Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 59


11:00 AM CEST Day two of 1260 Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, David Matthews’ Office

David was looking over the tapes of the previous day’s interviews trying to ascertain if Jack had mentioned where he was going. All he still had was that he was going to hold a rally in Kansas City on Thursday. His current whereabouts were totally unknown and it was still as if Jack had just disappeared.

He had also been trying to track down Jack’s two friends, Gabriel and Ariel. It was concerning about how they could track down anyone, anywhere, anytime, and yet all of these people had just disappeared. David turned his seat to stare out the window of the office and get away from all the data running before him on the computer. He mouthed the words, Jack where are you? Who are you? Moreover, where do you get your power?

In the meeting yesterday, Waldger talked about the witnesses of the Bible. David read up on them last night on the internet, using an online Bible. As he read, he began to realize that these witnesses would have supernatural power and no one on earth would be able to harm them, at least for the next three and a half year period. He then had the thought that these two were going to come after The Waldger Group and try to destroy it. That was their goal, which meant Waldger would have something to do with the Antichrist.

As he had read all the information on the two witnesses, it became clear to David that he had little or no knowledge of Bible prophecy. As a matter of fact, he had no idea of world power, the beast or God vs. Satan, in the period of time called the end times or Tribulation. That was never something he ever considered as reality, just weird people pushing religion on everyone, which he did not like. However, he was curious and now knew that somehow he had managed to be right in the middle of it.

He turned back to his computer, closed the files, and started to work on the plan as it was given to him in the folder at the meeting yesterday. As he read through the details, he was becoming very aware that the world as he knew it was about to change politically and very quickly. Jack South had set it in motion. He had only a few hours before the plane departed and the connection through military channels to Kansas City for the rally. Maybe they would learn more about Jack there. They really did not know that much.