Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Flying Train Drones



nce it was Dawn, Emilia left Ivy and went to her own abode. She prepared for her meeting with Louis Malice. She had already planned it all out with Ivy who was already ready for action. She rushed to her bed… as part of her morning ritual, she grabbed one of her dad’s journal and flipped to a page to read one of his poems. It was a journal she rarely read from. She flipped again and again, confused she threw it on the ground and was about to pick her another her of her dad’s journal, but she noticed that a sheet of paper had fallen out of a secret slot in the journal. She picked and she knew that this note was meant to be hidden.


A Poetic Letter to my Rachel:


I remember the first day I saw you under the radiance of a glowing moon

Beautiful blonde damsel, thin lips and big eyes that left me studded

I had pulled you over, you were racing like a comet

A comet of fiery love, trudging and gaping down,

Till you filled my soul and left me defenseless


I remembered the first time your quivered and trembled

As you listened to the lullaby of my throbbing heart

Your quivered and trembled, when I first ran my hands down your spine

And planted my kiss, and I watched it blossom in your face in to a shy blush

That day, I knew that I had been robbed

Dispossessed, of my heart

as I listened to my heart pounding and beating in your chest.

That day, I knew that I would be incapable of loving any other


I love the greatest gift you gave me, before you kissed me too the last time,

Rachel, you gave me Emilia, and every time I look at her, I remember your smile.

I see you every day in our daughter’s eyes, like a sun over a desolate beautiful planet.

I wish I could tell her about you, your sister Sarah, never kept her promise.

I have kept my own part of the promise

and I would tell her about you on her sixteenth birthday just like you made me promise.

I love you and you will always be my true love,

As you gaze from the stars and read this my poetic letter to you.

And you whisper back to me through the caress of the morning breeze

Rachel, rest, until I join you someday.


Emilia could not believe her eyes, maybe this was not her dad’s poem, it couldn’t be? So, Sarah was not her mother? No wonder, she never felt compelled to play the motherly role. This was too much for her, so she was an orphan? What was her mother like? How did she die? Why did her dad keep it away from her? She knew that her dad would have a great reason for this but that didn’t take away the pain. She couldn’t blame him; he was the best dad in the whole universe to her and she couldn’t have asked for any other. But this was too much for her, this meant that there was a lot she didn’t know. She looked at a pile of her dad’s journals lying by her bed drawer.

She decided to take her mind off her Discovery and focus on the mission ahead. Could her dad’s death be connected to this letter? She knew that her dad’s and Sarah’s relationship was complicated. She knew that somehow Sarah had a void that only drugs and addiction could feel and her dad found solace and joy in the fact that he lived and died for her, Emilia.

Emilia jumped into the shower but she couldn’t stop thinking about this preposterous discovery, she was surprised but not shocked, she always knew that she and Sarah never had that mother and daughter bond. She loved Sarah but She hardly reciprocated her love, she was too busy with drugs and substances. At least, all she had to do was to find out about Sarah’s secret and hardly-talked about sister, that everyone hardly mentioned her and why they hardly mentioned her. Where was she? Emilia found it had to believe that Rachel was dead. A part of her believed that she was alive, somehow or somewhere. She just sat in her bath tub and meditated deeply.


Emilia arrived at the flying drone train station in a beautiful white Armadullion Spectra. She parked her car and entered the station: the commercial station was mostly for the lower-class who couldn’t afford to own car-drones or pods and so they patronized the flying train drones. She went up to the reception and bought her ticket.

“Ivy, can you hear me?” Emilia whispered into her hidden communication com.

“Yes, I can hear Emi, be careful. Am hacking the security feeds of the station, I can see you. “

“Okay dear.”

Emilia walked over to one of the multiple lifts and punched the button for lift 1. The lift opened, she entered the glass lift and admired the view as she was lifted over 100 floors into the departure lounge. It took a while, but the waste was not in vain… she strategized how she was going to get the information that she needed. She needed to know who exactly ordered the hit for that day. She put on her iron rings, it made her punch excruciatingly-painful. She knew that she was going to kill whoever was involved in the death of her father. The lift came to a halt and she stepped out and was mesmerized by the uniqueness of the lounge. She punched her ticket and searched for aisle one. She got there and it was already 9:28 am.

“Ivy, what’s your view?”

“Emi, I can see you. Aisle one is for first class ticket, people rarely throng there. Will report to you for any suspicious moves.”


Emilia sat on a bench and pulled out an electronic scroll computer and she surfed the web: Vellomn Metropolis Times magazine seemed quite interesting…she feigned to be busy reading the magazine when her phone rang.

“it’s Malice, enter the train.” The voice from the other end commanded her.

“She obliged and obeyed.”

The phone rang again and it was the same voice on the other end.

“Seat on the second row.” he instructed again.

She obeyed home and sat in the second row.

Within few minutes a massive man sat by her side, wearing a very long brown jacket.

“keyword” he asked her, not even looking at her.

Emilia knew that any mistake and all hell could break lose. She was waiting for Ivy to help her out.

Ivy replied “Iron snake”

“Iron snake.” Emilia replied him. He heaved and sighed, what’s my assignment?

“I don’t have an assignment for you. Can you tell me who carried out the execution and who ordered the execution of Mike Lawkens?”

“You are no Jixor. you are a fraud.” he accused her with a staunch frown. “Confess who you are young girl or die by my hand.” he threatened

Emilia signed and dropped her face,

“Am your worst night mare.” she answered.

Malice threw a deadly blow, but Emilia dodged in time as his hands shatters the window into Pierce’s. Emilia punched his neck and slaps him off the seat, he groaned and cursed her profanely.

The people at the back of the compartment were already running into other compartments. Malice uprooted a twin chair and threw it at Emilia who back flipped out of harm’s way and watched it destroy a window again. He slid forward, attempting to stab Emilia, but she evokes her two long fiery swords out her hand. Malice evoke into a bigger beast and charges at her. She threw dart at the beast which was now too fast for her weapon. She pulled on her mask, a white mask, because she knew that soon, Vellomn metropolis Secret Service and Police drones will fill the air.

Emile leaped forward and kicked Malice on his cheek, swiveling and planting a hallucinating truth needle in his neck. He recoiled at the realization of what had happened, he broke into more crowded compartment, fleeing as the crowd panicked. She followed in pursuit, he turned suddenly and fired rounds of bullet. Emilia activate the laser shield on her vest and arms, she neutralizes it all, saving the lives of all.

Malice broke open a window and climbed the roof of the train drone. Emilia followed suit, but was met by darts, she swerved and bent backwards… dodging all the darts and at the same time she pulled out her weapon and wasted cartridges on Malice who maneuvered and dodged the laser bullets. He suddenly flipped backwards and punched Emilia on her shoulder almost knocking her off the sky. She groaned, but managed to regain her stamina.

“I need that record and I don’t mind killing you to get it.” Emilia threatened.

“Leftner’s are trained to die.” he retorted with his jacket howling and flapping in the air.

“As you wish.” She smiled.

Emilia pounced forward as fast light and evoked a long fiery chain with a sickle from out of right hand. She threw many times within a minute, tearing off flesh from Malice. After few minutes, Malice was bleeding out. She could hear the security drones chasing after the train.

Malice with the last ounce of his strength leaped of the train and fell towards his death. Emilia jumped too and sky dived till she caught him by the chest. Punched him till he was unconscious and she detonated her invincible free fall bubble, that cleaned any traces of them. In the bubble, Emilia cuffed his hands and feet’s. She knew that she was going to torture him, till he told her what she wanted. She injected him with a syrup which stopped all the bleeding.