ignorance to cloud the rays of hope. Today, some parts of Vellomn city celebrates while fewer mourn. Ignorance was an opium peddled by the secret-cult power, Jixor. The metropolis today also remembered her father, who was loved by the masses as a police man…some grieved because this whole fiasco and tragedy all started when someone pulled the trigger in front of a candy shop, killing a man in front of his little daughter. Coincidentally, the people also missed their hero, Sacred-crow: whom have not been sported for years.

The Lawkens family mansion was in mourning. Many trooped in to pay their condolence while others came in just to spy on the family. News men and press people flooded the front gates of the mansion. Some were broadcasting live, while others clamoring to enter. In a corner of the front gates, were flowers, condolence letters, pictures of Mike Lakens holding his little daughter who was busy groping her candy and chocolate box: this tragically was the last picture they both took in a picture booth in the candy shop before he was murdered. He was wearing a huge smile, holding his daughter who was so busy, trying to decide which of the two she wanted to eat first. That picture moved many to tears, as they even dropped more flower bouquets. News men and women could be seen with their camera robots, recording live news in front of the mansion. Even news robots were also taking live feeds and reports. The news of Emilia’s death had the number one search in the whole Vellomn-metropolis. Despite the confusion in the air, the people of metropolis wanted to know about the last moments of the teenager, called by her infamous title: the vellomn metropolis teens terror. The crowd was growing outside the mansion; the crowd was now raucous and unrestful, as many trooped in to pay condolence to the Lawkens clan. The family had to install huge drone repellent to stop any media drone from invading on their privacy. Viom Lawkens, Emilia’s ensured that security was tight and very vigilant, even more had to come to control the crowd. Many came in the disguise of remembering mike, but they were secret fans of Emilia.

Lesner Crawford, a secret news agent for Vellomn Metropolitan News (V.M.N) entered the Lakens family mansion with his father who was a noble mutant of the Vixor bloodline and had been a mentor to Emilia’s late dad, Mike Lawkens. They entered the palatial mansion and there was the huge obituary banner of Emilia. Lesner read one of the banners

With a heavy heart, we mourn the passing

Of our jewel, Emilia Lawkens, who passed

On the 16th of February, few months to her

Seventh birthday: lived 2033-2050.

We plead that you respect and abstain from

Any negative remarks about our Emilia.

We seek to mourn our loss privately and in peace.


The image of Emilia seemed too young to be sixteen in that picture: it was the picture of her when she about ten so. This was slightly after she her heart had grown dark. She had a grave look on her face, with a glumly posture and a grumpy frown. Anyone could easily tell that she was not happy to take the picture: despite the circumstance behind the odd picture, no one could deny that she was very beautiful… she had her father’s good look and his charismatic countenance.

Lesnar could remember Emilia before she grew dark...she was a child filled with joy and loved to have fun. He was a year older than her and was always too happy to remind her. He was the child of his parents old age after many years of bareness. Emilia and Ivy were his closest friends, but he and Emilia had shared a special bond which she broke. He knew that she was not always evil, she was a little playful child just every other child her age…fate made her the person she was today. After her father’s case was dropped for lack of evidence, she isolated herself from everyone, even from him…the thought of this hurt Lesner, but he knew that it hurt her even more. He knew what sorrow meant and how it could change one’s life forever. He has been miserable since his mum entered coma one and half year ago. She had been sick on and off since he was a kid. The hospital had begged him to sign for her to be taken off life support, but he was not willing to let go… to say goodbye and never see her again. He was a strong mutant, but he was not that strong enough to part with her. These thoughts messed up his emotions. He hated himself, for agreeing to betray his friend, all in the bid for money

Lesnar checked for the spy camera camouflaged as one of the buttons in his coat. He felt like he was betraying Emilia, but he needed the money-units to keep his mom on life support and for special treatments. The hospital had rejected his mom, after one year in coma, stating that it was hospital policy, he had to take her home and build a purified medical room for her and pay medical staffs round the clock to tend to her. Their family, yes was noble, but was not as rich as before, he needed the money. He needed the 250,000 units that Vellomn Metropolitan News was willing to pay him for his espionage. His father nudged him back to reality. It was their turn to speak with Sarah and Mr. Viom and the other family members. All Lesnar had to do was just click a button on his shirt to activate the camera, he felt like he was betraying her…like he was betraying even Emilia’s late father. This could lead to the destruction of the two families’ great relationship. He could hear his supervisor asking on his ear bod.

“Are you there yet and why haven’t you activated the camera yet?”

Lesnar maintained his silence, Emilia’s mum looked horrible, one could tell she had not stopped crying ever since she heard the news. She hard red eye patches and she looked pale. Immediately she saw him, she grabbed him and hugged him, unknowingly activating the camera and life feed with sound. Then she sat back on her seat opposite him.

“Lesnar, your friend is dead, my Emilia is dead. I can’t forgive myself for failing my little treasure. She is now with her father and am sure they hate me…am sure they hate!” She wailed and wailed very hard. Mr. Viom grabbed her into an embrace and excused themselves. Other Lawken family member stood in for them. Lesnar could not help it, but tears streamed down his check. He heard his supervisor

“Good work Lesner, perfect coverage. The money has already been transferred to your account”. He heard his supervisors voice over the ear bod.

“What !!” Lesnar wept openly and more profusely. He was heartbroken.

What have I done? What have I done? I am sorry Emilia and Mike…. I am sorry. He thought to himself. His father embraced him; he was inconsolable.

Many thoughts that he wept only for Emilia, but he also wept for his greatest treachery so far.