Emilia Lawkens by MN Precious Charles - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

The Afternoon Storm



t was a dark afternoon, with thick clusters of dark clouds veined with lightning and thunder bolts. This was the weather around The Bank of Vellomn Metropolis. In its opposite directions were two huge and very tall whirlwind building momentum, and rampaging whatever it found in its way. Debris flied all over the sky, police drones in the sky tried to manoeuvre their way through the flying debris, as they patrolled the bank which was been robbed. The police drones patrolled the sky with huge torch-lights beaming on the bank building.

The Bank of Vellomn-Metropolis was a moderate fifteen store’s, fortified-building, with a fifteen underground stores vault. The building was coated with dark tampered glass. It was located in a some-worth isolated area, an area known for its maximum security, only surrounded by buildings authorized by the government.

In this unfortunate afternoon, around the bank were packed police patrol-cars, rovers and secret squad team vans, with top police officers and other security officers planning the best way to rescue or negotiate for the release of the hostages. There were special snipers hiding on the top of building around the bank but had no clear shot because of the debris flying about in the chaotic weather. On the other side was the press, with their news vans and rovers broadcasting the news live to millions. They also had authorized media-drones in the sky, capturing from different angles.

The whole metropolis was already in panic, this was not just a bank, it was the secret safe vault for mutant sacred items. The Velmins (non-mutants) thought that it was just some crazy mutant armed-robber was the perpetrator of this heinous crime, but for the mutant race, this was a usurper trying to pull down two sacred mutant dynasties: The Vijion and the Vixor mutant blood lines, which had survived over four thousand years. Both bloodlines have always been at war, but they have never allowed Velmins or other beings to interfere or be affected unduly. This was why after the great mutant wars, five hundred years ago, the mutant lords formed a secret cult to guard the affairs of all the mutant race and to hide its greatest secrets: they called themselves the Jixor cult…coined from the names of both bloodlines. They have succeeded in becoming the most powerful and influential mutant cult group and they control governments, financial institutions, big businesses and even many more bodies. Over the years the cult of Jixor, which was initially instituted for good had become evil and nursed the dream of ridding the whole planet of every other opposition. From an open organization, they had withdrawn into darkness and ruled as a secret organization.

Though many deny the existence of the Jixor cult, anyone who ever made claims to expose the Jixor-cult, died mysteriously with a “J” mark on his corpse, burned to their fore head. The whole government claimed it to be the mischievous work of conspirators. Many believed that was a warning from the secret cult, declaring the fate of any one who stands in their way.

Some months ago, there was a serious controversy all over the confederacy of Gull (Galactically Union of Liberated League), when a reputable political was found dead with the same mark which many calls now Jixor re lume na kelunisa, meaning jixor’s seal of condemnation in ancient Velzon tongue, the language of mutants.

This struck fear into the very heart of everyone, especially Velmins who now looked at mutant with suspicion, and out of fear had advocated the special protection of Velmins. Despite all the investigation of the crime, it came out inconclusive and was, so closed, for want of evidence. Many believe that they closed the case consciously, even the government was subdued by the evil cult. Despite the protest and petitions, no clue or even slight evidence was uncovered. The police issued a statement stating that the culprit must have been a former officer of the law because only a person who knew the justice system could commit a traceless crime.

Today’s unfortunate incidence was already the talk of the town. Some people watched with excitement while other people, thought that this was like every other publicized mutant robbery.

The head of Vellomn Police Department: V.P.D, Viom Lawkens knew that the bank in question was one of the safe-vaults for Jixor cult and he knew he had to handle the situation before the arrival of The Concealers: This was what many called them, they were the secret foot soldiers of the Jixor cult sent to conceal every prove of their existence. The concealers could make any crime go away, make anybody disappear, they were the errand boys of the Jixor-Cult.

Viom knew that the armed-robber did not know better, if only she knew that she was trying to wake a sleeping kraken-dragon. He picked up his public communication device and pleaded with the culprit in the bank. He was sweating profusely, he had to save the robbers life or she would die. He knew that he wouldn’t forgive himself if she died on his watch. He promised her dad to take care of her. How could she be so ignorant? Why didn’t she pick a smaller and insignificant bank? Could she have chosen this bank consciously, just to spite the Jixor-cult? What is wrong with her? All these thoughts raced through his head.