Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


7:19 AM EST   New York - Anthony Williams Advertising Corporate Headquarters

At the offices of Anthony Williams Advertising, Martha Johnson, was sitting waiting for the email of a video that she was to reprocess and send out. It came in at 7:19 a.m. to their New York office’s email box. She validated that the data was there, and ran a quick virus scan so that other email programs would not reject the attachment. Once she was satisfied that the file was clean, she immediately put the video into a queue that sent it to over thirty million email addresses worldwide. She also sent the video to every news station in the world, including but not limited to, government TV stations in China, Europe, Russia, the Middle East, and most countries of Africa, and South America. It was loaded up to Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter with prearranged fake user blogs already set up.

She then sent it to conspiracy theorists and outspoken individuals who did not like any form of government, as well as several non-conforming organizations in the world.

Next, she picked up the phone and called what was nicknamed the Rouge Network in the U.S., legally known as Bear Network. They were a non-conformist network that employed the right wing, John Roddenburg, as their primary news anchor. Martha knew that they originally wanted Jack on their show, and that after they saw this video, and the events it predicted, they would move heaven and earth to get him into their studios for an interview. She told John’s assistant that a video of the Morning Headlines that had not been broadcasted was in John’s in-box and that Jack South should be available for an interview after the event described in the video. Jack could be there at the studios somewhere between nine to eleven a.m. She asked the assistant to call her back immediately to confirm.

Next, she calmly sent a confirming message to the source of the video. She explained that the video was now worldwide and confirmed; and that she fully expected John Roddenburg at Bear Network to be calling within the hour.

Then, she settled down to watch the interview herself.