Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 34


11:12 AM EST   New York - Bear Network Studios, Area away from Studio

John took the Reverend Marks into an open office away from the studio and asked him to sit down. “Reverend, are you alright?”

“Yes, I think so, but I am quite perturbed with Mr. South. I feel he is an imposter and is deceiving the world.”

“I understand what you are saying Reverend, but Jack is not on trial and what we want to know is what he knows, not to get public opinion to go one-way or the other. Jack has knowledge, a gift, to see the future. That is all we know for now. I understand your concerns. Do you want to continue on the panel or withdraw? I do not want to turn this into an inquisition and possibly cause riots in the streets, with people from different religions fighting. I only want to get some facts.”

“I understand John, but he accused me of being like the Jews described in the New Testament, as the crucifiers of Christ; and that was too much.”

“Well Reverend, you set yourself up for that response. Moreover, I have to say, it was a good one coming from Jack, who as you pointed out, has no religious training at all. It also made me understand after hearing his answer to your question, that Jack knows a whole lot more than he is telling us. This panel and this interview are to find out what he knows or at least as much as we can find out. But, we can’t go about it by accusing him of things or we will get nowhere.”

“I understand. I just lost it there for a few seconds. I will be okay and if given another chance, I will keep my questions direct, with no accusations.”

“Okay Reverend. We need to get back. The world is waiting for answers.”