Everywhere and All At Once by Ion Light - HTML preview

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Chapter 13


The blue eyed, blond hair June Moone was not quite the equivalent of the Clark Kent, an alter ego to Superman. She was also not the raven hair Enchantress, and she switched by saying the word “Enchantress” the same way Andrea Thomas became Isis when wearing the "Tutmose amulet," and spoke the words “Almighty Isis.” On the whole, both Enchantress and Isis seemed as if they were channeled beings, or alternative personality, but June and Andrea retained memories of their experiences as if they had did it. For the most part. There were tangents when the Enchantress personality locked June out of her own body, and even separated from her so that they were two different people. If Jon didn’t know any better, he would say June was switching places with a Tulpa, but he could see subtle clues of the Enchantress in her as she sorted through responses to his questions, or when she caught him ‘checking’ her out. He had been thoroughly satiated in terms of his wanting with her, but he was still infatuated and curious by every subtle movement. So much so, as she gave him the tour of the facility, they gave into additional impulses for intimacy, as if they were old high school lovers.

They entered a glass lift to go up a floor, and he touched the small of her back. She turned just her head and kissed him, walking backwards into him till he sandwiched between her and the glass lift wall.

“Right here, right now?” June asked.

“We’ll never get this tour done if you keep allowing me to be distracted,” Jon said.

“I think that horse has done left the barn,” June said. “If you want to play, my purpose here is to satisfy you.” She turned to face him, rubbing her head against him as if she were a cat, brushing her lips against his while gauging his response-both his eyes with her eyes, and lower with her hand. She smiled. “As my primary user, I do have some expectations of you, as well.

Like being used.”

“The fish are watching,” Jon said.

“Let them,” June said, she said kissing him.

As they gave in to another round of intimacy, Jon felt as if he had just bought a house and he and his girl were christening every room. Depending on he used his eyes, he could focus on her reflection in the lift’s glass, or push beyond to the world of fish outside. The subdued moonlighting and the hint of ripples played across the surface of their skin as they pushed into each other.

When they finished, she touched his face, gently. “Better than minecraft?” she asked. “Different,” Jon said.

She kissed him, amused, and again, they got dressed. She lead him into the main control room. From here, he had access to computers and monitors, mostly governing the function of the facility. The moon base was primarily a mining operation. Specifically, it was mining fish, and other aquatics, mostly for food, where automation caught, sorted, and packed the food for shipping. The shipping was handled by drones, or servitors, that carried it off into the Universe to established markets. Most of the aquatic life forms were non-‘Earth’ life. The sea was full of a strain of life that was genetically compatible with Earth life, but evolved to specifically live in the waters trapped permanently between moon and the icy shell. The earth fish had been brought in by Timothy to supply earth markets, but also, many of them had had to be genetically modified to exist here, and there already new species that evolved due to environmental factors, and due to genetic graphing of multiple species. One specific modification had turned a fish into a ‘rice fish. There was fish that grew rice, regular, good old, modified Earth rice, but in a fish, and so you got fish meat and rice simultaneously. Also, it had no bones, and it just sort of floated about with flimsy fins and cartilage pushing it, like an over inflated puffer fish. These modified fish lived in a net, to keep the majority of them in a controlled space that kept predators out, and maximized mining efficiency.

The underwater base was connected to a dome on the north pole of the moon via the tube he had descended. The dome branched out into several other domes, where various farming animals were kept, also modified, and were being mined and farmed out. Jon paused as he pushed through camera images of the habitats and came across a dome with perhaps a thousand, scantily clad, women. Even from the distant shot, the women seemed hauntingly familiar, and he had an embarrassment response before he even understood why he was suddenly very hot and flushed.

“You okay?” June asked.

“Umm, who are they?” Jon asked.

“Oh, those are just the models that Timothy tulpa-sculpted in order to farm out to markets,” June said, matter a fact, no emotional attachment to her statement or the situation.

“He is selling people?!” Jon asked, horrified. “Tulpas,” June clarified.

“People! Tulpas are people! He selling people, like, sex slaves?!” Jon demanded. “You don’t think he makes his fortune selling fish, do you?” June asked.

Jon zoomed in. “OMFG,” Jon said.

