Forbidden Outpost by Tony Rubolotta - HTML preview

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Chapter 20 The Surrogate

“Robby, do you see them yet?” Alta asked as she backed away from the educator and looked around the lab. She could see Sheila standing at the library viewer to her left with the Krell robot identified as Wilma at her side. Maud was standing, or floating, to her right.

“Yes Miss Alta, they are entering the complex now.” Robby reported.

Adams, Martin and Flapjack passed under the first arch and into the outpost complex. The caretaker robot identified as Oscar led them to a triangular shaped platform with seating for three. The platform, slightly less than half the width of the corridor, appeared to be hovering about 100 millimeters above the floor. Adams took the front while Martin and Flapjack took the two rear seats. With Oscar up front and to the right of center and an unnamed companion robot at the rear, the platform started moving forward at the speed of a brisk walk.

Adams could see a line of three other robots heading toward them and passing in review on the left. They were apparently heading outside at a very rapid rate of speed. “Mr. Wallace,” Adams said, holding the com-link closely, “you have visitors coming your way. Don't shoot at them.” Adams could hear a garbled aye aye come back as the signal was getting weaker. The detector for the ship channel was amber now, the “maybe” indicator.

The platform was about 100 meters into the corridor when Adams spotted Robby straight ahead, about another 200 meters. “Robby, can you intercept and relay my signal to the ship?” Adams asked the robot on his assigned channel.

“Yes commander.” came Robby's reply.

“Please do so.” the commander ordered and then asked

“Can I speak to Alta?”

“You can speak to Miss Alta directly but I would recommend you allow me to intercept and relay your signal to assure there is no interference” Robby responded and advised based on his observations of how well the com-links functioned inside the outpost.

“Do so Robby and put me through to Alta now.” Adams said as the platform continued to close the distance on Robby.

“Alta, we're inside.” Adams said excitedly. “What should we do now?” he asked for good reason. There was no simulation to cover what would happen now but the protocol was clearly stated in the Krell agreements. Alta needed to standby the educator if any questions arose concerning the protocols.

“Talk to the robots John.” Alta replied, “They will help you but be careful what you ask. Be precise and make it a request if possible. The Krell held the Garon in contempt. There is good reason to believe that was reflected in the robots' programming.”

Adams acknowledged Alta's advice and decided to give it an immediate trial. “Oscar?” he asked, then waited for a response.

“Yes ambassador?” the robot replied, but Adams remained silent. “Ambassador?” the robot asked again.

Martin leaned forward in his seat and gave Adams a gentle tap on the shoulder saying “That's you, Mr. Ambassador.” In a much lower voice, Martin whispered “Don't slip up now.”

Adams turned to look at Martin and motioned his lips to say “OK, OK.” without making any sound, then without turning so Martin could see him speak the words, Adams said “Oscar, where are we going?” Adams checked the com-link to be sure the relay channel to Alta was open.

“I am taking you to your temporary quarters so that you may recuperate after your journey. When you are ready, we will proceed to the Chamber of Audiences to meet the active surrogate. Does that meet with your approval Mr. Ambassador?”

“I want to get started right...” Adams was about to say when Alta frantically jumped in on the open com-link relay and said very loudly “Yes, I need time to recuperate. To my quarters please.” There was a pause, then some head turning and then Adams said “Yes, to my quarters please.”

“Yes Mr. Ambassador” Oscar said and then added “Do you have a problem with your vocal cords that requires medical attention or are you suffering from some other anatomical malady?”

That caught Adams off guard and he let loose a “How bout that.” with a hint of laughter as he turned to look back at Martin and Flapjack. “I'm fine but can you get that annoying trilling in your voice fixed Oscar. It is very difficult to understand what you are saying.”

“My apologies Mr. Ambassador. I will have my voice adjusted immediately. The platform slowed as it reached the end of the corridor and a large connecting vestibule about 12 meters square. At the center was a cube about 3 meters on the edges and framed in Krell arches on all four sides. It looked like an elevator shaft. The platform turned sharply right and entered another corridor. This too was very long and the subdued lighting made the distance difficult to gauge.

Alta and Adams checked back and forth to verify they still had the signal relay, which they did. Alta got right to the point. “Oscar said some things we need to check. If the robots give you an opportunity to stall, you need to take it so I can find things on the Krell educator.” Everyone heard Alta and there was a general murmur of