Forbidden Outpost by Tony Rubolotta - HTML preview

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Chapter 25 The Thrill of Discovery

“Do you like that one Alta?” Sheila asked, pointing at the large white house on the right. “A lot of UP bureaucrats live in this neighborhood.”

It was certainly a nice looking neighborhood with well manicured lawns, meticulously planted flower beds and precisely trimmed shrubs, but it had no trees and little variety in the color or style of homes. “It's a lovely house Aunt Sheila but this neighborhood doesn't do anything for me. It looks so rigid and controlled. I like your neighborhood.” Mary Lou, sitting in the back of the vehicle, was thinking the same thing but focused on studying the details of the white two-story frame house.

Sheila mumbled something Alta could not hear as she was studying the house very carefully, as well as those to the sides and rear. “We're out in the country Alta, actually outside of Barnardsville. There are only those five scattered houses you see when you visit us.”

Alta started to laugh, almost uncontrollably as Shelia looked at her, bewildered by what may have triggered that response. Sheila's puzzled look finally gripped Alta as she stopped laughing. Alta started with an apologetic voice saying “Aunt Sheila, I'm sorry but where I came from, my nearest neighbor was 8 light years away.” Sheila shook her head and started laughing. Five miles to town and a few hundred feet to your nearest neighbor was crowded in comparison to Alta's experience.

“That's your point Alta. Let's go look at the countryside. I don't know of any houses for sale but I'm sure we can find a nice lot you can build on, if that is what you want.” Sheila waited until she got a nod of approval from Alta, then slipped the shifter into drive and gently pushed the accelerator down. Sheila kept glancing to the rear and side view mirror as the white frame house got smaller and eventually hidden from view. She could see Mary Lou looking out of the rear window. Mary Lou turned and her eyes met Sheila's in the rear view mirror. No words were needed to confirm the like minded thinking shown by the expression in their eyes.

“Congratulations on your appointment skipper.” said Wallace as he reached out to shake Adams's hand. Randall, Lee and Cookie also started to form a line behind him, also congratulating the commander.

The message had come through from Goiania State Department Headquarters and was signed by both Charles Bern, Secretary of State and Admiral Irving Seitgart, Chief of Fleet Operations. The message explained that the appointment was as special emissary. A recommendation to the President and Superior Council had also been made since only they could appoint and approve ambassadors.

It was on a sadder note that Adams explained he would have to give up command of the ship to some vocal objections of those present. He explained his duties as special emissary would involve a great deal of on the ground work at the Krell outpost leaving no time for ship board duties. In fact, he explained his first assignment was to organize a survey team to begin the formal exploration of the Krell outpost.

“I don't know where I need all of you more, here on the ship or on the ground with me but I have to make some decisions.” Adams started to explain. There was general agreement among those present as Adams continued. “Mr. Wallace, you have been indispensable and I would very much want you at my side as exec but the ship needs you more. I recommended you for command but Fleet may have someone else on a waiting list. We'll have to wait and see but until that time, you have the ship skipper.”

“I need a science officer, preferably someone with a strong engineering background. As much as I don't want to inconvenience Mr. Wallace, I'm offering that position to Mr. Randall if he will accept.” Adams needed to get the exploration under way and needed staff to assist, even if it meant the ship lost valuable personnel.

Randall glanced at Wallace first who nodded his approval, then Randall accepted with “Thank you sir. I will do my best to...” at which point Adams cut him off.

“I know you will and you already have. Thank you Mr. Randall.” Adams said and then turned to face Wallace, saying “Thank you Mr. Wallace.”

Adams needed someone to handle the instrumentation as well, and that was offered to Crewman Lee, and as with Randall, he looked first to Lt. Wallace for approval before accepting. Adams now had a skeletal staff that would include Alta and perhaps Sheila, if she and Julius were agreeable.

“I'll clear out my cabin and find quarters in town by the end of the day Mr. Wallace. Mr. Randall, Crewman Lee, I would suggest you do the same. UP State will pay for your accommodations. We will be back in two days to start our first mission Mr. Wallace. I'll brief you before hand. Good bye men.” It was not exactly the literary quality farewell speech Adams intended but it was sincere and not a final good bye.

Two days can pass in a blur when you have much to do and a schedule to