Everywhere and All At Once by Ion Light - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


Loxy arrived back at Bliss with Svea, in one of the emergency medical rooms Jon had reserved for aiding animals. She asked Siri for assistance. Siri manifested in a physical form and helped to place Svea on the medical bed. Keera arrived, as if having been summoned.

“Psychic wounds?” Keera asked.

“Yeah,” Loxy said. “If you’ll apply an etheric anesthetic, I will prepare for surgery.”

Keera began a ritual of helping a client going into trance, while Loxy took a standing meditative form. Loxy surrounded herself with light, invited in her guides, and began an unconscious conversation between her and Svea, the higher selves mediating. When Loxy opened her eyes, the first thing she did was push a containment field, so that nothing Svea had brought with her would leave the room.

“She’s inundated with stuff,” Keera observed. “Yeah, suit up,” Loxy said. “I’ll wait.”

Keera moved through the same psychic exercises of standing meditations and then surrounded herself with protection. When she returned she noticed that Loxy had opened a wormhole, a one way ticket to somewhere else. It had a slight suction sound, and some of her psychic tools fed into it.

“You ready?” Loxy asked.

“Sure,” Keera said, her hands up and available as if she had scrubbed.

“Svea,” Loxy said. “I have authority to proceed, but I need to hear you say we have permission to clear you.”

“Yes, please,” Svea said.

Svea’s petite body expanded, bloating and turning dark purple, and then bounced back into its original shape. Her demeanor changed. “You have no authority. I have a contract. She willingly gave me permission to reside,” it was dark, sinister voice that moved through her. Like the Gorn voice from the ST:TOS episode.

“Yeah. Svea is breaking that contract. So, the options are you can leave voluntarily, and take your friends with you, or we can excise you,” Loxy said.

“You impotent little puppet!” it said, stretching Svea’s face up and out as it were just a sheet hanging in the wind and a person was pushing into it. “I will own all three of you bitches.”

“He’s very cocky,” Keera observed. “False bravado,” Loxy said.

“You want to see my cock?!” it asked. “Bring it out,” Loxy invited.

It hesitated.

“Yeah, not so brave when the lights are on, eh?” Loxy said. “Come on out. The door is right here. It’s only going to get brighter in there.”

“You don’t have the power to remove me,” it said. “I am older, smarter, faster, stronger…”

“Yeah, you are,” Loxy said. “And that’s why I work with a team. Who are all much older, smarter, faster, stronger, than both of us together. And the longer you tarry, the more I learn how to do deal with you, so stick around. I am interested, does this hurt?”

Loxy shined a light into etheric body. The creature roared and threatened.

“I will kill her, then you, and then all your friends. Oh! Jon. I can so take Jon out,” the creature said. “All I have to do is throw pussy at him, and he will give me his dick, and I will lead him around like a dog on a leash.”

“So, you’re gay?” Keera asked, wondering if that label would offend it and ruffle its feather enough that I might let go.

“Well, he is in a female’s body,” Loxy pointed out.

“Yeah, but, can you be a heterosexual male and be in female’s body, simply because you’re curious what it feels like?” Keera said.

“Curious what dick feels like, or what it feels like to get dick? Either way sounds a bit curious,” Loxy said.

“Jon was already in here. I can track him by his smell,” the creature said.

“Jon was in there?” Keera said, leaning into peer through the eyes to see if she could still see anything. It raised up and tried to lick her, but she retreated.

“I think you will find quite a few people got in there,” Loxy said. “Wait, this isn’t her body body,” Keera said.

“No, her body is back on Origin,” Loxy said.

“Oh, so, Jon is like in there holding down the fort while we clear her body,” Keera said.

“Something like that,” Loxy said. Loxy closed her eyes and then opened them. “Okay, Sir. My team is in place. You’re about to fill some pressure. Last chance to vacate willingly.”

“Fuck you, light whore,” the creature said.

It suddenly found itself on top of the table, sitting on the body it had been in. It’s body expanded and bloated, like wet toad expanding its throat, but it was the whole body. Its genitals were hidden by the bloating. It pushed with a magic energetic wind, sending Keera and Loxy to the limits of their protective sphere that had been put into place. But no matter how hard it tried to get to them, it couldn’t reach them with its body. Sveas clothes tore as it tried to get back in her. And then, as if an afterthought, one for the road kind of thing, it began fucking her. It was forced off the table by invisible hands, towards the small portal. It resisted. It jerked off and flung sperm at Loxy first, then Keera, then Svea. Its butt plugged the portal and his departure quickened as he continued to throw sperm; it seemed to like the suction of air flowing around its plugged butt. The rest of its body suddenly imploded into the hole, leaving only its hands gripping the ring of the portal, and then they slipped off and it was gone.

Loxy and Keera fell to their feet.

“Wow, that was intense,” Keera said. “Glad you had me put on the full body condom.”

“Right?!” Loxy said. She approached the body. “Alright, the rest of you little fuckers, out now, or I use the siphon.”

A line of cockroach looking critters, about the size of small dogs, exited the body. A few more were found inside, perhaps thinking they could escape detection. Eggs, dirt, webs, all sorts of things were removed. There was an electrical device found attached at the base of the neck.

