Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

Face to Face



vy was scared as hell; she had not recovered from the message Emilia had dropped for her. She was also worried about Lesner who had travelled over a thousand years back in time to contact the mutant legion and to notify its court of the atrocities the Jixor cult. She was scared for both of her friends being in the face of danger, she knew that she had to do something or Emilia might not survive. She dressed up and she armed herself. She slapped on her chest with a computerized amour vest which enveloped her body beautifully. She was about to turn the key and leave their secret interrogation cabin. When a portal splashed apart and a rather joyful Lesner jumped out. He met a rather sorrowful Ivy, who couldn’t control herself when she saw him.


Emily woke up bound up in a tampered glass ball with only her head out of the ball. Her hands were crossed, with both palms slapped against her breast, in such a way if she evoked any weapon, it would Pierce her or even kill her. She was crouched in the ball and then legs were laced with chains. She was then safely locked up in that glass ball. The ball was kept on a platform, as though she was kept there as a trophy for display. She was on a podium and there were about twenty people wearing black hooded cloaks but three were wearing blue hooded cloaks. In front of the three was the quaking box with the lockets. Immediately Emilia realized that she was before the three mutant locket holders of the Jixor-Cult that we’re in charge of Vellomn metropolis. They were humming a tune and they sat static on an ancient mutant stool with legs made from iron coated skulls. These three stools were sacred and was believed to be just a myth.

Emilia was afraid for the first-time in a long time. She struggled to break free, but to no avail. She screamed in rebellion…

“Ahhggggg! Ahhggggg!” she tried even harder to break free, but couldn’t.

They all seemed unperturbed as they hummed in their meditative posture, as though they were waiting for something. Emilia could hear a huge clock behind her, ticking away. She hated the silence and now she understood that silence sometimes was a torture tool, used by the skilled and experienced. She too decided to adopt their weapon. She closed her eyes and shot everything out and suddenly she could hear the lockets whispering in ancient mutant language. She couldn’t understand it all, but she could understand a few, her Dad was fund of speaking the modernized version of the language with her grandma, she knew some words. The lockets imparted her with understanding and she could suddenly understand them perfectly. The lockets we’re telling her to whisper after them. She whispered after them: it was as though she was being filled up with liquid fire. She could feel it, filling up her inner being, every nook and cranny. The whole room was quiet in silent meditation, as though everyone we’re hypnotized. Emilia could not hypnotize again after the bank robbery, that ability broke that day. In ancient times, hypnotism was prohibited, it was a taboo, an ill of nature. Any hypnotist who comes in contact with the lockets, loses that ability if inherent. In ancient time, hypnotists were burned at the stake, the power of a mutant is in his or her mind and anything that manipulate that was considered an Ill of nature. Hypnotist were regarded as outcast amongst mutant. Even those who had the ability never dared to use it. Only one in a ten million mutants could hypnotize and their influence was in levels. Emilia lost hers that day: it didn’t wear off immediately…it took time. Only monk’s hypnotist and monk soul travelers were accepted by the society.

Emilia was thrown back into reality by a bang. She knew that the clock had clocked midnight. Everyone in the room pulled back their hood, revealing their faces. She was shocked when she saw her uncle, Viom. The three mutants in the blue cloak drifted into one person swiftly. Emilia was shocked as hell. The mysterious person pulled the whole robe off: behind it was an ancient beastly mutant. He had an evil smirk on his face as he swelled in to a huge monstrous mutant beast. He had a heinous appearance and a beastly body-structure. Everyone in the room bowed in reverence to the holder. So, he is a tripartite beast? She thought within herself.


“Ha! Ha!” the creature laughed out loud.

” Everything you have head or thought was wrong.” His voice inspired fear, even in the bravest heart. “We are called three mutant locket holders… created by the sorceress,” he bowed when he mentioned her and everyone in the room seemed to have bowed even further in reverence. “Because she knew that the power of the locket was too powerful for any mutant, so she fused three spirits, three bodies, and three souls to make one monstrous beastly mutant to reign over these weaklings. “he said spitefully.

‘’You are ugly as hell.” Emilia interrupted. Everyone in the room gasped in fear and slumped back to their reverential position and trembling in fear.

“Yes, a locket holder is made from three persons, a dead strong mutant, a strong mutant from the past and a strong mutant from the present. This three are combined to create a beast to rule. A beast that encompasses the past and the present, the dead and the living…the dead beast is usually pulled out of hell…so you are right, I am as ugly as hell” he grabbed a grail and drank from it. When he was done, there was still blood on his lips. ‘’ah, so sweat…the blood of the weak’’

“You are still ugly; you killed my father.” she accused.

“Those are the words of an ignorant little girl. Your uncle never told you?” he said with a devilish smile as he seethed towards her. He motioned his hand as though he was a painter, brushing in the finishing touch to his master piece.

Emilia was confused. What could this beast be talking about? She thought within herself. What did he mean by that statement? What was it that her uncle was not telling her? Was this just a mind trick game he was playing with her.

He studied her face closely. “how selfish are mortals? Untruthful pigs and treacherous. ha! ha! ha! ha!” he cackled, shaking the whole room.

“Fools…little one, your father was not killed, you father is the present mutant.” he explained.

Emilia tried to do everything possible to stop him from entering inside of her head. What did he mean by present mutant?

“Your father was corrupted and he was fused with me and the mutant from the past. Yes, I am from hell, the dead, brought to life…to the do the will of the Ordainer, the Lord of jixor. Little one, hell has come to reign and dominate.” he declared and continued. “little one, look at how they tremble before me, the servant of the Ordainer of hell, foolish and weakling called mortals.” he pointed at everyone in the room still prostrating in reverential fear, shivering.

