Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 85


2:30 PM EST Day two of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - Conference Room

When President Stevenson returned to the conference room after dealing with the Attorney General, they were just getting sandwiches and drinks from the buffet table up at the end of the room. The conversation levels were pretty high. It seemed everyone was talking at the same time and in small groups. As he walked towards the buffet table, he scanned the room to see who was grouping together. As a seasoned politician, he knew that when people ate, they usually liked to be close to those with whom they felt most comfortable. In his years in the state legislature, then the senate, he had found that watching this could sometimes point out people who really were not on the team or had other agendas.

Most of the people around him were on his team, but he knew that there were those who had doubts about his abilities and his integrity. The sad thing for those gathered was that they did not know the power was given only to those willing to allow others to have power over them. Being President of the United States was a tradeoff between what you wanted to accomplish and whether or not the real powers to be wanted your agenda to happen or not. The reality was that money had the power; whoever had the most money, had the most power. Even the wars of Europe were financed by the money brokers. No money meant no war.

He, like most of his predecessors, got to this position with money. It took a lot of money and it took many promises. Surprisingly enough, as he clawed his way up through the system, he started finding out where the real power lay, and it was not in the U.S. He mused a bit on the thought and then sort of laughed to himself. If the world really knew all of this, they would all be immediately taken out and shot by the people. Then in time, it would start all over again and in a few hundred years, it would be just as it was now.

Jamal started walking over to Stevenson. He said, “After lunch we are going to start tackling the logistics of moving and relocating most of the eastern seaboard, parts of Florida and the Gulf coasts. General Stoups told me that he might have a good plan that we could put into effect, starting with the first strike in Houston, and then work our way around the coasts. He also has a plan to move our national treasures from DC and New York. I suppose, Mr. President, that at least we have time, and it is not like a nuclear attack where we would only have a few hours or less.”

“You’re right, Jamal. Having time does help but it only delays the inevitable. What kind of resources will this take? Did he say?”

“No, not really. He said that he felt he would just tell everyone at the same time and then we can work it out from there. By the way, since we are going to Kansas City and then The Waldger Group meeting is right after, are we going to be coming back to Washington or are we going straight to Cheyenne?”

“I don’t know Jamal. I really do not know. We’ve only just started on the process to move necessary equipment and some staff.”

“Okay. Thought I would ask, because we need to make press releases and work out the final details. Vice President Johnson will be on the ground in about three hours and on his way out here. We had a delay in getting him out of China for the state visit he was attending. Do you want him brought directly here from the airport or wait until tomorrow morning?”

“No, tonight. We have a lot to cover and a very short time to do it in.”

“I will take care of it then.”

Jamal started for the doors to the communication’s room and as Stevenson watched him leave, he thought, even as President of the world’s superpower, he felt overwhelmed; and he knew that it was only going to get worse.