They removed it. And then they began the cleanup of their quarantine, pushed all the contaminants into the portal, closed the portal, and then asked for a healing blessing to occur. The quarantine was lowered.

“Would you stay with her?” Loxy asked. “I need to go check on Jon. Ask Alish to make her a tea. Surgery is done, but she will have a long road of healing. It’s one thing to get better, but another thing to stay better.”

“You bet,” Keera said. “Thanks for letting me participate.”

Loxy hugged her. She went straight way to her quiet space, took up a meditative pose on the floor, lit an imaginary candle, and quietly sought Jon out. She had been directed not to return, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t watch. She quickly found herself in a room with Timothy. She checked the time stamp. She checked in with her guide. After multiple levels of conformation, she decided it was accurate. For whatever reasons, she would have to go through Timothy to get to Jon. Curiously, she found him in a sterile room, very modern, all white, shades of white. His clothes were white, like medical clothes. His bed was white. His chair was white.

Curiosity drove her out of the room. She quickly discovered that she was on space station. The stations was fairly simple design, concentric rings around an axis. Several layers of rings. If she did casual psychic survey, she got a consistent number of 42 million people, spread out through a million satellite space stations. She heard a conversation and moved towards one of the rooms. It was the same size as Timothy’s room.

“So, this is a prison?” the person asking was Samuel Clemmons. It was the Samuel Clemmons directly prior to his death.

Standing in front of Clemmons was a spectral form of Siri, a hologram. He ‘experienced’ it as a ghost. She was educating him. “Technically, from your view point, you are imprisoned, but only temporarily. Before allowing any of the residents egress from their room, you must have accomplished a minimum safety training program. If you wish to return to the planet, you must complete a life review…”

“A life what?” Clemmons said. Siri explained and he was offended. “You mean suffering life once, while chased by the memories of it all, isn’t sufficient torture?”

Loxy was amused, but not allowed to continue listening. She found herself being drawn down and out of the station. It was not frightening, but it was persistent direction. She had a choice, return back to her body, or go with it. She went with it, accelerating towards a planet that might have been Earth, only it lacked the evidence of cities. So, if it was Origin, it was before humans. As she drew closer to the Earth, she found herself descending upon the one place on this planet where humans were inhabiting. A castle. A modern day castle. The outer wall was as smooth as glass. Each of the corners of the four walls had a tower, and the castle in the center had a central tower, and that is where she landed, inside a chalk circle, with a star. The moment her feet hit the floor, an energy wave pulsed up through her. She couldn’t help but throw her arms up in the air, as if celebrating a sudden victory, but, it was more just a movement to go with the flow, allowing energy to dissipate faster, through her. When the wave of energy had finished, she took a deep breath as if she had emerged from swimming the entire length of an Olympic pool underwater.

Loxy had a body. She was naked and unashamed. She was standing tall, arms upswept, palms together, looking up, inhaling deep, just an everyday, morning yoga pose that she would pass through, before lowering her arms, tilting her head left then right, and attending to the world. The transition from thought form to body was so easy she sometimes didn’t recognize it for what it was. Depending on your frame of reference, she was a body first, a framework for her mind that was installed secondly. Another framework, she was mind first, and she participated in the creation of the body. The Safe Haven frame of reference, she simply existed, her story and others in progress, when she encountered Jon. ‘Jon’ at Safe Haven was technically a tulpa, or though-form manifest. Technically, everyone at Safe Haven was some form of thought, with Avatar being the most suitable term for their bodies. One never gets to Safe Haven in the physical form first. Being at Safe Haven was a privilege, a severe selection process in place that very few truly understood. To be a graduate of Safe Haven, an even greater privilege. More people attend than ever graduated. Being a graduate of Safe Haven put Loxy was in a very small, ‘elite’ population, by definition.

On the tower, in meditative form, was a Reptilian. She was wearing the robes of an ancient religious order, shades of white. The robes had a hood, but it was lowered and thick around the back of her neck. Due to Loxy’s experiences with Jon in the other world, and because of the crystals Jon had shared with her, she was quickly able to recognize the summoner. She was Summer, Jon’s supervisor. She was not in a body, but she opened her eyes and looked up.

They were snake eyes, and hypnotically powerful if you didn’t know how to block. It was clear if Summer wanted, she could go deep, fast.

Still, it was best not presume, or lead with an assumption. “Who are you?”

“Hello, Loxy,” Summer said.

Loxy hid a smile. If this was a negative entity, she didn’t want it to know she was amused. Negative entities, generally, avoided answering identity questions, especially the newbies. This was part of the game. “Hello. You know my name. May I know yours first?”

“Very polite, Loxy Isadora Bliss,” Summer said.

“Clearly, you’re advance and knowledgeable,” Loxy said. “You will now tell me your name.”

“You know me as Summer, Jon’s practicum adviser,” Summer said.

Loxy nodded. “I know you from somewhere else, as well. Tell me, please.”

“Nice,” Summer said. “You remember one of the other worlds. There are so many from which I have conscious access to that I prefer not to guess as to which one you are referring to.”

“Fair enough,” Loxy said. “Do you work for the Light, and the greater good of all beings?”

“I am agent of the Light, and am working for the greater good of all beings,” Summer said. “And I have summoned you in order to supervise your practical. Are you ready to begin?”