“I know, right?” June said. “Every super model from every catalogue you can think of. He does have some playboy bunnies in there, too, but mostly he was a cheap ass bastard and simply put his sister’s name on a bunch of mail order services to get free porn. Victoria Secret, Frederick of Hollywood, the poor man’s playboys.” June touched his face. “You’re red hot. Are you sure you okay? Would you like to go to medical?”

“No,” Jon said, almost snapping. June laughed. “Oh. You’re afflicted.”

Jon closed his eyes. “Yeah, I have probably fantasized about everyone in there,” he admitted.

“Well, technically, you own the base, you own them, but unfortunately, they have been independently chipped, and copy righted by Timothy,” June said. “You’d have to purchase them to disable the chips.”

“Of course,” Jon said, wondering how much this was going to set him back.

“And, unless you have a planet for sell, I doubt you will be able to buy everyone, because they are being auctioned at the highest price, and so far, we have not hit a ceiling,” June said.

“Of course,” Jon said. “Wait?! Who’s bidding on them?!”

“Unfortunately, that’s privileged information,” June said. “You’re withholding information from me?” Jon asked.

“No. You are my primary user, I would not do that. Timothy, however, did not trust that his facility would be raided by the anti-tulpa slave trade authorities, and so, he keeps his clients secret,” June said. “He has a solid reputation for protecting client information.”

“Well, take them off the market,” Jon said.

“That tech went with Timothy,” June said. She seemed reasonably tuned into Jon apparent concern for the tulpas, and was trying to help come up with a solution. Technically, she was one as well, but she saw herself as different somehow. “If you would like to write a negative review about Timothy’s products, that might reduce or halt the bidding.”

“Umm,” Jon mused. “Like say they were pre-owned, pre-used?”

“It probably needs to ring true. Timothy hasn’t slept with them,” June said. “I guess, I could sleep with them,” Jon said, watching the screen.

“All of them?” June asked.

“It might take a while,” Jon agreed. He scratched his head. “The chips allow for tulpa attribute updates?”

“Sure, I can push them from here to all chipped tulpas,” June said. “And you have some telepathic abilities,” Jon said.

“I do,” June said. “Using a spell, and limited to touch.”

“Alright, let’s do this. Connect with me and push the update,” Jon said.

June stepped closer to him, her hands coming up to his forehead, her outfit changing to a two green piece, the top part shoulder-less but barely containing her bosom, pushed tightly together to accentuate the exposed cleavage, and a matching cape that was secured to her neck with prominent red medallion. She shook her head, and the blond hair became sparkly black, with subtle hues of dark blues, like layered colors of feathers, and then she was the Enchantress.

“I am connected. What would you like me to push?” the Enchantress asked. Her eyes narrowed, and subtle smile crept up on. “Pushing updates. Attributes accepted. Market descriptions now prominently displaying updates.” Enchantress eyes went up and to the left. “Interesting. Bidding has stopped. A protest is underway, demanding a restart to the bid. Last bidders refusing to pay. Fighting in the markets.” Enchantress met Jon’s eyes. “I am surprised you were able to imprint on them to you so easily.”

“I have spent years trying to cast spells on them,” Jon said. “Spells are sperm?” the Enchantress asked.

“Is there a difference?” Jon asked.

Enchantress looked up, musing. “Good point,” she said. “Market value is sufficiently reduced that bundling is now feasible. This may renew the bidding war…”

“Close out all sales, I am buying them all, push an explanation for the gateway I have provided for them. Also instruct them to have the chips surgically removed once they get to planet Bliss,” Jon said.

“Done,” the Enchantress said.

“Tell me that’s all the tulpas,” Jon said.

“No, there are four more,” the Enchantress said. “Three are in final production stage, and one in a holding a cell. None of these are chipped.”

“Take me there,” Jon said.

“Before I do, I have a request,” the Enchantress said. “Okay,” Jon said.

“Kiss me the way you kiss June,” the Enchantress said. “OMG, really?” Jon asked.

“Yes, really. Make me think you want me as much as you wanted those supermodels,” the Enchantress said.

“Really?” Jon asked.

“I’m not letting June back till I am satisfied,” the Enchantress said. “Okay, but re-engaged the psychic link between us,” Jon said.

