Forbidden Outpost by Tony Rubolotta - HTML preview

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Chapter 2 Core Critical

The klaxon reverberated throughout the ship as the crew members scrambled to their emergency duty stations. Half the crew was off duty and half of those were sleeping when the rude alarm broke the quiet of the ship. Commander Adams emerged from his quarters and looked about to assure himself all crew members heard and responded to the alarm. Some of the crew were jumping from their hammocks and scrambling to put on their uniforms. Adams called to the boatswain and then signaled with his finger to his ear followed by a throat cutting gesture to kill the klaxon while he moved toward the chief engineer's duty station.

“Randall, what have you got?” the commander asked. The commander looked over Randall's shoulder at the panel, his attention caught by several blinking red and amber lights in various display cells.

Randall was focused on the instrument panel, then turned his head toward the commander and replied “A core temperature spike sir and still rising.” Randall's focus returned to his instruments as the commander crossed his arms and turned his gaze from the panel to Randall. “Sir, primary cooling level zero, pressure zero, flow zero, secondary cooling level 100 percent, pressure 11.3 bars and rising, flow at 60 percent of capacity. The core will reach critical pressure and temperature in 5 minutes.”

The core generated all power for the ship and if it were lost it meant death in deep space. The reserve power cells would keep them alive for a short time but would eventually be drained.

Commander Adams asked “What is the charge on the reserve power cells?” It had only been a short time since departing Altair 4 and making the jump to light speed, certainly not long enough to achieve a full charge.

Randall brought up the cell monitor on his panel, gave his head a twist and a slight shake and said “Thirty per cent sir.” As the commander glanced around, he could see every crew member looking his way and waiting for his next words. This was J. J. Adams’s call and what commanders are supposed to do. The immediate danger was a core meltdown and power failure. Everyone knew what that meant and it was up to the commander to stop the impending disaster.

Adams was looking at the panel to his side but the orders rang out loud and clear in every direction. “Robby, cut all power to propulsion. Youngerford, reduce life support levels to safe minimum requirements and trim gravity to 60 percent. Randall, reduce core output by five percent and divert all surplus generation to the reserve power cells.” Each order in turn was punctuated with a loud and clear “Aye aye sir.” Adams's plan was to reduce the load on the core to slow down the rate of core heating and charge the power cells enough to run the ship while making emergency repairs.

“Randall, we have to go to DC and drop from FTL before the core temperature goes critical. Give me the time to reach 45 percent charge capacity and critical temperature.” Adams said as he started toward the astro-navigation station where Robby was attending to the propulsion system shutdown. Robby's data cord did most of the work but his hands were still required to operate some of the controls. The sound of relays dropping as Robby worked at the console assured Adams the robot was doing as requested.

“Aye aye sir.” came the reply from Randall as he busied himself checking and setting instruments.

Adams quickly glanced about and surveyed the ship. It looked as though the crew had been reassured by his demonstration of command and prompt, decisive action. Crewmen were busy at their assigned stations making the adjustments necessary to adapt to the new environmental conditions. Though Randall had his full attention on the monitor, he spoke up with a clear voice for the commander to hear. “Sir, reserve power cells will be at 45 percent in two minutes and 20 seconds. Something is wrong with the secondary coolant flow but the core won't overheat for at least three minutes at present generation levels.”

Commander Adams did not acknowledge Randall directly but spoke to the boatswain saying “Order to secure from general quarters and make for DC stations in two minutes. We have plenty of time so don't rush.” That wasn't quite true but the commander needed a calm and cool headed crew to get through this crisis.

“Aye aye sir.” replied the boatswain. “Secure from general quarters. DC stations in two minutes.” The boatswain had one of those booming voices that did not need the com-link to be heard. The crew made final adjustments at their duty stations then stood at attention facing the boatswain to signal completion.

Adams was looking about intently with a puzzled expression. Cookie sensed the reason for the commander's actions and piped up “She's over here sir!” as he pointed to the officers quarters aisle way. Alta had come out of her cabin to see what the commotion was about that so rudely interrupted her dream world. Adams motioned for Alta to join him since they would go to DC stations very soon. Alta moved to Adams’s side and asked about the problem. Adams could see she was obviously groggy as he took her by the arm to guide her. As they moved toward DC stations, he told her the core cooling system failed and they would have to make repairs. He assured her they would be safe.

Robby had