Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 109


6:45 PM EST Day three of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - President Richard Stevenson’s Office

“Jamal, what do you think of the rains in Northern Africa?” They were watching the Bear News at Camp David.”

“I can only say that if it does continue to rain like that, the cities along the rivers are going to be totally destroyed or at least close to it. This is very scary, Mr. President, very scary.”

“I agree Jamal. In a few days, we will be dealing with similar problems just as bad, if not worse. They are used to flooding every few years, but we are not used to what we have in store for us. Yes, we had our Katrina and we failed at that initially, but what is coming is ten times worse, and there is really no way to stop it. We can’t control the weather or Mother Nature, or Jack either, I suppose.”

“Mr. President, I think we really need make a National address to on TV after the Friday and Saturday meetings in Kansas City with The Waldger Group; which most people think is an economic summit, by the way. Do you think Jack does it himself Richard, and has that kind of power? Or is he really just predicting and warning us?”

“I am not sure if he is warning us or causing it, but I would assume when this is all said and done, he will be the most hated man in the world. In politics, people have a tendency to blame the person regardless of the intentions. For instance, Katrina; that was an act of nature, but before it was all said and done, the Republicans took the heat for it. Therefore, Jack will take the heat for this also, be forewarned. He is popular for now because he is new and appears to most, at least for now, to come from God himself. But when people cannot get gas for their cars or food for their table, they will turn on him quickly.”

“On another note, Jamal, anything on Brad Williams’ broadcast about the Israelis and the bomber issue?”

“No, for some reason there has been little or nothing said about it since the press conference late last night. I do not know if normal politics are on the shelf, due to the concerns of the expected destruction, or if Jack is creating so much news that no one really cares. However, I really think that it was not to get a congressional inquiry right now, but more that you befriended Jack. As you said earlier, if the public turns on him, they will remember that you kept him out of the clutches of the Israelis. And that, Mr. President, may well have been the idea.”

“Didn’t think of it that way Jamal, but you may well be right. You know, if it were not for you sometimes, I think I would just go off the deep end. However, you keep me straight. You have made a great Director of Homeland Security, and also a friend.”

“Thanks,” said Jamal. If only you really knew, he thought to himself, what I really think.