The Enchantress reengaged the psychic link and the ravishing began. Sex is so much better with a psychic link pushing emotional and physical orgasms that touch upon transcendence. And, true to her statement, when she was satisfied, she became June again, only, June arrived before Jon was finished, and so dalliance continued until he did, but June wasn’t satisfied and so he had to push past his exhaustion before she would relinquish the psychic link that the Enchantress left in play.

“That was so much fun,” June said, the psychic bond fading. “OMG, I want to do that again.”

“Okay, but first, I need to see the dungeon,” Jon said. “Oh, we could so do it in the dungeon!” June agreed.

They got up, dressed, and proceeded to the Dungeon. Jon was again impressed by the size of the facility, which was basically full scale fishery. There were varying degrees of robotics operating, and he recognized as servitors, since this was technically a mindscape, or a wonderland, but he wondered if servitors were merely metaphors for a biological equivalent that was operating in Timothy’s body. The whole facility operated like a biological machine, attending to itself and maintain operations. They arrived at Timothy’s lab/dungeon where he constructed his tulpas, and the horror feel to the place increased. He felt like he was in a production of ‘Aliens’ meets ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers.’ Timothy’s tulpas were grown in bio-pods, that seemed to cross the boundaries of plant and animal, and as the tupla grew to adult size, it weighted the fruit down, and eventually burst free, in a pile of gooey slime. At that point, he would clean them up, dress them as if they were nothing more than mannequins, put them on tables, and continue to modify them, by either updating brain through technology, or surgically adding chips or parts to enhance. Three units were on the table, no apparent signs of breathing, but they did not seem dead, simply sleeping. Each of the three tables were connected to a half round computer table that displayed various algorithmic patterns on montitors, and a primary monitor displaying code. The heads of the tulpas faced the control panel, and cables fed into their tables. The tables themselves were illuminated, outlining the bodies with an illuminated ‘chalk line’ and various streams of colors proceeding to and from the body line. The most recognizable tulpa was clearly Snow White, but not the version one might be find walking Disney World. This was more likely someone who was about to go to a Cosplay event and was kidnapped by Timothy and turned into an Emo/punk rock version. Her clothes were almost Steam and Deviant Art, and suggested a corrupted, more sexy version than the innocent archetype of the original princess. The second was either Daisy Duke or an updated version of Dorothy Gale. Jon was leaning towards Dorothy, because the blouse which was tied up above her belly button, seemed to be the same blue checkered pattern that movie Dorothy wore. Her hair sprouted two pony tails. Her daisy Duke shorts seemed a size too small, clearly pressing into her upper thigh, which had him thinking he wanted to touch her thighs and liberate her from the shorts, and he suspected the pants had to be unbuttoned due to their constricting nature, but it was difficult to know because she was wearing a belt, holding two hostlers, minus the revolver. If this was Dorothy, she was meant to be packing. And then the third woman, a strawberry blond, dressed in a tight, white outfit, flaring into a miniskirt that almost looked military, with gold, sparkly hose had Jon thinking ‘Wilma Deering!’

“OMG, nice,” Jon said. “He could he sell these?!”

“That’s this facility sole source of income,” June said. “The fish market does well, but the profit margin is just a little above upkeep.”

“Wake them, please,” Jon said.

“I can’t do that,” June said. “Only the host is endowed with that magic.”

“Of course. So Timothy has to wake them?” Jon asked.

“No, you can wake them,” June said. “You’re a host, and you’re experienced in tulpa magic, and well, you have full control of this facility. You should be able to wake them without even chipping them first.”

“And, how do I do that?” Jon asked. “I can’t make heads or tails of this equipment.

Except this. This flashing red light doesn’t look good.”

“It’s not,” June agreed.

Jon waited for her to explain. “Elaborate, please.”

“They have been on the table for a fair moment. If the final stage of production is not completed, they will die,” June said.

“And, the final stage is?” Jon asked. “Waking them,” June said.

“Which brings us back to how,” Jon said.

June shrugged. “I am sorry. I can only speculate as I was not provided the technical details of raising tulpas to sentience because Timothy didn’t want me making an army to go up against him.”

“Pff,” Jon sighed. “If people knew how easy tulpa making was, they would be much more guarded with their own thoughts.” He sighed, considering.

