From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Kay was on her way to Carlos‘ parents‘ house. She wanted to know how Carlos and his family were doing. A car blocked her when she was just two miles away from the house. She became scared and she stopped. She was astonished to see Constantine getting out of his car. She‘d never seen his car before. Had she known this was Constantine, she would‘ve done everything in her power to keep this encounter from happening. She‘d had enough. First thing tomorrow morning, she would get a restraining order against him. He was terrorizing her. She told him she didn‘t want anything to do with him and he clearly didn‘t get the message. He walked to her door and she put the window down. She knew he wouldn‘t leave her alone until she talked to him. “What do you want?”


He placed both arms on the lining of the window and said, “Why do you treat me like



She hated it when she realized that they were answering each other‘s questions with even more questions. “How do you expect me to treat you after what you did to Carlos Roman, huh?”

“No one has any proof against me.”


“So you admit it.”


“Not necessarily. I‘m just saying no one can accuse me of such a horrendous crime because no one has any proof against me. Besides, you don‘t know a damn thing about me. You have no idea what Carlos has put me through.”


“I repeat, so you admit it.”

“You know the only time I hate you? It‘s when you do this to me. I reiterate, I am not

admitting to anything. Yes, Carlos and I are enemies, and yes, that‘s my choice because he

doesn‘t give a damn about me, and he doesn‘t acknowledge my existence unless I do something

to remind him that I do exist, and he doesn‘t feel anything for me, but I‘m not here to talk about



“That was so before you had him kidnapped and set on fire. Now, Carlos corresponds to your hate. You‘re even, and Carlos is not going to rest until he destroys you and the idiots that executed your evil plot against him. He‘s put his life on hold and he‘s going to aid the police in their investigation of his own attempted murder. You better watch out. Carlos was never your enemy although you declared him your enemy, but you don‘t want Carlos Roman as your enemy.”


“I know I don‘t, but I…” He was about to incriminate himself. “Never mind…” “What?”


“I came to talk about us.”


“There is no ‗us‘. There will never be. How many times do I have to tell you that? I was contemplating the possibility of us being friends, but after what you did to Carlos, there is no way. I hate you and I want you to stay away from me.”


“Look, Kay…”


“Look, Constantine. At first I felt nothing but you, but now I hate you, just like Carlos.” He interrupted her. “Sounds like you and Carlos have a lot in common, same feelings

about the same people. Do you have any feelings for Carlos?”


“You know, when I said I would never cheat on my husband, I didn‘t mean just with you, I meant I would cheat on him with no one…absolutely no one. Carlos is my friend. We‘ve known one another for over ten years, and he says I‘m the sister he‘s never had. Now it‘s not that this is any of your business, but I have to make it clear for you. Robinson Bennett is the man I love, the only man I want to be with.”