Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

The Inquiry



esner, Emilia and Ivy stared at a white screen with an organizational structure scribbled on it and a picture of a plump middle-aged man at the top. Ivy with an electronic pen, started to explain. She scribbled a name under the picture of the middle-aged man.

“His name is Garret. He has been the official driver of our mayor, Mr. Sandel, even before he came into such a prestigious office. He is our target: he attends karaoke night every Friday night at the Moon-light club. His not married, but loves to womanize. He loves the music band, called the mutant rebellion. He hardly misses it for anything in the world.”

“So, Ivy, we can definitely pick him up at the club.” Lesner suggested.

“too much witnesses. Plus, that club could be a Jixor club, meaning too much security and too much evidence. We need to get him on his way in-between home and the club. This way, there are hardly witnesses and he won’t be filed missing until after 24 hours. This means that we have only 24 hours to kidnap him, interrogate him and get the information we need.” she summarized.

“When we get the information, what next?” he asked both of them.

“Oh! Boy, we have not thought of that.” Ivy confessed “Emilia, when we face the three most ruthless and powerful mutant locket holders…what do we do?”

“Ivy, leave that to me, I would kill them.” Emilia answered her.

Ivy and Lesner looked at her with a hint of surprise.

“Why are you guys looking at me like that. They have the police department under their belt, they have the mayor under their belt…there is no justice in the whole metropolis… I would have to be judge.”

“I have an idea.” Lesner suggested and continued. ‘’we just need a mutant time Traveler. If they have the present government under their belt. What about the supreme body that existed over 1000 years ago?”

“The council of the mutant legion?” Emilia and Ivy chorused.

‘’yes!’’ he answered excitedly.

“But how do we get a time Traveler?” Ivy asked.

“You are looking at one.” Lesner smiled. “yes, I can travel to the past, but it has to be a past that I am not directly involved in or connected to. If I disobey this, I could mess time up. This is why my master always advised me not to travel less than a thousand years backward. This way, the threads of Time would not be easily broken or loosened. The further the better.”

“Wow! Don’t worry I won’t ask you to travel to that day.” Emilia chipped in.

“Am sorry Emily, if I travel to that day, I may destroy all that is left today. I am not even permitted to run past it. “

She reached out to Lesner ‘’I was just joking.”

“That’s enough lovebirds.” Ivy taunted playfully “So what’s the plan? “

Emilia turned with a broad smile. ‘’Oh…they won’t know what hit them.’’