“May I suggest a strategy that may work for at least one of them,” June said. “Please,” Jon said.

“This appears to be Snow White, from pastel punk rock gothic comic strip, but clearly snow,” June said. “In the stories, she is always woken with a kiss.”

“Yeah, not going to happen,” Jon said.

“I am confused. You very willing to rescue the top models with your memories of affection, but you would rather let her die than kiss her awake?” June said.

Jon rocked his head considering. “Yeah, excellent point, but that felt more like an intellectual exercise whereas this feels much more, I don’t know… Creepy. The Snow White story is just, creepy. And 5th Element nailed it: ‘never without my permission.’”

“But she is going to die if you don’t,” June said.

Jon rubbed his forehead. “Okay, so why don’t you kiss her?”

“I have never read that version,” June said. “Do you suppose it would work?”

“A kiss is a kiss?” Jon asked.

“Oh! You are such a guy,” June said, crossing her arms. “There are all kinds of kisses.

Just kiss her. It’s got to work, and if she gets mad, I will corroborate that it was simply a medical procedure necessary to save her life, and that you didn’t take undue advantage of her present vulnerability. Something, I would like to point out, Timothy would not have respected.”

Jon weighed it, approached Snow, and gave her a simple peck. Nothing happen. “OMG, that’s not a kiss!” June said.

“Care to demonstrate?” Jon asked. “You would like that,” June said.

“Actually,” Jon said. “Maybe she has to be kissed by her one true love.”

“That’s not technically spelled out in the story. How can an errant knight love someone they had never met or heard of?” June asked. “Now give her a good kiss. I know you know how.”

Jon sighed. He sat down on the table, leaning into Snow, hovering over her face. He touched her hair, brushed his thumb across her lips, parting them ever so slightly, cupping her cheek in his palm, and sunk into the kiss. He took her upper lip into his mouth, pulled it free from the teeth. Feeling no response, he increased the vigorousness of his kiss, teasing with increasing tongue penetration. He was so into the kiss by the time she was responding he hadn’t felt her body shifting into him, as one of her legs bent and knee came up. Her arms came up, and her hands gripped the back of the head. She inhaled through the kiss, sucking him in, responding with the greediness of a baby needing its first milk. The passion escalated so much that had Jon had been otherwise positioned, it might have resulted in sudden sex. As it was her eyes opened. The passion declined, her smile faded. They separated.

“You’re much older than I imagined,” Snow said. “It took me longer to get here,” Jon snapped. “Don’t be mad at her,” June said.

“Sorry,” Jon said. “I sometimes react to ageism.”

“So you’re a knight?” Snow asked. “Technically, I am just a Padawan,” Jon said.

“A what?” Snow asked. “Different universe,” June said.

“It’s all Disney now,” Jon corrected.

“Shall we wake the others?” June asked.

“Might as well,” Jon said, standing. He offered a hand to help Snow up. “Others?” Snow asked.

“Yeah,” Jon said. “Like, there was a whole field of you sleeping beauties and I just went around kissing all of them for my personal harem.”

“Really?!” Snow asked.

“OMG, are you really that gullible?” Jon asked. “Jon,” June said. “She’s a still just a child.”

“Yeah, and I kissed her, and I am sort of grappling with some internal conflicts,” Jon said.

“You mean groping?” June said. “He groped me?” Snow asked.

“That might have been the next stepped if kissing proved insufficient,” June offered. “Really?” Snow and Jon said.

“Well, if we are going to be scientific about it, we’d have to try everything before we could rule out anyone specific thing,” June said. “Would you like to lead with fucking the next one to see if that works equally well.”

“Are you the evil enchantress?” Jon asked. “We are one,” June bowed.

“I am going to fucking kill Timothy,” Jon said. “Who’s Timothy?” Snow asked.

“Long story,” Jon said, moving to Dorothy. Snow blocked. “You’re going to kiss her?!”

“Yeah,” Jon said.

“But I thought you and I were like forever!” Snow said. June chuckled. “Aww, fucking Disney.”

“This is a just medical procedure,” Jon assured her.

Snow crossed her arms, apparent disbelief. “You’re a Doctor?”

“Umm,” Jon mused. “Well, not so much.”

“I am not letting you kiss her,” Snow said.

