From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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supply store called 4UR Office and bought a cool, brand new, midnight blue laptop with a 250 GB hard drive, 3 GB of RAM, fifteen point four inch screen, Aspire Operating System, the best of the best, a multi-layer DVD burner and the best programs that money could buy to do anything from editing videos to word processing.


Philip went out of the store with his parents. Since he was just a songwriter, paparazzi wouldn‘t give all their attention to him—or at least that‘s what he thought. Someone from the store called the paparazzi and as the Martin family was getting into their van, a multitude of paparazzi approached them and asked Philip how it felt to be a Golden Bear award winner, considering the fact that the bear in the award was made of real gold.


“You guys,” Philip said, smiling the whole time, “I am tired, but yes, I am really happy to have my own Golden Bear Awards and that‘s beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you.” He got into the car. Minutes later, Pamela pulled the family van out of the parking lot.


A half an hour later, the Martin family got home. Just then, the phone rang. Pamela walked out of the living room, into the hallway that went from the living room to the kitchen, and then she walked into the kitchen and picked up the phone there. “Hello.”


“Hello. I wanted to say congratulations. I also want to thank Philip for what he said about us. I‘m sure that will attract more hopefuls to our record label. Thank you.”


“Hey,” Pamela said, smiling. “He‘s just telling it like it is, Robinson.”


“I know he‘s tired. Tell him that from now on, every Sunday he‘s got the day off, unless he‘s got an important event coming up, like a performance in an award ceremony, a tour date, or something like that.”


“That sounds good.”

“I‘m going to let you go.”

“You sound sad, Mr. Bennett. Is something wrong?”

“I‘m sad because I just found out that Sheena Brown had a heart attack and died last



Pamela gasped. “What?” She started shedding tears and trembling as she cried. “How did that happen?”


“She received bad news from a family member and she couldn‘t take it. We don‘t know what she was told, though.”


“I‘m sorry, Robinson.”


Robinson started to cry once again. “She was one of my best artists! What am I going to do without her?”


Sheena‘s twin sister, Sheila, she knew what bad news Sheena had received—her best friend, Tanya, she had taken Sheena‘s boyfriend away from Sheena and now Tanya was pregnant with Sheena‘s boyfriend, Stephen‘s baby. Stephen, Sheena‘s cheating beau, he didn‘t know that Sheena was dead because Sheena‘s best friends had decided not to tell him. They also made sure that the media wouldn‘t find out. They had no idea of the evil plan on Sheila‘s now warped mind. She was planning to make Stephen fall in love with her to break his heart and avenge Sheena‘s death.


Sheila immediately executed her evil plan. She went to Stephen‘s house that night and rang the bell. Stephen didn‘t know that Sheena was dead and Sheila was dressed and her hair was done just like Sheena‘s in the moment. It was a no brainer to fool him. She had sexy lingerie in a shopping bag, an outfit she hadn‘t used yet because she had no boyfriend and no one to share it with. Sheila never believed in casual relationships, but now it was time to have one, her first one,