Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 117


9:15 AM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Hallway of City Center, 2nd Floor

Roger was pissed that this totally unknown man a few days ago would even dare talk to him like that. He was seething and the anger was getting to his senses. He knew he had to calm down. He walked down the hall away from the conference room and started dialing his office in hopes of catching his Chairman of the Board, Richard Sterling.

“Hello, Mr. Sterling’s office. This is Shannon, may I help you?”

“Shannon, this is Roger. I am in Kansas City and it is very important I talk to Dick.”

“He is in a meeting, Roger.”

“Slip him a note. It is very important I talk to him.”

“Please hold.”

Roger wondered where they got some of the people who answer telephones. It was always, ‘they are in a meeting’ or ‘they just left,’ and so on. Gatekeepers, that is what they were, nothing but gatekeepers.

Shannon came back on the line, “Please hold Roger. I will transfer you to him. He needs to go to his private office. It will be just a moment.”

“Thanks Shannon.” He wanted to call her something else, but thought better of it.

In a few moments, he heard Dick’s voice.

“Roger, how are things in Kansas City? I assume you took care of business.”

“No, I have not Dick. This Jack South sort of threatened me and I am at a loss as to what to do at this point.” Roger told him what had transpired in the negotiations, and the threats made by Jack.

“Alright Roger, give me a few minutes. I will call you back. I need to make another call.”

“Thanks Dick, I will be here.”