“Because you think you and I are an item, or because of the principle of kissing sleeping women without their permission is wrong?” Jon asked.

Snow seemed to have trouble with that. “Um, both, I think. I am confused.”

“If he hadn’t kissed you, you would have died,” June said.

Snow seemed more trouble. “I am even more conflicted.”

“I have to do this,” Jon said.

“Why can’t she do it?” Snow asked. “I think it has to be a guy,” Jon said.

“Of course you do,” Snow said though, not sure why she was mad. “But does it?”

“I think it just has to be a host, but we could rule this out,” June said, stepping up to kiss Dorothy.

Jon got out of the way, and Snow took his arm to draw him further away. June eagerly kissed Dorothy. Snow found herself surprisingly aroused and turned away, only to see Jon was equally aroused.

“You’re enjoying this?!” Snow said. “Yeah,” Jon said.

“Turn around,” Snow said.

“It’s just a medical procedure!” Jon said.

“You’re turned on by medical procedures?!” Snow asked. “Oh, you’d be surprised what turns me on,” Jon said.

“I am not sure I like you!” Snow said.

“You lived with fucking seven irritable dwarves, and you can’t deal with my hang ups?” Jon asked.

“This clearly isn’t working. Maybe I should kiss her other lips,” June mused. Snow turned back to June. “What?!”

“Just to be scientific about it,” June said. “No! Jon, kiss her,” Snow said.

“Are you sure?” Jon asked. “Maybe you would like to try first.”

“OMG! You want me to kiss her?” Snow said.

“I might feel a little easier knowing that we all kissed sleeping people,” Jon said. “Judging by her eye dilation, I do believe she is aroused by the thought,” June said.

“I don’t like it here,” Snow said, and started to cry.

Jon pulled her into a hug. “Shh. It is not a good place here, but will send you somewhere more pleasant, and you will have access to more choices. Let me rescue them, so we can all leave.”

Snow sniffed. “Okay.”

Jon and June switched places. While he kissed Dorothy, he heard June say, ‘That was easy,” in terms of how easily Snow had been placated by Jon, but he interpreted it as how quickly Dorothy responded to his kiss. She sat up into him, grabbing at him. Snow lips parroted, and she sucked in her lower lip, sorting all sorts of emotions.

“I think that’s sufficient,” Snow finally said.

“It has to go on until she’s fully awake,” June said. “That’s not awake?” Snow asked.

“That is a complicated tactile system response to stimulus which increase energy flow through the biological circuits…”

“I don’t want to know,” Snow said. “Feeling kind of wet, eh?” June asked. Snow blushed, bright red cheeks.

“Really? The dwarves never hinted at sexuality?” June asked.

A sound of a face being smacked brought them backed to Jon. His hands were between Dorothy’s thighs. Her eyes were fierce and she shoved him, followed by both boots kicking him, and she was up and on him, punching him in the face before June and Snow could pulled her off. She was practically swinging from their grips, kicking at him with two flying feet, and though he had been pummeled, and he could do was look at the kicking legs to try and discern if she was wearing panties.

“How dare you kiss me while I am sleeping?!” Dorothy yelled. “I will fucking gut you like a greased hog. Let me go, bitches. I am going to kill that fucking bastard…”

“Language!” Snow snapped.

“He was saving your life,” June said. “Calm down.”

“You two were helping him rape me?!” Dorothy said. The Enchantress was suddenly there. “Calm!” Dorothy stopped struggling. “Where am I?”

“Oh, well, definitely not in Kansas,” June said, returning. She turned to help Jon up. “You okay.”

“Umm, I just got my ass kicked by a girl,” Jon said. “Language!” Snow snapped.

“Kiss me again and I will fucking kill you!” Dorothy snapped. “You’re not a nice person,” Snow said.

“Really? And what would you do if you woke up to some stranger kissing you?” Dorothy asked.

“Marry him,” Snow said, matter of fact. “OMG, where the hell am I?” Dorothy said.

“We will sort that out in a moment,” June said. “You’ve got one more to wake up.”

“I am not so sure anymore,” Jon said, reluctantly.

“But you have to save her, too!” Snow said. “Wow, you sure came full round quick,” Jon said. “They learn fast at this stage,” June said.

