From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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him, and that he was just using her to get from her what he couldn‘t get from Sheena when they were apart because of Sheena‘s career. “I can‘t believe I‘m sitting here, crying like I never have before, like a teenage girl who‘s just been dumped by her first love.”


“Stephen wasn‘t your first love, but he was your most intense love. You never loved any other man the way you love him. I know it hurts. I‘ve been there. I thank God I found your sister, married her, and started a family with her, but you know very well that before meeting Teresa, another woman really broke my heart. I‘d been depressed for months and I was so close to committing suicide so many times. I didn‘t think I would ever get out of that hole.”


“I thank God that it was my sister the one to save your life,” Tanya replied. “You‘re the best brother in law I could ever have had. No man has ever treated her or loved her the way you do. That‘s why I‘m thrilled that you‘re the one she married.” He gave her a big, big hug. “Now I‘m wondering who‘s going to save me.”


“You‘re going to find the love of your life, and the best of all is that you won‘t even have to look for him,” Teresa said. “I know it in my heart. I can feel it. I know this is easier said than done, darling, but you should get over Stephen, fast. He‘s not the one for you. He never was. If it weren‘t for Sheena, if she had never taken him back, and your so-called relationship had survived, he would‘ve made you suffer beyond words. You know I never agreed with that so-called relationship. I always told you, time and time again, ‗Tanya, you deserve so much better than this‘. It‘s never good to be the second one out, and I know these words are harsh, but they‘re true. You deserve a man who‘s single, commitment-free and ready for love, ready for the real thing, a man who‘s incapable of playing a woman. You might think it‘s impossible to find a man like that nowadays, but believe me, there are many men like that and you will find one.”


“I should‘ve listened to you, Teresa,” she said in between sobs. “Now I‘m pregnant with his child and every day, this child will be a constant reminder of the man that broke my heart. I would never have an abortion because what Stephen did to me is not the baby‘s fault and he or she should never have to pay for our mistakes: mine being stupid and loving without being loved in return, and his mistake of using me, but I‘m definitely giving the baby up.”


“Are you sure about this?” Newell asked.


“Yes, I‘m positive. I don‘t think I will be able to bear seeing Stephen‘s face in this child every single day.”


“If money‘s the problem, we‘ll help you. We will support you and the baby until you find a well-paying job. You have your degree in nursing, so it‘s not like you have to go back to school to get a good job. We will even help you take care of your baby. I‘ve decided to be a stay-at-home mom and I will take care of my baby and your baby while you work. I‘m sure that when you have your baby in your arms, you won‘t want to give him or her up, and then you‘ll break the hearts of the baby‘s future adoptive parents. It won‘t be easy and you‘ll regret it. You won‘t even care who the father of that baby is when you have him or her in your arms. I‘m a songwriter, and I make great money. Remember that.”


“I know you want the best for me, but…”

“Please, would you at least think about it? Please?” Teresa asked.


“I will listen to you for once,” Tanya replied and they hugged. Tanya never before thought that she had to heed her sister‘s advice just because Teresa was younger, and according to Tanya, less experienced. She realized that her foolishness was what got her into this mess in the first place. She realized, also, that she needed nothing and no one else. Her family was there