Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

The Espionage



milia and Ivy sat down to watch a movie. It was a hologram projectors device: it had been a very long time since she ever engaged in such a form of entertainment. Ivy was drinking a glass of milk and some biscuit crackers, while Emilia ate some strawberries. She was lost in her thoughts, remembering how her father used to take her to watch stage plays, which most of the time we’re really funny. They would both giggle and sometimes just give off a loud laugh. She would laugh so much until tears would run down her cheek, her father would bring out a handkerchief and wipe them away and kiss her forehead. After the funny play, he would buy her whatever she wanted and drive her to a park and they would seat on a swing and he would sing to her. His voice was terrible and cranky, but it gladdened Emilia’s heart now. Whenever he came back from work, before going to his room or even eating he would come into her room and if she was awake, he would kiss her cheek and tell how much he loved her… if she wasn’t, he would kiss her forehead and leave written a note.

Dad will always love you…and will always watch over you. He would scribble and also make a paper rose flower to go with it. He had an ardent affection and affinity for roses…white ones and black, alike.

She could remember the joy she always felt whenever she woke up to such a note. Dad made sure that she could read by the age of four. It was a daunting task, but he achieved it. She knowing that her dad was tired, she would rush upstairs to his room and scribble a tiny note with many misspelt words.

love my daddy. Yu da best

She would place it by his side and rush down stairs. He would later come down the stairs grateful for the affection and would teach her the correct way to spell. She knew that the vacuum in her soul was too big to fill, not even revenge could, but she needed to find him justice. She was nudged back to reality by Ivy who was pointing to the holographic TV. She thought for a moment, finally they had found her present and was about to make a bodacious revelation to the public. It was her uncle, Viom Lawkens holding a press conference.

“Ivy, increase the volume.”

Ivy complied and increased the volume. Mr Viom was speaking

“Today, we found the man who was kidnapped from the flying drone trains. He was kidnapped and tortured by an unknown assailant, he was just an innocent citizen of this great metropolis, victimized by the monstrosity of a cruel criminal who at this time is still at large but in due time will be brought to book. The victim has been returned to his family and due to security reasons, his identity would not be revealed. Please let’s do all we can to make Vellomn metropolis safe. Thank you all for your time.” he rushed off the podium ignoring all the questions by the journalist.

Emilia muted the TV, shocked to the bone.

“This is a cover up story!” Ivy yelled.

“I know, that man must have been tortured, interrogated and killed by the Jixor-Cult”

“Emi, they have even the police department at their fingertip.”

“Ivy, the rules of the game have been changed and we have to comply. They just indirectly sent a message to me, declaring war”

“Emi, you need to build a team. You alone cannot not fight and defeat them by yourself. You have me and Lesner.”

“You, I am sure off, but am not yet sure if it is wise to bring him into this matter. He has a lot on his plate and this is the only way that we can keep the Crawford’s safe. If anything happened to him, it will kill his parents and I won’t forgive myself”

“You are right; we need to protect him.”

“Ivy, I need to train you”

“But I am strong, a very strong mutant at that.” she boasted.

“Yes, I know, but when it comes to Jixor, strength Is not enough… you have to think, act and always be ahead of them. We need fake names…something really catchy and cool”

“Like you mean, superheroes names?’' Ivy asked with a lighted face.

“Actually, no, we need new identities, we need normal names...what we can call our self-outside…for example I usually go by the name Nonye Nakins. Think of one and tell me”

“you go first”

“I use Nonye Nakins, for business transactions and is so traceable. So, I will adopt the name Rose cyanide”

“Emilia that name sounds too dangerous…”

“Okay…I guess you are right, maybe rose atom will be better”

“ahh, emmm, keep Rose Cyanide…I guess it will suffice.” Ivy preferred the name Rose Cyanide than the other name.

“Okay…great…your turn”

“Erimly Cyanide” Ivy announced with a tough pose.

“Wow Erimly!! That sounds medieval…. great!!!”

“I know right!!!, Finally we are sister’s”

“I know right!! it’s been a long time coming.” they hugged excitedly.


‘’Ivy I have to tell you something.’’


“Do You remember what Louis Malice said about the lockets calling a person.”

“Yes, I remember” Ivy replied.

“I think I might know where the lockets are”

“But how exactly?”

“When I robbed the Vellomn Metropolis Bank, I felt a strong force calling me down to the vaults. Now I am certain that it was the lockets calling me”

“We have to confirm Emilia”

“But how?”

“You have to go back to that bank and know if you can reach the locket or sense it.”

“How is that possible? You know that if I ever entered that bank again, I will mess everything up”

“Yes!! But that’s if you do not go as Emilia Lawkens, who by chance is dead. You would go as my sister Rose Cyanide”

“The identification machine will identify me at one look. Even my change of hair color and style will not help me”

“I know, but you have forgotten that I am the greatest hacker in the whole metropolis. It’s a great risk that we will have to take.”

“I guess you are right. Tomorrow I will have to enter that bank again, even though I know that Jixor might be waiting for me with a trap”

“They will, because now, they know that you need the lockets and they will want to use it to their advantage.”

‘’Ivy, I have one leverage against them”

“Emi, what’s that?”

“Am not sure that they know that the lockets call unto me”

“That’s true, we could use their own trap against them”

“We will definitely do that tomorrow”