From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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happened afterwards. Obviously I have no idea when they called the police, when they talked to the police, what they said…”


“They probably said that you were a psycho and you attacked them or something.” “They‘re not like me, Dustin. They‘d never lie, not even to save their asses. I never


touched them, but I do believe that they told the police that I was a psycho, like you said, and that I was dangerous. Of course, all the police really need is their word. When Emadorians say something, humans believe them because somehow, humans know that they‘re telling the truth and those of us who lie, they believe us, too, but I had no chance to defend myself.”


“Carlos has always been onto you.”

“Yes, man, and that‘s why I‘m calling. I want to get back at Carlos.”

“You only want to take revenge against Carlos.” Dustin couldn‘t believe this.


“Yes. Do you know why? Because the only thing I resent Robinson Bennett for is having the woman I want. Robinson‘s never done anything to me. We just met, and before last night, he didn‘t know that I existed, until his wife told him about me and the conversation we had, if you could call it that.”


“Ok, so let me get this straight. All you want is to get Robinson out of the way, somehow.”


“Yes, and making him disabled is not going to work because Kay is going to stand by him and even forget that she‘s a woman when he can‘t comply with his duties as a husband. You see, that‘s one of many things I love about Kay. She‘s a woman of her word, and when she says in good times and in bad, she means it. What I need to do to tear them apart is to make her stop loving him.”


“How are you going to do that?”


“I need to have her for myself for a while, you know, to see if she can fall in love with me, stop loving him, and leave him. That‘s where I‘m going to need your help. I want you guys to kidnap her for me and bring her to me. Perhaps I can get her to forget about him.”


“Ok, that‘s a crime, but you know we‘d do anything for you. Besides, it‘s not going to be the first crime we‘ve ever committed, without getting caught.”


“You just said the key words, Dustin, without getting caught. If I can‘t get her to love me, at least I will cause her a big enough trauma to never be able to live a normal life again, with her husband or any other man.”


“What do you want to do to Carlos?”


Constantine just smiled and then after a few minutes of silence, he told her what he wanted to do to Carlos, laid down every detail. That made the conversation even longer, but Dustin listened to every last word, as always.


Constantine wasn‘t in a hurry to possess what didn‘t belong to him. He abhorred Carlos so much that he wanted to take care of him first, get back at him for all that Carlos put him through, all the plans that Carlos had ruined, all the dreams that he‘d destroyed. That night, at midnight, Carlos was sleeping soundly in his bed. He was alone. He hadn‘t had a girlfriend in two years, and he felt that if the true love of his life hadn‘t appeared before him yet, he really didn‘t need a woman. It was either the love of his life, or no one. He was tired of playing the game of love, although he‘d only had three women in his whole life, women with which he had long casual relationships. Carlos thought that he could continue to live alone, with no roommate to have his back. Boy was he wrong. Constantine‘s best friends: Dustin, Leo, Opal, Roland and Chance entered Carlos‘ bedroom through his window. Carlos was so deeply asleep that he