Emilia was confused, with different waves of feeling… sweeping the sanity out of her. She couldn’t believe that a part of that monster was her beloved father. She knew that even the mutant legion was not strong enough to imprison this monstrous beast, she had to kill him or many will die.

“Little one.” he continued.” very soon the undead mutants will take over the whole Galaxy and we will rule the living with a cruel fist…squash you all with our palm and institute the will of hell”

“How dare you betray your own brother?” she yelled at Viom, who was too much of a coward to even raise his head. “he trusted you!! he trusted you!” she cried out loud.

“Trust is for weak men. Rejoice little one for your father serves a higher course, higher than himself.”

“No, my father was stolen and I want him back. You monster, I challenge you to a fight.” Emilia screamed. The whole crowd gasped in fear, her uncle Viom wept as though Emilia just died. She herself knew that this was the most stupid thing she had ever uttered since she was born.

“little one, you just made your death wish.”

“I have nothing to lose.” Emilia lied, she had everything to lose. How was she going to kill a beast that was acquainted with death? The voices from the quaking box told her something in Velzon: ancient mutant language. “Free me, I promise that I will bring you to your knees”

The beast, which was offended, insulted her and her whole family. He commanded Viom to unlock the tampered class ball… he complied trembling like a coward he was.

“Emilia, don’t this, you don’t stand a chance.” her uncle tried to discourage.

“I rather die brave than live a coward like you.” she pushed him away.

Emilia now free, stretched herself. They had stripped her of her armored vest, leaving her only with her overall white ensembles.

The crowd moved away from them to safety, in the far ends of the huge hall.

“Today you will feel the greatest pain any mutant or Velmin has ever felt.” the beast warned

“I felt it the day you stole my Dad from me.”

She evoked a flaming spear from her palm and threw it at the beast, who shoved the spare away like it was a match stick.

“You would have to do better than that!” he admonished with a hoarse yell

“I know.” she summersaulting, evoking two flaming swords and slashing his massive leg. It was old mummified flesh with extruding white bones.

He feigned a groan and started laughing. “Serve me my child and I will spare your life”

“I rather die” Emilia retorted.

“As you wish.” He evoked a rock and threw it at her. She dodged just in time. The rock struck some of the people in the far end to death. Leaving splatters of flesh and a pool of blood behind. Everyone struggled to leave the room.

“No body, leaves this room!” the monster barked. They all scampered.

Emilia rolled forward and stapled at least five stabs to his side.

“Ha! Ha! You never learn” he cackled” Every time you hurt me; you reduce the chance of getting your father back. Remember he needs to remain alive to complete the fusion. Why do you think I took him in the first place? The other guy died and your uncle was to be the one used for the ritual, instead he offered his brother, whom he said was stronger, a vigilante whom had troubled my metropolis and trust me… it was my pleasure to use the almighty sacred-crow.” He punched Emilia, throwing her far to the far end.

“You know, how would you be able to kill me and save many lives, while you are trying to be a Daddy's girl “

He held her by the leg and threw her against the wall.

“Ah, you hurt because daddy refused to stop beating you?” he mocked her.

He caught her by the neck, threw her up and punched her.

Emilia cried, she was willing to die, even if that was the only way to save her dad.

“You are playing hero just like your father. I hate heroes” he cackled and evoked a spear and threw it at her. She managed to dodge.

Someone from behind shot the monster with a laser gun. Emilia looked and it was Lesner, he was putting on his armor vest. He rushed to her side and slapped one to her chest and it enveloped her. The beast was now very furious. He charged towards Lesner, who fired him with a laser blaster.

“Lesnie don’t, if you kill him, you have killed my father!” Emilia shouted, distracting Lesner who was punched in the face and knocked down. The beast held him by the legs and threw him far away. Knocking him out, he was charging towards him to trash him to death. Emilia twitched her finger and she caused a whirl wind. Speeding round the monster and landing deadly blows to his face. She knocked down the beast. The beast smiled and stood back on his feet.

“My child, it will take more than that to defeat me.” he boasted.

“I know” Emilia slid forward and grabbed the quaking box that contained the lockets.

“ha, funny” he cackled, “not even I, is powerful enough to wield the powers lockets by this time of the year. It will kill you!”

“Not if it chose me!”

“Fool, it’s not the locket that chooses, it’s the medallion of fire that chooses. It has not chosen any for the past thousands of years”

“we shall see.” she pulled open the box and there were three ravaging lockets of fire. She grabbed them and wore them. She yelled out in pain as her skin turned as red as a pregnant volcano mountain. The beast cowered in fear thinking that she would explode. The locket melted and entered her. Emilia levitated now beautiful and shining…beaming with an exuding brilliance of light. She stretched forth her hand towards the beast and compelled him to come and kneel. She laid her hands him and they both caught fire. He was yelling hard and screaming from excruciating pain… suddenly the sound of the monster became three voices. Two men and a mummified copse fell out of the fire. Lesner watched in bewilderment. He rushed and grabbed Emilia who was tired and weak and fainting. It was finally over; she had undone the hex of the mutant sorceress.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I think so” she answered faintly.

A hand patted Emilia Lawkens back weakly. Lesner froze in surprise, too frightened to utter a word. She had never seen such horror on his face, she turned to see who it was that tapped her and frightened Lesnie. Words could not express what she saw: it was her dad, Mike Lawkens!



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