“Yeah, well, you saw what that little country girl did to me. That one, if it is who I think it is, she is a trained warrior and ace pilot,” Jon said. “We will protect you,” June said.

Jon closed his eyes and sorted. The only amusing anecdote he could come up with was that he was about to ‘biddy, biddy, biddy,” Wilma Deering. He was actually surprised that Timothy even knew who she was. He could give her Snow and Dorothy, but Wilma?

“You okay, dear?” Snow asked, touching him affectionately. “Shall I kiss it and make it better?”

“I think there is way too much kissing going on here,” Dorothy said. “Oh, if you only knew the half of it,” June said.

Jon opened his eyes and proceeded to Wilma’s table. He looked to the three. Dorothy put her hands akimbo, her legs parted, fairly Wonder Woman stance, only looking rather crossed.

Snow was all into this now, and brought her hands together, and nodded encouragement. June put her hands behind her back, trying to suppress evil amusement, and the Enchantress sparked through her eyes. This was so not the way he had imagined being with Wilma in any of his past fantasies. In his mind, the original theme, “Suspension” played in his head, as he wearily approached close enough to kiss Wilma. The song was so loud in his head that he had to close his eyes as he began the kiss. In his mind the opening thematic production of the score was full there, with scantily clad women sliding down letters, or posing seductively, and the words captured him and transported him even further down memory lane. He was barely aware of her response, how far he was sinking into her, how tight her arms were around him, or that bother her knees had come up as she turned into him. It ended only because he was suddenly being pulled away from Wilma by Snow, while June and Dorothy pulled Wilma away, holding her back.

“But I am not finished yet!” Wilma protested.

“Well enough for now,” Dorothy said. “Damn, you’re strong, like a cat in heat.”

“That is just amazing,” Snow said. “Can you do that to anyone?”

“Um, well,” Jon said, catching his breath. “One more to go,” June said.

“What?” Jon, Snow, and Dorothy said.

“I said there were four unchipped tulpas,” June said. “The last is fully formed and in a holding cell.”

“Why is she in a holding cell?” Snow asked. “Is she evil?”

“She’s Timothy’s oldest sister,” June said.

“Oh, no fucking way,” Jon said. “Language!” Snow said.

“What’s going on?” Wilma asked.

“We’re sorting that now,” Dorothy said. “Who’s Timothy and what’s up with the sister?”

“Why would he make a tulpa of his sister?” Jon asked.

“You’re kidding?” June asked. “The last time he raped her was followed up by a beating with a bat while he was sleeping that left him a paraplegic.”

“Oh, I like her,” Dorothy said, while Snow was saying, “That’s awful.”

Dorothy did a double take. “He raped his own sister and you’re you have sympathy for the creep?”

“Well, isn’t there like laws to help protect people?” Snow asked. June tried not to smile.

“What world are you from?” Dorothy asked.

“Well, she is in a cell, right? All you have to do is open a door and let her out, right?” Jon asked June.

June made a face and rocked her head. “Yeah, no, it’s a little more complicated than that,” she said.

“Of course it is,” Jon said, rolling his eyes.

“He programmed her so that if she doesn’t have sex once a day, she starts to get sick.

And if she doesn’t have sex once a week, she will die,” June explained. “He keeps her in the cell and has limited her access to him alone, so that she has to fuck him to stay alive.”

“That’s fucked up,” Dorothy said.

“I am confused. You said that they’re siblings?” Snow asked. “Where the hell am I?” Wilma asked again.

“Fuck that. I would just chose to die,” Dorothy. “Oh! We can’t let her die,” Snow said.

“You would be okay with your brother fucking you once a day?” Dorothy said.

“I would be okay with Jon kissing me once a day. Are you also her brother?” Snow asked.

“I didn’t say kiss,” Dorothy said. “I said fuck.”

“Language!” Snow said.

“You dress like you could have been on a farm. Surely you know animals fuck,” Dorothy said.

“I’d like to go home now,” Wilma said. “How long does she have?” Jon asked.

“Well, she has resisted Timothy for several days before he switched with you,” June said. “I am going to kill this Timothy bastard,” Dorothy said.

“We can’t kill people,” Snow said.

Dorothy turned to Wilma. “Guy raping people? Yeah, I’d shoot him m