Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

The Reminisce



milia woke up tired and exhausted. She sat up on her bed and grabbed her computerized remote ball projector. She voice-activated it and it beeped projecting a computerized hologram. She used it in activating the thermostat and adjusted the temperature. The room felt warmer, she used the voice activation bot device and adjusted the lighting. The ball was a multi-purpose hologram computer. She swerved her hands, checking her emails. She deactivated the ball and placed it on a levitating handle which suspended it in the air. She yawned loudly and stretched herself...her bones could be heard cracking, she stopped when she was satisfied. She still felt slightly tired but was some-worth energized by meditating for some few minutes. She could still recall the kind-mutant monk she met in prison. He taught her the secret of meditation, the detoxification of the soul.

‘’Emilia, many are fooled, many are lost…because they fail to carter for their soul. Soul is more fragile than the flesh, but is the bearer of unlimited possibility. A mutant is not product of evolution. A mutant draws power from the soul… a sick soul will birth evil and clean soul will birth peace and strength. The soul must be cleansed of all filthiness and detoxified of all toxins by meditation.’’ he would heave in and breath out, before continuing, ‘’Mildroid is a mutant sickness of the soul. It occurs when the toxins of the soul overpower the mind. The mind becomes a slave of the its filthiness and toxins, they begin to war against your soul…they encroach your will and use your emotion. This is why war must first be won in the mind, before it is won in the physical.’’…Master Wu would stroke his long beards and bask in the adulation of an awkward silence,

‘’Daughter, evil is predictable, but good is as the wind. Gently caressed, into a swift storm and can bring anything and anyone down. Evil seeks to steal, kill and destroy…but good gives light and will always rule evil. Meditation will break you down and make you as unpredictable as the wind.’’ Emilia sat down for thirty minutes meditating, detoxifying her soul. She could hear the voice of Master Wu, guiding her and teaching her. She could visualize her-self before her master in prison, as she listened to him reciting the poetry of souls. It was if she could hear the voice audibly whispering into her ear:


Silence, as you listen to the rivers of circumstances

Flowing with blemishes into your soul

Ignore the physical, weapons of war clash

Breath into the reality of where everything is born


Silence, listen, think deep, unravel and travel

In the vast maze of the mind…

Do not be lost, remember your way back

Do not be waylaid by your rage and your pain


Silence, listen, think deep, unravel and travel

These are the power of the meditative power

Do not give in or be lost by the travail of your errs

Great wars are won here and mighty warriors have died

In the deceptive Maze of the mind


Silence, listen, think deep, unravel and travel

With the love and goodness cleanse the filth of the mind

Two great weapons that will empower your mind

To fight off invasion that will corrupt your soul

Mildroids only happen when we don’t detoxify and cleanse our mind.


Silence, silence, silence and quietness

They are the asphalts of the roads of the soul.


She felt herself into the state of perfect peace. For about an hour she was sitting like a statue, she could feel the vibrations of the ground up to a hundred feet. She could sense the feet of the monks in the temple above her. She could sense a lot within this meditative section. Suddenly, there seemed to be glitches. She saw the portal to the soulish realm, she drifted through her past. She struggled to get to that very day her father was killed. The faster she ran towards that scene, the further she got from it. She screamed, crying, tearing but to no avail. A bright light ball struck her, knocking out of the soulish realm. She saw herself falling from the night sky yelling and fell back to the very beginning of the whole ordeal. She struggled again to enter that memory but a feminine had threw a light ball, kicking her out. She started drifting back to reality. She engaged in this kind of in-depth meditation once a month to keep in check and to prevent her from suffering from another phase of Mildroid. She knew that something was wrong with her. It felt so real; it was like there was a force that wanted her not to access the memory of that day.

When she was done for the month, she felt cleansed and lighter. Master Wu told her that even though the meditation was great, it had enslaved many who tried to abuse it: those who revolt against the soul and tries to open wounds, memories that the soul dreads and repulses. Am I revolting against my soul? She thought to herself. It was like she could her master, master Wu.

“the soul is a labyrinth of mysteries and a maze of realistic fallacies. It is the very abode of the mind and the most fortified prison of the universe. Many who attempt to explore it without wisdom and respect are lost. Lost forever, wondering through the labyrinth of the soul. This is why, we only travel through this mystery of the soul with a particular destination, a definite memory. Anyone who tries to explore it all without a definite destination become entrapped in the labyrinth of the mind.”

She recalled his stern warning to her. He had tried to train her to be a soul Traveler but he stopped when he noticed her immaturity and impatience. Soul Traveler were the worse of hypnotizers. They totally could invade any one’s soul: corrupt and enslaved them eternally to do their bidding. Many also called them the soul colonizers. This gift was passed down to very few mutant monks known for their discipline and piety.

She felt like talking to her friend, Ivy.