Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Lesner was hiding in his father’s study-office; he had opened up to his father. He didn’t want to see her; he didn’t know what to say to her. He sat down in one of the comfortable sofas and stared blankly at their family portrait. There was also picture of Emilia and her dad there also. Kelvin Crawford had paid someone to paint the picture, which he hung as a tribute to his mentee and friend. His father strolled into the office only to see his son seating there. He knew what had transpired and how it was hard for both teenagers.

‘’Lesnie.’’ He called him and sat by his sides. He studied his son for a while.” you cried yourself to sleep most nights when you heard that she was dead. Now that fate has brought her back to you, don’t let anything take her away from you. Go and talk it out. That’s what Mike would want you guys to do. When you guys were kids, you always fought each other. But one day you caught some guys trying to bully her, that was the first time you ever evoked as a mutant, you broke his bone. Fight to keep her safe. You care about her a lot and am sure that she does too. Go, stop hiding son…Crawford’s never hide.” He smiled.

“Thanks dad. Am so grateful to have you.” He strode off, to look for Emilia.

He saw her in one of the sitting rooms. He went and he sat by her side. The silence was awkward… and both were shy.

“Congrats, your mom is fine.” she broke the awkward silence.

“You brought me good luck as always.” he chipped in, with a smile.

“And heart pains too” she complained.

“I guess it comes with the goodies. Nothing is truly perfect…sometimes it is imperfections that makes it worth-while.” He explained

“Lesnie, I am really, really sorry. I have been so selfish.” She sobbed.

“Yes, you have been very selfish….” He smiled with tears his eyes.

“That’s not the reply I expected”

“Did you ever imagine, how I would feel thinking you were dead? Mom was in coma, Dad was bankrupt, and you were no-where to be found. Didn’t you ever guess that I for once needed you around. There were days I felt like dying! But I was scared that your dad would call me a coward from the grave. I tried all I could to come close to you, but you keep pushing me away. Even at the bank when I stumbled on you, I immediately knew it was you, but you pretended that you didn’t recognize me…who does that?”

“Lesnie, there is no day that I didn’t think of you, but I felt you had enough on your plate. “

“Okay, that covers few months. What about the five and a half year that you shut me out, rejected me and hurt me…. what about those years? I always thought that I was more than a friend to you, that I was family…your Dad treated me like family, but I guess you felt differently”

“Please Lesnie, let me Explain please.”

“Am not just ready for…” Emilia interrupted him with a kiss and hugged him really tight.

“Lesnie, are you that stupid, not to know that I love you so much. I hated loving anyone else, I was consumed with anger and rage. Any time I felt love…’’ she pulsed for a moment. ‘’I felt like I was betraying my dad. I felt like you and everyone I loved were a distraction from my goal…words would not suffice…but I am just so, so, so sorry.”

“Emily, your dad always told me, you and Ivy that we were and will always be a team. We are your best friends and I hope I could take the spot of a boyfriend. And for your information I love you even more than words can ever describe.” They kissed briefly. They both smiled as they cuddled.

‘’There is no other place in the world, I rather be, than by you side’’ he complimented her.

‘’Me too.’’