Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 89


4:30 PM CST Day two of 1260 Chicago, Illinois - Mark Anderson’s Law Office

Mark had immediately jumped into action after receiving the fax from the Attorney General’s office. Knowing that Jack was in Israel, he knew that Mossad would bring him in and try to obtain information from him; and he needed to stop that as soon as possible.

His first call went to Ken Giles who never acknowledged the call. Mark ended up talking to some clerk instead of Ken. The next call went to the White House, but once again, he was blindsided and had to leave a message.

He then decided to cash in a favor. The thing about being a defense attorney was that he made money, friends, and enemies. He had gotten the President’s nephew off an alleged rape charge some years ago. The President and his brother’s family were very pleased with his firm, and would probably help. So, he then called the President’s brother to ask a favor.

It had worked. He got a call about two hours later and was given the fax number to Camp David. He had faxed his pleas to President Stevenson. Well, it must have worked. Veronica had called and said they were en route to New York.

Exhausted, Mark just sat in his chair staring at the wall thinking and wondering how many more times this would happen. He shook negative negative thoughts off, got up, and left the office. He needed to go home and rest.