Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 87


3:30 PM EST Day two of 1260 New York - The Network, Brad Williams’ Office

Brad’s second show today was the evening news at 5:30 p.m. He would be covering the day’s events from the studios in New York. He had asked to be sent to Kansas City to broadcast live from there, but had been shot down. That was unusual. Normally, all the networks would be on location with something like this Jack phenomenon going on, especially The Network. The powers that be had said no and that Brad was to lay low and take the bad ratings until they could get Jack South up against the wall. Then they would go in for the kill. He felt they did not trust him anymore. He was going over the notes in his office when he got a call. “Hello?”

“Mr. Williams?”


“Mr. Williams, I wanted to let you know that Jack South was just released from an Israeli airbase where he and an associate of his, a Veronica, were held for several hours for illegally entering the country. My understanding is that the President of the United Sates himself got him off the hook and Mr. South is on a private jet, on his way back to New York and should be arriving around 2:00 a.m., Wednesday morning. I might add that Stevenson had to give the Israelis assurances that they would get those new bombers they wanted in order to get them to release this person and his friend. Sounds like a payoff to me, and the President seems to have a stake in Mr. South. At least, that is what it all sounds like.”

“Who is this speaking?”

“Oh, sorry Brad, I can’t tell you that. However, you have many resources. Check out the information if you want. It makes good headlines with the President giving war planes to Israel to bail out Jack South.”

Click. Brad heard the dial tone.

What the hell, he thought. He grabbed a piece of paper and noted the conversation as well as he could remember. He then got on the phone and called his chief investigator.