Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Chapter 6




esner sat before his unconscious mom, she was in a glass capsule filled with a mysterious fluid of some sort with many tubes and monitors connected to her. Some of which were beeping quietly all at once. He couldn’t help but notice that she had a little smirk etched at the corner of her face. She was the most cheerful person he had ever known. His dad really missed his soul mate and the love of his life. Often, he had caught him staring tearfully at their wedding portrait, after which he would blow her a kiss, like she could really see him. Lesner had always felt and known he was loved beyond measure by both parents. He was the fruit of their love which blossomed in old age. They tried their best, but they were no longer as young as they used to be. There is nothing that I won’t do for you, mom. He thought within himself. I love you both so much. There is no price too great to pay for you, mom and dad.

Their family business had gone bankrupt recently and his dad was trying everything possible to get back on track. His parents had created a huge trust fund for him to ensure that he never suffered lack in life and he could only access the first instalment at the age of 23 years but that was in 5 years’ time, too far in the future. He had tried to convince the father to allow him to access the fund, but he said that it was a signed deal, they themselves couldn’t alter the policy. it’s part of the contract. He finalized the conversation. He could remember how his mom would weep whenever he was sick as a child, and she will always remind him of how much he meant to them. She would run her hand through his jet brown hair and would call him by his Nick name, Lesnie and would remind him, “you are my world, everything I ever needed and wanted in a son”.

Lesner tried to fight back the tears and the sorrow and the pain. If he could cut his life out and literally give it to her, he would have, joyfully. He watched his mom float in the capsule with the rejuvenating liquid, he wished that Dr. Nasuki revolutionary rejuvenating treatment would work: he was paying tons in payment to him. He needed his mom back, his dad… Kelvin needed his beautiful Leslie. He felt even worse whenever he remembered Emilia. how could he forgive himself for letting her push him away? Would her dad forgive him? He always taught them to stick together no matter what, but fate had other plans for them. He never got the chance to tell her how much he loved her.

He looked at his mom and her beautiful strands of grey hair adorning her long over-flowing hair. He couldn’t help but remember a day as kid when he giggled as he combed her hair, and she would tease him… telling him. “make your mom the most beautiful mom in the world, I have a date with my prince charming, kelvin Crawford, the love of my life” he would giggle and exclaim “yokes! that’s I’ll” he would rebel shy-fully. She would draw him close and kiss his little cheek. I love my two Crawfords.

He was losing the battle against tears. Tears were now overflowing like a river bank after a heavy down pour.

“I love you mum, I love you and dad so much that it hurts, it Hurts to be away from you…. miss you every day and I would never let go. how will I live without you?” he whispered as though he was praying.

“Mom, I know that you can hear me. Mom fight!! Fight, please for me and dad!! Life would be darkness without you Mom. How will I live without you? How will I ever live without you?

Mom, your Emilia is dead and I feel like I let go too soon. Your little girl was killed! Mom I am heart broken.” He cried himself to sleep on the floor.



He woke up and he noticed that the nurses were already there and Dr. Nasuki was already there also and he was checking on her. He stared down at him strangely with his huge google and jet white hair. He wore an electronic eye patch, that could also function as a holographic projector.

“Young man, we didn’t want to disturb you.” He said gently with the slightest clue of affection.

“Ah! ok!!… thanks.” he stretched out and yawned. “Doctor How is she?”

“From all indication like always, the rejuvenating fluid is working and she is receptive and responsive. But don’t get your hopes high, it’s not yet time for celebration but she is definitely out of mortal danger… each individual, responds to this liquid in their own unique way…so the end result could be quite unpredictable. We would need the room son; we need to change her clothes.”

“Okay, thanks”

Lesner walked out of the facility and walked to his father’s study area. As usual, his father face was buried in a pile of document. He looked really serious and was very focused in his work.

“Hi Dad”

“Hey Lesnie, come sit with me son”

“Okay dad” he went up to his dad and sat in front of his huge desk.

“Son, something happened.”

“What dad?”

“I got a call from Mr. Viom Lawkens, he wanted to know if you by any chance know how the secret footage of Sarah was taped and leaked”

“Dad, what tape?”

“Haven’t you watched the news today?

“No, Dad I have not…had to be by Mom’s side”

“Okay son, am sure it is just a mix-up somewhere…will sort it out. I love you, son”

“Love you, dad. I got to go…I have some business to attend to”

“Stay safe, hope you have been training with your mutant coach”

“Most definitely dad. I am stronger now!!”

“Okay!!!Mr. Confident”

“That’s funny dad, how’s the business going?”

“It’s picking up, had to liquidate some assets to get us back on track”

“Am sure mom will be proud of you”

“Not so sure, one of the assets I liquidated was the beach house where we had you. And you know right, anything that tampers with you, can never leave her pleased”

“At least she still got us, her two Crawford men”

“Hold that thought son, for corrections, a man and a child”

“Common Dad, that’s hurtful,'’

“You are a man to me, but to your mom, you will always be her treasure… meaning, little baby’’ he made him a funny face. ’’thought you had some businesses to attend to”

“Yes dad, I really need your car”

“Which one?”

“Moms red Armadullion-Zap...”

“Of cause, you can have it, don’t scratch it… you might be her favorite son. Funny, only child. But that car is her best friend” He joked.

“Won’t let you down. Yes, love you and bye.” he rushed to the parking lot and zoomed off.

He wanted to visit the grave that was ceremonially made for Emilia by the side of her father. Lesner felt very guilty for lying to his dad, he was not in the habit of lying, his parent frowned at that. That was the only thing that could make them ever rebuke him aggressively. He needed to say good-bye to Emilia in person. Though it was an empty grave, he knew that she would rather be by her father’s side, even in death.