Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 61


2:40 PM CEST Day two of 1260 Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, Aafre Waldger’s Office

Aafre looked at the clock on his desk and realized that he was tired. He had slept very little last night. He had tossed and turned most of the night, dozing off and on, for he now realized that everything they had ever planned and waited for started yesterday with Jack South. They were sure of it, and he was waiting for the word to be delivered to him from the Master.

He thought the Master would come to him last night with instructions, but he had not. He knew also that the Master had his own timetable and would show when he felt appropriate. Men were too troublesome and worrisome and he liked to take his time about doing what needed to be done. Aafre smiled for he knew he would take his time. It had been over five thousand years of taking his time, so a few hours or days where not going to make any difference at this point. For the most part, they already knew what to do, but they needed the reassurance that once the steps were put in place, the group was making the right decisions. It would only work once.

His group pretty well controlled the entire world, at least its politics; corporations, commerce, and what people could do, and not do. However, that power was hidden and behind closed doors. It affected each, man, woman, and child on the earth, but it was subtle and not noticed. The crazies knew they were up to something, but they could never prove it, so people and their stupid documentaries and occasional news releases meant nothing really. The next steps were going to be different. Each person on this earth and what was left of earth itself, after Jack South got through with his God’s plan, would in due time belong to the real Master of the earth. Then they would prepare for the final battle for the title of earth and once and for all, return humanity to the way it should be.

All Aafre could do now was wait. He knew it would be soon. The Master would confirm his thoughts and then they would move forward with his grand plans.

He looked at the calendar on his desk, which had Thursday, Friday, and Saturday circled in red. Last night he had decided that they would hold an impromptu meeting there in Kansas City. That way they could all get an opportunity to see Jack, or the enemy, in person. That also meant they could have their meetings on Friday and Saturday. It would work out well.