Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 11


7:25 AM EST   New York - The Network Interview Studio

Jack sat on the couch, not moving. Mark walked over and said, “Jack, I sent it and I just got confirmation from Luke’s firm that it was okay and sent out as planned. Now what?”

“Wait till they throw us out; and please start videotaping everything until we do leave. We may get some more action from these people. They’re volatile.”

As if on cue, the side door suddenly burst open and Jonathon Langer walked in. He was screaming at the top of his lungs coming to a stop directly in front of me. “Who the hell do you think you are? I have enough problems keeping the end of the world signs off the plaza and off the air and you…you come in and screw up the whole dammed thing with your bull!”

I calmly looked at my watch and saw that it was 7:26 a.m.; thirty-three minutes to go. I looked up at Langer and politely asked, “Are you going to warn the people in California? You still have time, Mr. Langer.” As I said this, he began ranting and raving again. He screamed for security to remove my attorney and me.

I stood up from the couch I had been sitting in and said, “Hey, no hard feelings.” I started backing away from him and as I did, I said loud enough for others to hear while addressing Langer, “By the way, after this is done, sir, you will find it hard to find a job as a trash hauler in Jersey. But to make your life easier, I’ll give you the winning pick three and pick four for tonight’s New York lottery drawing.”

Langer’s jaw just dropped. I looked around and saw everyone looking my way. I said, “369 for Pick 3 and 6667 for the Pick 4. Remember those numbers. You may need the money after today.”

Jonathon Langer began ranting again. His face was puffy and beet red. His eyes were almost bulging from their sockets. With his arms in the air, he screamed, “Homeland Security is getting a copy of this tape! You have tried to cause panic in this country! You will be arrested, prosecuted, and thrown in jail! As a matter of fact, you cannot leave this studio until I contact the authorities. You’re a jerk Jack.”

“Okay, Mr. Langer, I’ll wait for them to come. I have no problem waiting.” I sat back down on the couch and said nothing more. I thought about pushing him further to see what his reaction would be, but chose not to, because it really did not matter. Everything he had said and his refusal to air the warning was all on tape and would soon be on the internet along with the interview he and Brad had stopped. He could explain to his viewers and his boss why they had both gone into a tirade, stopping the interview, with the result that they would be contributing to the deaths of over eighty-thousand people.

He called me a few more names before leaving the room. I looked at my watch again as Mark and I sat on the couch. It was 7:29 a.m. In 30 minutes, the entire world would change. We were right on schedule.