Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 21


9:15 AM EST   Washington, D.C. - White House Rose Garden

“Ladies and gentlemen of the press,” Press Secretary, Christopher Hughes began, “The President will be out in a moment. I want to let you know that we will not be taking any questions nor answering any at this time. The President will speak to you briefly about the disaster we face in California and what steps the federal government and its agencies are currently taking. A full copy of the statement will be delivered to you afterwards, along with an executive order that will be implemented immediately.”

Secretary Hughes stepped away from the microphones and stood next to the other cabinet members already present. The Sergeant of Arms then stepped up to the microphone and announced, “The President of the United States.”

President Stevenson walked down the walkway from the White House, up to the podium and said, “Good morning everyone and thank you for coming on such short notice. We are all aware of what has happened in Southern California and that this act of nature is one that we knew might be coming someday. We are moving as quickly as we can to start the process of helping secure the areas affected in California and to provide immediate aid for those in need. FEMA and Homeland Security are already mobilizing in the area to meet the needs in California, as necessary.”

“I have spoken to Governor McClellan of California and have advised him that we have declared a state of emergency not only for the affected area but the surrounding areas as well. We are also implementing Article 1, Section 9 and declaring martial law in those areas. The National Guard is mobilizing as we speak and will have a command post set up shortly. Rioting and public disorder will not be tolerated and all police powers are being given to the field commanders and their troops. They are to take whatever measures are necessary to secure the area and keep the peace.”

“Due to the incredible amount of death and injury, we are moving portable hospitals and appropriate personnel in as quickly as we can. The Red Cross mobile units are being flown in as well.  Due to the amount of personnel needed, all unnecessary flights to Los Angeles have been diverted to San Francisco or San Diego. With the exception of military and humanitarian aid in the usable parts of the airport, LAX, due to damage, will remain closed until further notice. What is left of it will be under military control. Thank you for your time and patience. We have a lot of work to do.”

His speech over, the President turned and walked out of the garden towards the White House, as several reporters were calling out questions that they knew would not be answered.