Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

The Trails of Louis Malice



milia sped through the glass streets of section 1944, she was about to pull in to drive 1993, when she noticed some pitch-black car-drones trailing her. She knew that Jixor wanted her to make the mistake of thinking that they believed that she died. Even she knew that they were not that stupid, in fact they could use it to their own advantage. Now she was legally dead, she had no rights or privileges, she was a victim and puppet just as they wanted her. Emilia smiled in mischief, they made a mistake, they under-estimated her. She was fiercer and smart for them to downgrade her. She sped off from the right drive-way and drove forward, they followed her, thinking that they were unnoticed. She sped ahead and suddenly drifted, turned and faced them head-on, shooting laser bullets from her Medula-Pod-Rover, they activated their shields. She zoomed and rammed right in between them, and plastered them with two balls of small explosives and sped away and within seconds the cars had exploded into pieces. She heaved deeply,

“What has a dead person got to lose?”

She pulled up in front of her friend’s drive way and phoned in and the garage open and she drove into the customized round pod garage. Her friend Ivy was already there, blushing and exited to see her friend.

“So, you remembered me today?” she asked with a mischievous frown.

“How can I forget my Ivy-genius? My heir. You are the only one who knows that I am alive? Except for the Jixor-Cult of cause!”

“Yeah, yeah.” she rushed up to her and they hugged. Ivy was a typical geek and also dressed like one, she was Emilia’s childhood friend.

Ivy ushered her into a small fortress filled with every kind of computer device and technology.

“So, girlfriend, what do you want to know?” Ivy asked her.

“I just came to spend time with my friend… and off cause ask my friend for information. “

“I thought as much, I always got your back.”

“Yeah, I guess, that’s why you are my bestie…” Emilia winked and they both laughed…” hey, Ivy, I saw Lesner today.”

“Really, what did you guys talk about?” Ivy asked excited and inquisitive.

“I didn’t let him see me”

“Hmmm” Ivy heaved.



“Please what?” Emilia asked hugging ivy.

“Emilia, we know that you have been through hell and we are sorry about that. But we need you, especially Lesner. I went to visit them…Mr. Crawford is bankrupt and Mrs. Crawford has been in coma for a long time. We too need you. But you shut us out and it hurts. Mrs. Crawford had always been like a mom to you, to the best of her strength, and now she needs you to look after her baby.” Ivy narrated breaking… away from her gently, trying not to be caught up in emotions.

“There is no day I don’t miss you guys like hell. Especially you, my Ivy-genius, but I get scared that if I came too close, my enemies will hurt you guys. I am trying to keep you safe.”

“I know, but your absence is doing more harm to us, more than the enemy could ever do. What is life without love? Not even fear should deprive us of love, it’s the very purpose for our life, to love and be loved in return” she smiled.” and not to be loved and run away” she made a funny face at Emilia who couldn’t help but laugh.

“I will change.” Emilia promised.

“Yes, you must or I will force you.” Ivy jokingly posed for a fight.

“You win.” Emilia knelt down and surrendered, they both laughed.

“So back to business, Emi. who’s our Target?” she asked as she stood before her vast computer glass display.

“A man called Louis Malice.”

“Wow!!! What a grievous man he must be…with such a ridiculous name.”

“Yes Ivy, his a very dangerous man. His a Leftner.”

“Holy shit cake!!! That means we have to surf the dark web…that’s the only way we could track a Leftner. Found this evil website… really crazy site where Leftners are sometimes contracted for kill jobs.”

“I thought that they were foot soldiers for Jixor”

“Yes, they are, but they make contact with their Leftner’s through any means, including the dark web. The key is if the Leftner could recall how they made contact. Each contact has a code; with that code you could trace it back to the person who called the shot. But if the contact was made physically with the Leftner, it means that it was a high-ranking official who ordered for the death of that person. These types of execution are five-star executions, because it’s a matter of priority to kill that target fast... and is usually ordered by a high-ranking member of the Jixor-Cult. These treatments are usually for people who know too much or have cause too much harm to the Jixor cult.”

“So, if Louise Malice was contacted physically, it means that it was a five-star execution.”

“Do you mean your dad?”


“Let me drop a request contact with him…luckily for us, he might answer. Louise Malice is a Jixor-Cult code name.” she typed in a message and pushed it virtually and it was sent.

“Emi, is going to take some time to get a reply, the alarm will beep once replied. Come seat and I need to catch up with you. Girlie, you hungry? “she asked

“Yeah! you gat chips?” Emilia asked.

“You will never change, you and chips” Ivy joked.

“Yeah, I guess! and girlie, get me some soda drink…it’s been a while.”

“Yes, my lady” she bowed to Emilia, who laughed out.

“Off with it…you peasant!” she responded in the tone of an ancient mutant duchess.

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! you would like a mutant duchess in the wastelands.’’

“Hey ivy, how’s your boyfriend, Vince?”

“His in college,”

“Wow!! You miss him, don’t you?”

“I do, you know. Especially since you are hardly around.”

The alarm rang and they both rushed to the huge wall of screen. And a message was on the wall.

“Code what?” Louise Malice asked.

“Star 5”

“Level where?” he asked

“Immediate abolishment.” Ivy replied.

“Flying train-drones station, wing 1, aisle 9, 9.30am tomorrow morning… don’t be late. Drop your contact and I will call you.” he replied and went offline. Emilia typed in her phone number.

“It’s a date” Emilia whispered.

“So, what’s next?” Ivy asked.

“Don’t worry, it’s a sleep over.”

“Yeah! I wish Lesner and Vince were here. “

“I know, but tonight, both of us would have to suffice. Let’s watch a movie”