Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 115


8:30 AM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, Jack South’s Suite

I had about half an hour before the meeting. This time it was everyone including the military, FBI, Secret Service, the Mayor, and my people. It was at 9:00 a.m. Veronica had called me late last night and said that ‘the powers that be’ wanted to discuss the Rally with ‘the Great Jack South’. So I was now the “Great” Jack South. How stupid, I thought.

She went on to say that both Luke and Mark were here. Mark had come due to some legal issues that needed to be addressed concerning insurance and liability. They had contacted him since the city could not find me, she had said. I thought Mark had been told by Gabriel to stay in Chicago, but then things change. I thought to myself, we were now all here, our ragtime band of worldwide disaster causers, or at least that is what I thought people would think.

I thought back to when I was starting to study prophecy. I remembered my concept of the witnesses, preaching God’s salvation, and making the world see the power of God. It would never have occurred to me that they would have need for insurance, public liability documents, permits, bonds and all the other complicated processes that were involved. This was still corporate America, regardless of God or anyone else. Ridiculous, I thought.

I had run out of clean clothes, but Veronica had managed to go to Wal-Mart and get me some things, including khakis and a white polo shirt. I preferred black rather than white, but Veronica had other ideas.

The way my mind was working today, I knew I was slaphappy and needed to get down to being serious. My normal personality was happy go lucky and being serious was difficult for me. I preferred to smile and make a joke, but I guessed I had to be serious today, like an old professor or prophet.

I am who I am and that is all there is to it, I thought. I laughed at myself. Then I looked up at the ceiling and said, “Ya get what ya get, Lord.” Then I went to take a shower. As I turned on the water, I thought that at least being imprisoned in a luxury hotel beats being in a cave.