From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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head was tied down, and if he tried to lift it up, it felt like his brain was being crushed, and the pain was so insupportable that he started crying. Constantine didn‘t remember all the harm he caused hours before.


Starr was in Dr. Costas‘ office waiting to get permission from him to see Constantine. They weren‘t married, but Dr. Costas knew that Starr was the only person that was standing by him right now. His brothers and sisters wanted nothing to do with him because they held him responsible for his parents‘ deaths. Dr. Costas had his doubts about allowing Starr to see Constantine. He was afraid that Constantine would hurt her. The few friends that Constantine had, they had no idea that he was here. Otherwise, they would‘ve helped him escape by now.


“Miss Noonan, Constantine is very dangerous. He hurt all of our nurses this morning. He is strong. They couldn‘t calm him down. They had to sedate him. One of our nurses is in the hospital, and doctors are not sure if he‘s going to make it. Constantine may have destroyed his brain. He‘s in the ICU.”


“Oh, my God, I didn‘t know. I‘m so sorry.”


“I advise you to stay away from him. I don‘t want you to end up dead. I have details on your past together, your relationship. I understand he‘s never been abusive to you in any way, but ma‘am, he changed. He‘s not the man you fell in love with. Every day that goes by, he gets worse, and we‘re going to have to inject his medications in him because he‘s not going to take them in pill form.”


“Oh, God…” Starr couldn‘t believe his ears.


“I really don‘t want to let you see him. I fear for your life. Right now he‘s tied down, even his head is, but we don‘t know what he‘s going to do when he sees you. You have to be careful.”


“I guess I better leave then,” she said getting up from the chair.

“Yes, I think that‘s the best thing you can do.”

“I‘m sorry that Constantine hurt several of your nurses.”


“Don‘t be. It‘s not your fault. You didn‘t know who you were dealing with. If people can do a 180 from one minute to the next, imagine how much someone can change in the time you haven‘t seen Constantine, especially people like him. There‘s no offense intended because I know how much you love him.”


“If you don‘t mind me asking, and you‘re probably not allowed to give me this information, but I‘m going to ask anyway…the people that called the police on him, what did they tell you about him? What reason did they give you to bring him here, to such a terrible place? What did he do? Did he hurt anyone before coming here, before the lamentable incident with the nurses?”


“I know you really have to know and if I don‘t tell you, you are not going to be able to sleep tonight, so I‘m going to tell you. The police were told that Constantine was in love with Robinson Bennett‘s wife, and that his intention was to hurt Robinson so he could have her. He thought that Mrs. Bennett would divorce her husband and start a relationship with him if Robinson Bennett became permanently disabled. We all know by now that…people like Robinson Bennett can‘t be killed. God will take them from this earth when He wants to.”


“Yes, that‘s right, and I was told that Constantine was one of those people.”


“That‘s right, he is, and no one told us. We found out the hard way. I know you love Constantine, but until things get better, until he starts getting treatment or an operation is performed on him to try to reverse the damage to his brain, you have to stay away from him.”